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Indian IT firms employ over 1 lakh in US: Report

where is the proof I asked of you repeatedly that Indian companies employ 90% of their workers from India in major consultancy firms? showing us a 2008 report does not lend to it.

80% of H1-B visas went to Indian companies. Add B1, B2, L1, L2 and all the other visa categories. The original article states that Indian companies employ 100,000 workers in the US.

Now I will let you look up the number of the above visas issued and compute 80% of it.

Come on, I know you can do it -- math genius that you are!

report says " 13% of petitions filed for H-1B visas on behalf of employers are fraudulent. Another 7% contain some sort of technical violations"

Unless your math is different . to me that reads that 87 % are not fraudulent. How does that fit with your meme of vast corruption in that process?

You are so caught up in math, you lost track of the actual discussion. The discussion is that Indian consultancies employ predominantly Indian workers.

As for the level of fraud, here's some bedtime reading (blog, but it references a document from US Consulate Chennai).

CIO-Asia - BLOG: Inside visa fraud in India

09CHENNAI306: India Biannual Fraud Update

H-1B fraud is one of the top two visa categories for fraud
throughout Mission India. All posts regularly encounter inflated or
fabricated educational and employment qualifications.
The vast
majority of these documents come from Hyderabad. In the 18 months
prior to the start-up of consular operations in Hyderabad, FPU
Chennai investigated 150 companies in Hyderabad, 77 percent of which
turned out to be fraudulent or highly suspect

I showed you the law and if you know how things work in US, you can be damn sure laws are followed.

An Indian displaying such naivete. You are just too precious!

I won't post details on how to commit fraud, but I will give you a hint (it involves the tax paid). Really, it is a ridiculously simple scheme. The employees play along because they are getting a green card in the process, or a foreign posting or whatever their specific reason.
that you are right about. Nothing to do with employment fraud or under paying or 90% ! of hiring of Indians . But wait! they ( our two posters here ) have personally have either dealt with Indian companies or " my Indian friend told me" - as absolute proof of the fraud existing rampantly

Notice for all the hatred they have for Indians, they sure deal with Indians a lot and have them as " friends" :)

Now thats an observation, never noticed any Indian claiming Pakistani friends gave them such extraordinarily daft piece of information.

Maybe deep down they desire being associated with Indians, now who could have guessed that...
80% of H1-B visas went to Indian companies. Add B1, B2, L1, L2 and all the other visa categories. The original article states that Indian companies employ 100,000 workers in the US.

Now I will let you look up the number of the above visas issued and compute 80% of it.

Come on, I know you can do it -- math genius that you are!

You are so caught up in math, you lost track of the actual discussion. The discussion is that Indian consultancies employ predominantly Indian workers.

As for the level of fraud, here's some bedtime reading (blog, but it references a document from US Consulate Chennai).

CIO-Asia - BLOG: Inside visa fraud in India

09CHENNAI306: India Biannual Fraud Update

H-1B fraud is one of the top two visa categories for fraud
throughout Mission India. All posts regularly encounter inflated or
fabricated educational and employment qualifications.
The vast
majority of these documents come from Hyderabad. In the 18 months
prior to the start-up of consular operations in Hyderabad, FPU
Chennai investigated 150 companies in Hyderabad, 77 percent of which
turned out to be fraudulent or highly suspect


Let me get this you made an assertion that Indian consultancy companies hire 90% Indians in the US . You are yet to show us the proof of 90% Indians hired within those companies. You then said most of these companies have a high rate of fraud too in the process. The link shows 87% don't ( that to me is a grand majority) . You can quote me anything in that report , even your highlighted text, but it still says 87% are good.

also do you understand the meaning of " employ 100,000 US workers"? These are not H1 workers , these are obviously US citizens/green card and also it does not mean it's only 100,000 hired ( that's just US citizens/ green card workers). So how do you explain your math of looking up 80% of all visas? …

Face it you came in here to diss the Indians, had it been Pakistani company you would been ecstatic.
An Indian displaying such naivete. You are just too precious!

I won't post details on how to commit fraud, but I will give you a hint (it involves the tax paid). Really, it is a ridiculously simple scheme. The employees play along because they are getting a green card in the process, or a foreign posting or whatever their specific reason.

So you uncovered a trick that 100,000 people use to defraud the IRS, where the morons have no idea of whats going on.

