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Indian, Iranian unease over Pak-Afghan warming relations

Contrary to what most Pakistani's think in Pakistan, most Afghans dont like us, i dubt they would've been as hospitable as us if our country was war wracked.

But its a good thing that we our trying to mend our relationships and bridging differences for the countries have a lot more common than India and Afghanistan do.
Yeah, he is a very good General, though i do disagree with some of the things he did, but that's a whole different topic!

BTW, i heard he was born in Delhi, is that true?

Yes, he lived his early life in India.

Pervez Musharraf was born on August 11, 1943 in Nehar Wali Haveli meaning "House Next to the Canal", situated in Kacha Saad Ullah Mohallah, Daryaganj in Delhi, India

After independence of Pakistan, Musharraf's family migrated to Pakistan where his father, Syed Musharraf Uddin — a graduate of Aligarh University — joined the Pakistan Foreign Office as an Accountant, and ultimately retired as a Director.
A lot of bickering and selfishness in this thread . . . the #1 thing for BOTH India and Pakistan should be stability in Af for the sake of the Af people. Political favors and petty partnerships are completely ancillary to the true plight. It's the citizens, not the war lords, puppet governments and potentially plundered wealth that is really important.

My cousin married an Afghan, and over time I've become quite familiar with them and talk often. As a South Asian I can easily say that the cultural roots solidly bind Af to Pakistan *and* India (and elsewhere). For what it is worth, the efforts of India has been lauded freely by the Afghans that I know who keep close tabs on what's going on there.

That's more important to me, than who, out of Pak/India or India/Pak comes out on top when it comes to getting favors from Af.
Seriously, it is not like the Afghan have inherent hate towards Pakistan. Infact Afghans have alot of respect and attachment to the people of Pakistan. Pakistan's narrow minded policies have caused a great damage to the entire region which god knows how long will it to it to be repaird. Quite frankly Afghanistan is sick of Pakistan, and not only that, many politicised Afghans on the street deems it as a great saton. The thing is Pakistan's internal mishap and sickness determine and reflects its foeign policy. Afghanistan and Pakistan share a common destiny. What could be a better strategic alliance and "depth" than a common faith and the rest? Similarly Pakistan and India cannot carry it on like this for eternal. Both countries need to grow up for the sake of a brighter future and the plight of millions. It is getting pathetic. What for, for whose sake?
Seriously, it is not like the Afghan have inherent hate towards Pakistan. Infact Afghans have alot of respect and attachment to the people of Pakistan. Pakistan's narrow minded policies have caused a great damage to the entire region which god knows how long will it to it to be repaird. Quite frankly Afghanistan is sick of Pakistan, and not only that, many politicised Afghans on the street deems it as a great saton. The thing is Pakistan's internal mishap and sickness determine and reflects its foeign policy. Afghanistan and Pakistan share a common destiny. What could be a better strategic alliance and "depth" than a common faith and the rest? Similarly Pakistan and India cannot carry it on like this for eternal. Both countries need to grow up for the sake of a brighter future and the plight of millions. It is getting pathetic. What for, for whose sake?

Thank you and despite all the tripe you read here, it is in our nation's interests to have the best of relations with Afghanistan and its people. The Pashtun dominated Taliban marketing campaign didn't work out too well for us. We have done an about face, you can see our military sacrificing lives daily and nightly. Your sentiments are correct, let's forget the past. But also do not forget how much Pakistan helped Afghani people during the Soviet war. My family themselves houses MANY over the course of the war. All across Pakistan funds were collected to arm their resistance and even we sent volunteers. Never should that be forgotten, if it wasn't for the imperial expansion and invasion of Soviet Union, there would not be a need for Pakistan to fill the vacuum with the Taliban in a war tattered Afghanistan. It's not entirely Pakistan's fault. It was a small rotten core of men anyways responsible for a lot of our misconceptions with each other and problems. Then India got involved and it blew up to a point where certain policies became institutionalized without second thought.
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True Pakistan,

I concur. You are right, you certainly don't need to remind us of that, Afghans are honorable and straight people, respect is our hallmark and sacrifice is our loyalty. We have our bad and negative side too, while your politcs is prefidious and not manly. You know what I mean when I say not "manly" in our terms. We got played by badly by Pakistan, many Afghans calculate that the help Pakistan extended was for ulterior motives, may be that can make sense to them in politics. But I know and am aware of the love, compassion and brotherly feelings of the general Pakistani. Afsoos, afsoos..! We have a saying that: do good and then you throw it in to the river. That is how your colonial semen, the feudal politicians have betrayed us all (Pakistanis and alike AFghans). They stabbed the same Mujahideen they housed and helped in the back and toke the most advantage of Afghanistan when we were in pieces from fighting a super power with the blood of our millions. Never did we bother you in your wars with India, despite our bilateral hostility. I have heard my mum talking of her relatives helping you in your war in Kashmir along with the people of FATA who your politicians have been cashing crispy green dollars for the price of their blood. Afghans should never forget Pakistani peoples' help, and should return the favour tenfold. Your government have the blood of many Afghan on their hand, unless Pakistani people are also liberated from them they will harldy forget and forgive. I wish the best of the best for our people.

Remember, they will leave Taliban dry in cold too. Afghans generally say, Pakistani (the government) has no friendship and is beghairat.
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Pakistan and Afghanistan are brother nationed. Both once shared the threat of Soviet invasion. While Pakistan rescused Afghanistan from Soviet iron claw, the Afghan sacrifices kept Pakistani mainlaind safe from Soviet incursion. We should both work hand in hand and cozy our releation with China, Turkey and USA. Afghanistan needs a lot of regional support and Pakistan is there to guide.
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