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Indian Lt. Colonel among 11 soldiers dead in Fidayeen attack in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Rest in Peace to the Indian soldiers defending our nation.

This was coming. There were regular attempts.

i. Most infiltration attempts have been foiled at the LOC itself.

ii. The Hurriyat is demoralized after the poll debacle when for the first time 80% of the people did not care what they said.

iii. The separatists of all hues accepted the changed situation. Some have even joined the electorial process, few even the BJP.

iv. Now the loss of 'strategic assets' like these was too much. So started border skirmishes and breaking ceasefire, slipping in yahoos. etc

v. After all regular mujaheedin attacks failed, the final and most desperate move - the suicide bombing fedayeen was employed as a last resort to disturb the peace and sow the seeds of fear in the minds of young Kashmiris who want a better life for their future.

In happened like this -
In 1947 Pakistan lost Kashmir (the Maharajah would have joined Pakistan for some conditions that India refused to provide).
In 1965 Pakistan lost the moral ground that they want to take it peacefully.
In 1999 Pakistan lost the right to Kashmir.
In 2014 Pakistan lost everything in Kashmir.

Pakistan appears more and more to be an aberration in the annals of history that Time fixes automatically as it progresses. Even amidst sectarian killings, full fledged official civil war, political turbulence for decades, the establishment tries to focus all attention to the eternal bogey of Hindu India to unite the State as a last ditch attempt. If things were that easy, India and Nepal would have been one country and all Arab states another. States created on the premise of fear(of Hindus/Hindu domination) will most likely collapse(or is collapsing for years now) due to the fear it cultivates.

That said, as I stated before, this is a part of a pattern. Also 16th December is coming, hence the insecurities of an obsessed state is bound to manifest in acts like these. After December, they will most like calm down for a few months. Such is the irrationality of the entire 'masla'.

There is absolutely no way the maharaja would've joined Pakistan....this is all BS taught to Indians. If it was left to Maharaja, Pakistan would've been deprived of the strategic GB and AJK region. Pakistan go what it wanted. Simple.
Pakistanis want us to believe that this is a propaganda against them when we see.

Army Chief terming Kashmir as its jugular vien

Hafiz Saeed, a UN declared terrorist roams freely in Pakistan who keeps harping Kashmir Banega Pakistan

Religious yahoo's in Pakistan and on this forum talk about how proud Mujahideen they will become one day.

There is absolutely no way the maharaja would've joined Pakistan....this is all BS taught to Indians. If it was left to Maharaja, Pakistan would've been deprived of the strategic GB and AJK region. Pakistan go what it wanted. Simple.
But you want to eat the cake and have it too - Indian Kashmir!

But that, needless to say, will never ever happen. No one in this whole wide world cares two hoots for your position on Kashmir! Most were sleeping even as your PM was addressing the UN on Kashmir. :rofl: Like this......
Those who are responsible for this attack must bot be spared. The strategy of defensive offense must go ahead. I have faith in Doval, let's see what he does to avenge this.
Pakistanis want us to believe that this is a propaganda against them when we see.

Army Chief terming Kashmir as its jugular vien

Hafiz Saeed, a UN declared terrorist roams freely in Pakistan who keeps harping Kashmir Banega Pakistan

Religious yahoo's in Pakistan and on this forum talk about how proud Mujahideen they will become one day.

And how come you forgot that great self styled intellectual called Billy Bhutto? He ranted that if he becomes Pakistan's PM he will take every inch of Kashmir!! Jeez! Brain cells seem to be in short supply!
They are Pakistanis you fool. India doesn't occupy Kashmir so how can Kashmiris fight against an Indian occupation that doesn't exist? :sarcastic:

post reported for personal attack/abuse
So all the past "huge terror strikes" that have already occurred in Pakistan (especially the complex terrorist assaults on military, ISI bases and GHQ) don't 'give credence to Pakistani claims about Indian support for the TTP and BLA etc", but a "huge terror strike" in the coming days will ... yeah, sure.
Dude, the amount of shit hitting the fan in Pakistan is way beyond what RAW is capable of. So without a collaborating motive, all accusations are pretty much conjecture. Now if there was ever a motive for India to sponsor a hit within Pakistan, its now. And if the hit materializes, it does solidify the motive angle.
Amazing, the incident is still going on and all of Indians here have run the DNA tests to prove that they were actually Pakistanis supported by Pakistani military. What it reminds me, .... Samjhuta Express, Malegaon, Mumbai, Sikh Massecare in Jammu, ... list goes on
Those who are responsible for this attack must bot be spared. The strategy of defensive offense must go ahead. I have faith in Doval, let's see what he does to avenge this.
Interesting ... are you advocating for covert (terrorist attacks supported by India, which Pakistan alleges that India is already engaging in by supporting the TTP and Baloch terrorist groups) or overt military clashes across the LoC/WB?
Wasn't Doval in charge of preventing this very thing?
I think he did visit Afghanistan recently, perhaps to inquire about increasing Indian support for the TTP and BLA/BRA terrorists sheltering there ... perhaps Ghani was not as receptive as Karzai?

US attacks against the TTP (in Afghanistan) have increased of late, and even the TTP leadership quoted in the Western press has been "complaining" that they are not receiving the kind of support they used to from the ANA/ANP ...

Dude, the amount of shit hitting the fan in Pakistan is way beyond what RAW is capable of. So without a collaborating motive, all accusations are pretty much conjecture. Now if there was ever a motive for India to sponsor a hit within Pakistan, its now. And if the hit materializes, it does solidify the motive angle.
And if the "hit materializes", it could also just be one of the increasingly infrequent successful attempts by the TTP to carry out terrorist attacks, like the one at Wagah ...

The TTP and associated groups have not given up trying to carry out terrorist attacks, and they are far from completely destroyed, and all it takes is one successful attempt to make the headlines. Now, if you really want to claim credit for India/Doval over a terrorist attack, especially one on civilians given the context of your post, go ahead ... I for one continue to reject the Indian allegations that the Pakistani State supported these recent insurgent attacks in any material fashion.
I think he did visit Afghanistan recently, perhaps to inquire about increasing Indian support for the TTP and BLA/BRA terrorists sheltering there ... perhaps Ghani was not as receptive as Karzai?

US attacks against the TTP (in Afghanistan) have increased of late, and even the TTP leadership quoted in the Western press has been "complaining" that they are not receiving the kind of support they used to from the ANA/ANP ...

perhaps , he just went there sight seeing , perhaps Ghani wanted to have tea with him..............the key word "perhaps"

i am getting confused ............isnt USA trying to destablizing Pakistan via TTP and various other insurgencies??? as far Pakistani mates says here on this forum
Wasn't Doval in charge of preventing this very thing?

Doval or anyone for that matter can't prevent every single terrorist attack. Indian security and intelligence agencies have done a stellar job since Mumbai 2008 to prevent major terrorist attacks in the country. In a country like India, which is directly connected to one of the major terrorist hubs in the word it is not an easy job.

Interesting ... are you advocating for covert (terrorist attacks supported by India, which Pakistan alleges that India is already engaging in by supporting the TTP and Baloch terrorist groups) or overt military clashes across the LoC/WB?

That depends on finding out who is responsible for this. You can't let the enemy, whoever that maybe, come and kill you inside your home and then do nothing in return.
That depends on finding out who is responsible for this. You can't let the enemy, whoever that maybe, come and kill you inside your home and then do nothing in return.
In that case aren't you jumping the gun in anticipating "Doval's response", when the attack is barely over and proper investigations into the attackers and the attack need to take place?
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