Yea right on genius!!!

Keep up with the absurd theories, while others laugh away.
So you uncovered a trick that 100,000 people use to defraud the IRS, where the morons have no idea of whats going on.

First you refused to accept that there was anything wrong, then you claimed that Indians would not be involved, now you are saying that not everyone does it.

The fact that you are jumping to hyperboles shows you have lost the discussion.

Yea right on genius!!!

Keep up with the absurd theories, while others laugh away.

Running away from facts won't change them.
Are you serious? This is ridiculous.

Now I am convinced you are just pulling stories out of your *** to save yourself the embarrassment of publicly been caught lying.

Satyam was an Indian company that cooked its books in India. Doesn't affect US H1B in anyways.

The point is not the H1B visas, the discussion is Indian companies that have a "stake" in the US. Satyam had its shares in the NYSE. People that had its shares lost out of it. That's not the point though.

The discussion is that many Indian companies are caught in fraud, & they hire gullible Indians on student visas, exploiting them & promising them ways they can get green cards/US citizenships. Amway is another corporation in the US that employs the MLM strategy, it's proven to be a scam, they have a huge presence of Indian citizens (living in the US) at the top positions. Amway has a presence in India as well.

Celebrating 50 Years of Amway India Scam | MLM Blog - Network Marketing Blog

This happens a lot in the US from time to time:

11 Consultants Arrested in H-1B Fraud | Scholarship for USA

The nationality of those arrested has not been released but most of the names sound Indian. The following are the names of persons that were arrested by ICE:

Shiva Neeli, arrested in Boston, Mass.; charged with conspiracy and mail fraud.

Ramakrishna Maguluri, arrested in Atlanta, Ga.; charged with conspiracy and mail fraud.

Villiappan Subbaiah, arrested in Dallas, Texas; charged with conspiracy and mail fraud.

Suresh Pola, arrested in Pennsylvania; charged with conspiracy and mail fraud.

Vishnu Reddy, arrested in Los Angeles, Calif.; charged with conspiracy, mail fraud and wire fraud.

Chockalingam Palaniappan, arrested in San Jose, Calif.; charged with conspiracy, mail fraud and wire fraud.

Vijay Myneni, arrested in San Jose, Calif.; charged with conspiracy and mail fraud.

Venkata Guduru, arrested in New Jersey; charged with conspiracy and mail fraud.

Praveen Andapally, arrested in New Jersey; charged with conspiracy, mail fraud, wire fraud, and making false statements in an immigration matter.

Amit Justa, arrested in New Jersey; charged with conspiracy and mail fraud.

Karambir Yadav, arrested in Louisville, Ky.; charged with conspiracy and mail fraud.
A little slap

Indian IT industry paid $15 bn in taxes to US govt in 5 years: NASSCOM

WASHINGTON: In the backdrop of outcry in US against outsourcing, Indian IT industry association NASSCOM today said the sector has paid over USD 15 billion in taxes to US Treasury over a period of five years and created over 2.8 lakh employment opportunities."Indian technology firms are deeply committed to the US marketplace. Both they and their employees are important contributors in their local communities as well as the country as a whole," NASSCOM President Som Mittal said in a statement.

The report 'India's Tech Industry in the US' said that Indian technology industry has paid more than USD 15 billion in taxes to the US Treasury in the last five years thereby aiding economic recovery in the US.

Also, Indian technology companies have invested more than USD 5 billion through 128 acquisitions saving and sustaining thousands of jobs in the USA, report added.It also said that the direct workforce employed in the US by the Indian IT sector has almost doubled in the last five years to 107,000 and estimates that industry supports more than 280,000 jobs in the US, growing even in a weak economic environment."Leading Indian companies have increased their campus recruitment efforts in the recent years and plan to increase the number of offers made by up to four times in the next two years," a NASSCOM statement said.

Most of these indirect jobs span across various sectors and at every level in the US economy, it added.

"It is estimated that industry has invested thousands of hours in community service that have touched half-a-million American lives," the report said.

Indian IT industry paid $15 bn in taxes to US govt in 5 years: NASSCOM - The Economic Times
Let me get this you made an assertion that Indian consultancy companies hire 90% Indians in the US . You are yet to show us the proof of 90% Indians hired within those companies.

have posted the numbers. Go back and read the posts and add up the numbers. 80% of the H1-B visas are given to a handful of Indian companies. The total employed by ALL Indian companies is 100,000.

