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Indian Govt to develop own operating system

Microsoft got DOS from the company they were doing business with and made MS DOS
China got Su 27k from and they made J-11 (much better)
Thousand of Indians are working in upper and middle management of Microsoft HP etc so why not to build your own products.

If Walmark can sell made in China as its cheap and people want less expensive things so do computer Users why should I pay for $300 for Ms office suit when I can get Indian made for $50 (no risk if your product is cheap - Walmart example).

Gin if you are really interested to know about Products developed by Indian companies then you can search google in the mean time check this link and read the client list. Finacle: Core Banking Solutions, e-Banking Solutions

As i told we have build the capabilities successfully , Product is next stage , there are few in market and will me more in future keep watching Indian IT space.
Gin if you are really interested to know about Products developed by Indian companies then you can search google in the mean time check this link and read the client list. Finacle: Core Banking Solutions, e-Banking Solutions

As i told we have build the capabilities successfully , Product is next stage , there are few in market and will me more in future keep watching Indian IT space.

So we can see in future Pc softwares too from Indian not (server side) corporate software's only.
So we can see in future Pc softwares too from Indian not (server side) corporate software's only.

Market dynamics will decide what future Indian software industry holds. If there will be demand we have Resources working in Microsofts and Google building that competency, but will we have Indian OS or not will be decided by market dynamics.
Microsoft got DOS from the company they were doing business with and made MS DOS
China got Su 27k from and they made J-11 (much better)
Thousand of Indians are working in upper and middle management of Microsoft HP etc so why not to build your own products.

If Walmark can sell made in China as its cheap and people want less expensive things so do computer Users why should I pay for $300 for Ms office suit when I can get Indian made for $50 (no risk if your product is cheap - Walmart example).

No dude... even when I was a fresher I use to think like this with a lot of emotion and always wanted to say something like YES INDIAN COMPANY...

later when I moved on the dynamics became different and I was able to understand the complexities of gaining a name among people...

another example, a friend's friend of mine had a very very good product idea, and he started a company, but he could not sell them because, all the customers where having a different roadmap altogether... even though this guys product is innovative, other companies had to change their roadmap significantly .... and they said, (I am putting it bluntly) "look even though your solution is good, we cannot trust you to have such a huge support network in the likes of say HP/IBM etc and our bussiness is serious, we cannot just simply buy best solutions but from best companies, we cannot right away buy from a small company with very few people who cannot have global support" now he is simply waiting for other companies to take over his company so that his solution gets added to their roadmap etc... let me put it honestly (previously i trolled that PK does not have such capabilities etc, although it is true for PK Inc, it is not true for Pakistanis)... I see a sizeable Pakistanis and Bangladhesis working in my company also... and if we take the probability may be like 1 out of every 5000 guy might be having will and idea to launch a product company... but they don't just like that get succussful... mostly it will be like Gaints will take over...

Say for an example all the different products we experience under Google did not originate in Google itself, some are simply taken over by Google and given the brand name of Google...

For major successes like what you are saying we need VERY BIG BRAND NAME and to establish such a big brand name you have to be a long time player... and at present India Inc does not seem to have that much of money... it cannot risk like that ...

it is changing a bit but very slowly... 10 years back Wipro might not have had the idea of launching their own brand of laptop, not they are gaining confidence, at the same time what KillBill said also was logical...

Say for an example you have a company called as A... you will never ask the company B to do services if at all the company B also has a similar product because the solutions which company B found in your money will be used by company B in its own products as well...

so the need of the hour is that we want the companies like Wipro to have spinoffs which are completely different in management of Wipro Technologies, but have a greater brand value ... that would take a long time and will demand more money, because in case of products it is not that you build something and you market it... you build say 4 things and market may be only 1 ... right now India Inc cannot afford that when it can afford it will do that... but it would take time but not so long... thanks for your inquisite questions and concerns... and sorry for pulling PK in this (I just do this for fun :chilli:)...
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Good joke.

Wipro is nothing more than a coolie. How many algorithms or system software algorithm patents does Wipro have, compared to Chinese companies?

Answer is Zero.

