in case if any indian want to argue just because you believe india's IT industry is great, then please ask me a few questions regarding your daily lives:
1. how many of you living in india pay your bills online?
2. how many of you living in india do online shopping on a weekly basis? how much you spend every month?
3. how many indian kids (i.e. your kids/bros) play native online PC games designed and implemented in india?
4. how many india made software (downloader, music/video player, p2p software kind of stuff) are installed in your personal computer that you use at home?
or in case you refuse to face the above questions, fine, let's try this simple one:
is there any indian search company has this particular thread indexed on their server and can be easily searched with the following randomly chosen key words "INDIA IT COMPANIES CAN NOT BUILD SEARCH ENGINE IN THE NEXT 5 DECADES"?
if you want to troll, show me the search result, either via a link or screenshot.