Now go and add up the numbers and, if you are too lazy to do it, we understand. Your specialty is to rant and rave and shout "hatred" at anyone who disagrees, rather than actually addressing the issue.

Maybe you can peek into one of these China threads, from whence you came here to take a respite from the thrashing. Maybe they have calmed down for you to continue your "hatred" rants.

You then said most of these companies have a high rate of fraud too in the process. The link shows 87% don't ( that to me is a grand majority) . You can quote me anything in that report , even your highlighted text, but it still says 87% are good.

The claim was that Indian consultancies are notorious for false qualifications. The US consulates validate that claim. All they are saying is that 13% were found. The US consulates in India charge a special "anti-Fraud" fee. That says it all.

also do you understand the meaning of " employ 100,000 US workers"? These are not H1 workers , these are obviously US citizens/green card and also it does not mean it's only 100,000 hired ( that's just US citizens/ green card workers). So how do you explain your math of looking up 80% of all visas? …

The claim is that they employ 100,000 people in the US. It says nothing about their visa status. The H-1B,B1,etc. numbers tell the real story, which the original statement conveniently sidestepped.

Face it you came in here to diss the Indians, had it been Pakistani company you would been ecstatic.

Uh no. I highlighted the fine print in the original statement. Just because you don't want to accept it will not change anything.

SS payments are deducted as well. As most IT workers on H1b are highly skilled they pay comparatively higher taxes than average US citizen.

In fact it is a loss to the Indian taxpayers, as they are not eligible to SS benefits unless they choose to Immigrate.

Since majority of workers do not immigrate, we are in fact funding US citizens benefits. This should be taken up by the GOI and SS should only be deducted if one chooses to immigrate.

Again a generally believed misconception.

The H1B filers have to certify that the wages being paid are at least equal to if not greater than the standard rate for that job. This is very strictly followed and pretty tough to hire an underpaid worker.
H-1B Certification

Average salary of an H1b was ~70,000 for 2011 IIRC. Thats more than 150% the Average US Income. Among that the majority of IT guys from India make over 100,000. If that is underpaid, I would love to be one :lol:

I don't know what IT consultancies are there that can break explicit laws regrading minimum wages and still operate.

Rest all about Fake resumes and expereinces, I guess you got it from the same "Indian" friend who told you he gets his SS refunded :lol:
U.S. Tax Solutions for resident alien and nonresident alien foreign nationals

Maybe the only fake in all this is your story.

Duh, pulling up an article about B-1 visas to prove H-1B are misused.:rolleyes:

Sometimes it does help to read the article you are posting not just the Title.

I showed you the law and if you know how things work in US, you can be damn sure laws are followed. If a consultancy is beating the system without breaking the law in word or spirit, it is perfectly fine.

I work here, I talk to enough people and half of them spit out everything when drunk. So you can be pretty sure your suggestion of chit chat is absurd.

Are you serious? This is ridiculous.

Now I am convinced you are just pulling stories out of your *** to save yourself the embarrassment of publicly been caught lying.

Satyam was an Indian company that cooked its books in India. Doesn't affect US H1B in anyways.

Regardless what SEC chrged them with, it wasn't employment fraud, just another foolish attempt to prove oneself right by deceiving.

Now thats an observation, never noticed any Indian claiming Pakistani friends gave them such extraordinarily daft piece of information.

Maybe deep down they desire being associated with Indians, now who could have guessed that...

So you uncovered a trick that 100,000 people use to defraud the IRS, where the morons have no idea of whats going on.

Yea right on genius!!!

Keep up with the absurd theories, while others laugh away.

First you refused to accept that there was anything wrong, then you claimed that Indians would be involved, now you are saying that not everyone does it.

The fact that you are jumping to hyperboles shows you have lost the discussion.

Running away from facts won't change them.

Up there are all the posts that I made on this thread.
Please point out my "refusal to accept" and "claimed that Indians would be involved,".

As is the norm with likes of you xenophobic India haters, you have no facts to prove your claims, in this case of Tax manipulation or Indians being underpaid.

All you can pull out are "personal experiences" and "hearsay"; unfortunately, your experiences are worth dog **** around here.

