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Indian media reveal details of British submarine operations

Why are they doing secret war games?I mean,what may be the purpose of secracy?Is there something cooking inside?
I don't think there's any specific reason. British are in no position to conduct a separate war at the moment apart from WOT. Next year they're pulling out but what combat operations other than WOT do they want to engage?
I think why these games are held , the reason is they want might want to show the indians there new more powerful sonar system and they might be interested in selling tht system to India.and thts y thy just came to with one submarine just to show them tht who it will work in the indians oceans.
India got money and they got fancy gadget to sell so y not give indians a demonstration and they might buy tht system.
I think why these games are held , the reason is they want might want to show the indians there new more powerful sonar system and they might be interested in selling tht system to India.and thts y thy just came to with one submarine just to show them tht who it will work in the indians oceans.
India got money and they got fancy gadget to sell so y not give indians a demonstration and they might buy tht system.
They will come all teh way to sell a sonar??...

I guess we have 12 subs lined up and all of them have got their own sonars.

Sending a nuclear sub in the region for secret war games is not a welcome move from the British.

You want to conduct war games, let everybody in the region know about it. International war games aren't supposed to be super secretive, but rather publicity events as far as the basics are concerned.

Both the GoI and the GoUK should have made it public that they were doing some sort of war games or coordinated exercise.

Not always... sometimes yes like the ones being held with South Korea right now. The less publicized ones are the ones were actually something is learnt.

The Brits are the masters at Anti Submarine Warfare better than anyone else and from what I have read the Indian navy's weakest link is their Submarine arm while ironically the strongest part of the Pakistani Navy are their submarines. So I guess India can learn a lot.
They will come all teh way to sell a sonar??...

why not? sonar is one of the most important aspect of a sub and will net them millions of $ in revenue if we decide to upgrade our subs with their sonar.

I guess we have 12 subs lined up and all of them have got their own sonars.

dont forget the subs we plan to induct, like the Scorpenes. also sonar is not just for subs. even surface ships use them to hunt submarines, though i don't know if this particular model can be used on surface ships.
the person who started this post is not well informed....

the ToI he refers to had reported of this exercise weeks before it was to start (let alone during the exercise) . They didn't mention the gains on the british side , the aims of the IN was very clearly stated - To allow the IN personnel gain hands on experience on the operation of a nuclear sub , before the induction of the Akula (I hope U people have heard about it :cheers:)
why not? sonar is one of the most important aspect of a sub and will net them millions of $ in revenue if we decide to upgrade our subs with their sonar.

Currently the Sonar 2076 which is in use in HMS talent is a submarine sonar and all 12 subs follow on will have their own sonars, also Thales has S-cube sonar suits for scorpene which can be used and this can be used in Scorpenes suits as Thales is the contractor, But I dont see an oppertunity here for that Sonar.

Experts can bring in some lights here.

dont forget the subs we plan to induct, like the Scorpenes. also sonar is not just for subs. even surface ships use them to hunt submarines, though i don't know if this particular model can be used on surface ships.

Sonar 2087 is a version of teh same sonar that can be used in Surface ships.

Let me check out more if I can get some as this is a valid topic to be discussed.:)
Whats the big deal!!! We have done such exercises with US, French and Russian nuclear submarines.
Currently the Sonar 2076 which is in use in HMS talent is a submarine sonar and all 12 subs follow on will have their own sonars, also Thales has S-cube sonar suits for scorpene which can be used and this can be used in Scorpenes suits as Thales is the contractor, But I dont see an oppertunity here for that Sonar.

Have no doubt -
2076 is the best Sub-SONAR suite right now & if offered for our next line subs . It would be an cutting edge tech .
Infact the newer Block5 upgrade of 2076 is a gen ahead of Scorpene CUBE Sonar .

Biggest benefit to us will be open architecture and fast but economical COTS processors ,
BAE system claims processing power of more than 400 Laptops for version 4
Latest model have converted this Sonar suite from tactical system to complete Combat management system

Seeing the vision of Indian Navy , I feel IN can always enhance these further .
Infact open architecture will ensure easy addition of more algorithms for SAR imaging .
If I am not wrong then Perhaps these UK subs have -
Largest numbers of hydrophones (i.e Array size) , Very large arc of Passive/Active coverage and perhaps best Array to noise sensitivity for better clutter rejection .

Hmm not a bad idea to use these arrays to make sure not even the quietest subs in Indian Ocean remain hidden (MESMA/AIP you know .... ).

Sonar 2087 is a version of teh same sonar that can be used in Surface ships.

No different from 2076 - actually no of Towed arrays are vastly different , Freq , Arc, Sensitivity is all variable .

But Imo -
We don't really need a surface Sonar system .

Our very own indigenous HUMSA is an class apart Sonar itself -
Its ultra low-frequency towed-array (ATAS) has very high processing capability & excellent sensitivity for noise rejection against anti-submarine warfare (ASW).

Combine HUMSA on ships with Ka-series/MRH shipborne naval helicopter equipped with active long-range (hull-mounted, towed-array and dipping) sonars , all provide the necessary standoff safety & required mobility .

Only problem with HUMSA is short range and Ping , which can allow Agousta with Sprint tactic to run away from detection of hull mounted HMS-1,hMS-2 HUMSA sonar . That is where combined network warfare of P8,Shivalik,Arihant,Scorpene,Ka-31 will come in handy .
To add what i wrote above about HUMSA

For Littoral fleet shallow operations -

May be ToI published this news with GOI consent (secretly)

May be Both India and UK wanted this news to be leaked, to send a message to the party for which it was intended

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