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Indian Media on Speech of Chuck Hagel

welcome to real politics, nobody is saint here. India will continue to destabilize pakistan and vice versa, until both side agree to talk meaningfully.
The alternative is just to talk when rest of the world does not give a fu*k... or start war (both are stupid choice)

Whatever India is going to loose in A'stan, this will hurt only Indian interests. We will make sure China get all contracts of extracting minerals. :cheers:
So what if Hagel makes statements about India which are unfavorable to India? India went thru Kissinger and Nixon and what could be worse for it. These are different times we live in. The USA needs India in the sub continent since Pakistan has shown the Yanks that it cant be trusted on various occassions. This begs the question about India's role in destabilising Pakistan. Offcourse India will add a bit of masala on the stick whenever there are internal problems in Pakistan and vice versa. For India not to do so will be stupid. Pakistan after all isn't India's best buddy or well behaved little brother. I think that Hagel just pointed out the obvious. Now that the Indian media and the Pakistanis are getting epileptic about the obvious is the only surprising thing
Whatever India is going to loose in A'stan, this will hurt only Indian interests. We will make sure China get all contracts of extracting minerals. :cheers:

I am sure you know, nothing is permanent in this world. :)
You cant make sure anything, the best you can do is to try, so would we.. :)
Whatever India is going to loose in A'stan, this will hurt only Indian interests. We will make sure China get all contracts of extracting minerals. :cheers:

Guess that would mean that we have to make Pakistan's position even more uncomfortable then. No free lunches.....guaranteed!
Guess that would mean that we have to make Pakistan's position even more uncomfortable then. No free lunches.....guaranteed!

Can't wait to see India's whining and shameful exit from A'stan. :smokin:

Sir, strategically it would have been better if india had kept its distance---taken a higher ground and moved ahead away from back stabbing---but india being india----it still does these menial things out of habbit---.

As big and strong as india is---mentally it is still acts like a nascent/pubescent nation---. The u s will get out of afg one day---pushtuns will come back to power---pakistan will be favourite again---so all this game---the end result would be a failure---.

In order for india to really progress---it needs to break its shackles from its past---and just move ahead---just leave the bitterness behind.

nascent,pubescent nation??
is that why the world considers india as a peace loving country??
@MastanKhan Its important to suppress the idea of any US senator who has made such comments about India. If we allow this once, he will make such comments in future too. Other senators might start doing so.

Its about kill the devil before it becomes a giant Hydra.

Now, he will think not twice but thrice before making sch comment especially as a Defense Secretary of US, which is trying to make India a strategic partner.

Personally I don't see why it is given so much importance. But I do want India to raise objection as official reaction. Over sensitizing it by Indian Media is bad. That I agree.

I believe in calculated response, not emotional, over the board response.
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well pakistanies love to called the becharra bachha lolzzz

Funny isnt it well to start with yes India does not have any athourity over Afghanistan and pakistan China relations as its not physically connected but but but why do you think that India will let that (Pakistan play games with it..Kashmir , Khalistan and internal terrorism by ISI sponsered terrorism on Indias soil) so it had to retaliate

whats wrong if India cosieng p with Afghanistan and Iran = Pakistani Jalan to be preciese they try to find conspiracies in every thing rather to correct its own faultlnes India very well knows when ever Pakistani establishment is cornered deu to there own incompitence and greedy and idiotik actions they try to rake hate india sentiment as they have done for the past 65 years

they istead of promoting land reforms and giving education to there masses kept the lanaat of feudalism alive and now its beyond control with feudals having there hands in every pie of pakistani society = beurocracy , ARMY , Police and judiciarry tell me how will you bring change till these greedy blood sucking feudals are there

Pakistani instead of promoting peace and prosperity after Independence from british carried forward the british legacy and did the 1948 , 1965 ,1971 & 1999 idioticy and burried all the hopes for a stable and growth oriented south asia from the start and in process lost everything dear to pakistan and its social, relegous & economical structure is in shambells with no hope of getting better any time soon

Pakistanies instead of following a non aliegned path and building itss economy on trade and manufacturing relied on foriegn AID and Agro alone which in timer krept deep into there national charechter so much that they count see beyond there nose and its perfect example was that to have peace and good relations with USSR and India and Using a stable Afghanistan as a growth engine for its economy went into USA , UK and Saudi trap who now after cashing hard on pakistans mistakes are the ones who are prosecuting and iltreating pakistan most

so the moral of the strory for pakistan is ..Na to Karwaan Hi Mill N Wasal E Sanam Na Idhar(South asia ) Ke Rahe Na Udhar(WEST, US & Middle East) Ke HUM (Pakistan) :rofl:
Wait away.

The demise is already well in progress.

The future uncertainties have already begun to derail India’s commitments to Afghanistan. No new projects have been started for the last two years. Reports suggest that India is planning to scale down the allocation of both human and monetary resources to Afghanistan post 2014. Work on a number of existing projects has stalled due to the prevailing insecurity in Afghanistan. For instance, work on the Salma Dam project in the Herat Province, which was to be inaugurated two years ago, has been delayed on account of the prevailing insecurity in the area and constant attacks on the construction site by insurgent forces.

Its better that he is elected.

His views doesn't correlate with the US policy or the state department's policy.

Hence the onus is upon him to make amendments for the comments he made years back which is good for India.
Take a good look around Pakistan. Worrying about the demise of others is unnecessary.

Acute comprehension to say the least.....the subject is India's presence in Afghanistan.!!

Decades have passed dreaming about the demise.

The baton is now transferred to the next batch of loonieS.

Then there are morons who can't even differentiate between a puddle and a pond. !!
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