It is easy being a pretentious wise guy behind the obscurity of the internet, but a pseudo is still predictable.
Few people find it difficult to digest the success of Indian IT and film industry. No worries.

For every IT job... three new jobs get created in other sectors. Great job by India :tup:
Indian IT industry paid $15 bn in taxes to US govt in 5 years: NASSCOM

Tell you what.

Take the next $100 billion contract in India. Instead of giving it to Indians, give it to me. I will bring in 10,000 foreigners (Bangladeshis!!!!) and employ them in India. We will do community service. We will pay $15 billion taxes. Heck, I will throw in an extra couple billion, just for fun. Make it $17 billion tax.

have posted the numbers. Go back and read the posts and add up the numbers. 80% of the H1-B visas are given to a handful of Indian companies. The total employed by ALL Indian companies is 100,000.

Now go and add up the numbers and, if you are too lazy to do it, we understand. Your specialty is to rant and rave and shout "hatred" at anyone who disagrees, rather than actually addressing the issue.

Maybe you can peek into one of these China threads, from whence you came here to take a respite from the thrashing. Maybe they have calmed down for you to continue your "hatred" rants.

The claim was that Indian consultancies are notorious for false qualifications. The US consulates validate that claim. All they are saying is that 13% were found. The US consulates in India charge a special "anti-Fraud" fee. That says it all.

The claim is that they employ 100,000 people in the US. It says nothing about their visa status. The H-1B,B1,etc. numbers tell the real story, which the original statement conveniently sidestepped.

Uh no. I highlighted the fine print in the original statement. Just because you don't want to accept it will not change anything.

Do you not get 100,000 are US workers- that is not H1B or visa workers! The claim is not they hire 100,000 people in the US, it is ( read it lol) 100,000 US workers

" " employ 100,000 US workers"

because they charge fee that does not take the math away! just because you have a preventive clause does not make the crime happen in high numbers as you wished it did.

There is so much of fraud that they increased the number of visas allowed for Indians
:P . I'm enjoying this. tell us what have you guys done for Australia or for the US? watch us congratulate you folks, not get all zealous and frantic over it
Please point out my "refusal to accept" and "claimed that Indians would be involved,".

You wrote "I showed you the law and if you know how things work in US, you can be damn sure laws are followed. If a consultancy is beating the system without breaking the law in word or spirit, it is perfectly fine."

And I am asserting that Indian consultancies are beating the system in spirit, if not the letter. The whole point of "beating the system" is to work within the law -- otherwise you are outside the system and are breaking the law.

Again, I will not post details on how to commit fraud. Most readers from South Asia will know that there are plenty of ways to beat the system -- even in the US. If you want to continue playing naive and innocent, that's fine.
You wrote "I showed you the law and if you know how things work in US, you can be damn sure laws are followed. If a consultancy is beating the system without breaking the law in word or spirit, it is perfectly fine."

And I am asserting that Indian consultancies are beating the system in spirit, if not the letter. The whole point of "beating the system" is to work within the law -- otherwise you are outside the system and are breaking the law.

Again, I will not post details on how to commit fraud. Most readers from South Asia will know that there are plenty of ways to beat the system -- even in the US. If you want to continue playing naive and innocent, that's fine.

You can keep repeating your nonsense, if you want to stick to your beliefs in the face of evidence, it's your choice.

It will be quite obvious to a 'readers' from anywhere where the evidence points to. Your hearsay versus law and statistics from US govt.

So yes, most readers can decipher your intent of posting to suit your agenda than facts.

Tell you what.

Take the next $100 billion contract in India. Instead of giving it to Indians, give it to me. I will bring in 10,000 foreigners (Bangladeshis!!!!) and employ them in India. We will do community service. We will pay $15 billion taxes. Heck, I will throw in an extra couple billion, just for fun. Make it $17 billion tax.


No Deal!!!

Unless Indians are lacking in skills that Bangladeshis can bring to the table.

What sort of community service can you and your bangladeshis do that Indians are lacking in skills. And no, pole vaulting and special vests won't qualify. :lol:

Indians are filling a highly skilled market demand that US cannot satisfy on its own. If Pakistan or Bangladesh were capable of it,they too would be represented in significant numbers of foreign workers as well. Along with that, they are paying taxes equivalent to what Pakistan collects as a whole.
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