Despite that, making Microprocessor is easier than said because making it by copying the design from internet(like most Wipro guys copy codes for coolie work) is easy but maintaining the edge by in-house innovation of global scale requires brains, which Wipro lacks.

Most brains of India are not in India but they are in West, working for Western companies like Adobe, Microsoft and Intel.

This bruhaha of Indian Microprocessor project will end up as another MRCA. Soon, MMS(puppet) will invite the Microsoft to help India make an OS for Indians.

So, get ready to pay huge sums to west so they fix it for you.

You are right bro working in wipeasro is no more than coolie. In all the Indian companies Wipro is a company of HR and employee bitches.
The HR fuckers are the worst of them all with their ******* policies and reason for attrition rate. No body works more than 2 years even though i maneged 3 years of hell.
**** wipro and its Hr policies :taz:
No sire, SAP is ERP i m into financial technology.

We ranked top 3 in FinTech ranking..

Hmmm... Sorry buddy, I was just shooting in the dark :D

I am a complete novice when such terms come up.
How much you wanna bet it will be another linux redistribution :D. People do this sitting at home :P.

Actually its a good idea. Why re-invent the wheel when it is available. I would rather have them re-contributing any improvements they make back to the community. Its a win win for every one.
taking the path of linux is a good idea dude....there r a lot of free diastros available,so people can use it for free.U can modify it to suit ur needs,be it a node in a network,a server or a standalone PC...People need to think beyond paid solutions..Most of them are great to use and they dont burn a hole in ur pocket either...almost everybody uses Microsoft Office.Many of these users use pirated copies..My personal advice,if u think u cant afford a paid software,try open source and free softwares...As for example,try OpenOffice for a change...The interface might look a bit dull for the first time users(I had the same feeling:rolleyes:),but once u get used to it u ll find out that the package packs a hell lot of punch...Help the open source community to help urself....I am a big supporter and fan of it myself..I like using Mandriva as OS,OpenOffice as Office suit,pidgin to stay connected with my friends,Eclipse to 'write once run anywhere'...and they r just great !!
Now,I agree that u cannot play that Modern Warfare 2 in a linux based systems(though some solutions like Wine and Cedega are present),but I do believe that gap will be filled in very near future...

Now all this support for Open source doesnt mean that I actually hate or don't like products from companies like microsoft..My laptop came preinstalled with Windows 7,and I really liked it..its great and easy to use...Its just that I like the free solutions more......
@nForce and other linux supporters here...

This OS we are discussing here is not for general mass use, its for military use. The only concern here is to make it tightly plugged against the cyber attacks that we saw in last few months and hearing on a daily basis.

They are not going the Linux or Open source way rather designing everything from scratch.

For non secure systems I guess there is a distro by foss.in named BOSS, which is nothing but a replica of ubuntu again
@nForce and other linux supporters here...

This OS we are discussing here is not for general mass use, its for military use. The only concern here is to make it tightly plugged against the cyber attacks that we saw in last few months and hearing on a daily basis.

They are not going the Linux or Open source way rather designing everything from scratch.

For non secure systems I guess there is a distro by foss.in named BOSS, which is nothing but a replica of ubuntu again

I would recommend using stripped down distros based on Red Hat which have a long supported period and great security features. Why reinvent the wheel when you have very good solutions available already. The source code is made available for all the analysis you want and it also allows you to rebuild them your own secure build systems.

SELinux available on Red Hat is very effective at sand boxing applications so that a vulnerability in one app will restrict the fall out to only that app. They are also very conservative in their approach to applying patches which makes the product very stable.

Ofcourse, it will not be bleeding edge for very good reasons. So do not expect the latest desktop experience on them.
Own Operating System is not easy as remastering a distro(school kids does this!Try building binary packages,that's the real work).don't know if an y country has developed a completely new kernel and OS.that'll take decades all together ,I presume.
Perhaps ,they'll work on strengthening inherently superior OS's like BSD or Linux for their use.:smokin:
I mean ,for eg: instead of netfilter iptables as the core firewall system ,may be custom bullet proof FW systems developed :\
lol oh good thank god they are not shifting to using html for communication now they are just using open source linux
@nForce and other linux supporters here...

This OS we are discussing here is not for general mass use, its for military use. The only concern here is to make it tightly plugged against the cyber attacks that we saw in last few months and hearing on a daily basis.

They are not going the Linux or Open source way rather designing everything from scratch.

For non secure systems I guess there is a distro by foss.in named BOSS, which is nothing but a replica of ubuntu again

Well at first let me apologize for going a bit off topic.

Actually I wanted to focus more upon the cost involved and got carried away.U see developing an entire new OS from the scratch will be quite costly and will involve much R & D as well as a sizable amount of quality manpower.But if we use the Linux kernel and build a system upon that then we can avoid a major part of the costs involved.
Now let us move our focus to the technical issues that might arise.If we develop an entire new OS like Windows,Linux,Unix,BSD etc then I think the biggest problem we may face is with compatibility.We will have to develop entire set of drivers to make different hardware components compatible with the OS.Also,developing the OS will only be the tip of the iceberg so far as the problems involved are concerned.We will have to develop entire new set of softwares for the new OS,as u cannot expect softwares compatible with Windows or Linux to run on the new OS.Also software development is done by many different entities world over.So we have many options/solutions available.This system,being a closed system,we will have to develop entirely new packages for even most common utilities like a mail client or a net browser.Thats really a massive chunk of logistical nightmare in my opinion.

Now let us come to the most important part,Security..Yes,idea of developing a new OS comes up because we don't want to compromise in the field of Security...Let me bust a myth.Using a Linux Kernel which is freely available doesnt mean that u r compromising security.We can build a system based on Linux and we can tweak it,provide security features to it and it'll perform just fine.Besides the platform is a tested and trusted one.Big companies like IBM and Google run their servers on Linux(highly modified versions).Their servers do need a high level of data security,firewall protection etc etc,as these are all knowledge driven companies predominantly.its just an example that shows that Linux can be used and trusted.Whether a systems is meant for military or for a company,the biggest threat comes from hackers.If the servers of these companies can be protected then so can be those of the military installations..
A little summery of advantages of Linux::

1.Low cost: You don’t need to spend time and money to obtain licenses since Linux and much of its software come with the GNU General Public License. You can start to work immediately without worrying that your software may stop working anytime because the free trial version expires. Additionally, there are large repositories from which you can freely download high quality software for almost any task you can think of.

2.Stability: Linux doesn’t need to be rebooted periodically to maintain performance levels. It doesn’t freeze up or slow down over time due to memory leaks and such. Continuous up-times of hundreds of days (up to a year or more) are not uncommon.

3.Performance: Linux provides persistent high performance on workstations and on networks. It can handle unusually large numbers of users simultaneously, and can make old computers sufficiently responsive to be useful again.

4.Network friendliness: Linux was developed by a group of programmers over the Internet and has therefore strong support for network functionality; client and server systems can be easily set up on any computer running Linux. It can perform tasks such as network backups faster and more reliably than alternative systems.

5.Flexibility: Linux can be used for high performance server applications, desktop applications, and embedded systems. You can save disk space by only installing the components needed for a particular use. You can restrict the use of specific computers by installing for example only selected office applications instead of the whole suite.

6.Compatibility: It runs all common Unix software packages and can process all common file formats.

7.Choice: The large number of Linux distributions gives you a choice. Each distribution is developed and supported by a different organization. You can pick the one you like best; the core functionalities are the same; most software runs on most distributions.

8.Fast and easy installation: Most Linux distributions come with user-friendly installation and setup programs. Popular Linux distributions come with tools that make installation of additional software very user friendly as well.

9.Full use of hard disk: Linux continues work well even when the hard disk is almost full.

10.Multitasking: Linux is designed to do many things at the same time; e.g., a large printing job in the background won’t slow down your other work.

11.Security: Linux is one of the most secure operating systems. "Walls" and flexible file access permission systems prevent access by unwanted visitors or viruses. Linux users have to option to select and safely download software, free of charge, from online repositories containing thousands of high quality packages. No purchase transactions requiring credit card numbers or other sensitive personal information are necessary.

12.Open Source: If you develop software that requires knowledge or modification of the operating system code, Linux's source code is at your fingertips. Most Linux applications are Open Source as well.
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