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Indian Girls Boldly Answer.....

In 4 minutes, 40 farmers committed suicides. And not a single f was given.

as if nationalists/sanghis care one bit for suiciding farmers or "honor killing" or the murder of three rationalists/progressives or oppression against dalits or any other real india issue at all. :lol:

i have never seen you or other sanghis in this continuously updated thread ( 40% rise in farmer suicides in Maharashtra ).

i am not getting you. What is the link between the two.

he is being hypocritical as usual.

sanghis are more concerned with increasing the profits of western weapons manufacturers than solving real issues in india.
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If you are fairer than your parents must have some white american neighbors exactly nine months before your birth :lol:
Lol,having fairer skin doesn't mean that my parents were American,is this what you madrasah taught you:lol:!!Plus,personally i believe that men should have a bronze color complexion instead of having a fair one:coffee:!!Don't worry i am currently working on my tan and by the grace of God i will have a bronze complexion someday in the future;).Btw i would recommend you to have a plastic surgery asap to correct that baboon face of yours:rofl::rofl:

Is it only on the girls to be moral beacons?
Levina ji,i think it's the responsibility of both the male and female to have some morality in their lives.Not that i oppose pre-marital sex or something like that because if i do that then i will be termed as a hypocrite as i myself have been to that alley a couple of times;).On a serious note,i think that having sex with your partner(am talking about hetero couples only:D) is totally acceptable as long as that sex is consensual.However since i am a strict monogamous person,i would never support any sort of extra-marital affair:coffee:
In reality, those were probably 5 of the 50 girls who were approached. None of these youtube social experiments show you the people who did not want to be filmed.

In 4 minutes, 40 farmers committed suicides. And not a single f was given.

By that logic you should not be doing anything. Next time you want to spend 5 minutes listening to a song, think about the suicides, be sad and turn it of. :)
In a girl's language it's called love making.
Lol,having fairer skin doesn't mean that my parents were American,is this what you madrasah taught you:lol:!!Plus,personally i believe that men should have a bronze color complexion instead of having a fair one:coffee:!!Don't worry i am currently working on my tan and by the grace of God i will have a bronze complexion someday in the future;).Btw i would recommend you to have a plastic surgery asap to correct that baboon face of yours:rofl::rofl:

Levina ji,i think it's the responsibility of both the male and female to have some morality in their lives.Not that i oppose pre-marital sex or something like that because if i do that then i will be termed as a hypocrite as i myself have been to that alley a couple of times;).On a serious note,i think that having sex with your partner(am talking about hetero couples only:D) is totally acceptable as long as that sex is consensual.However since i am a strict monogamous person,i would never support any sort of extra-marital affair:coffee:
My point was that this video is used against the Indian girls to show them in poor light, to show them as girls sans moral values.
These galoots who make such videos should understand that girls have as much right as the guys to choose a partner if she's over 18.
You know what?
There will be many on this forum who will judge me for posting on this thread, that's how low men in south-Asia can be.....fortunately not all.

In 4 minutes, 40 farmers committed suicides. And not a single f was given.
Oh no!
Why would somebody care about poor farmers???
Titillation is the key to entertainment in today's world.
In a girl's language it's called love making.

My point was that this video is used against the Indian girls to show them in poor light, to show them as girls sans moral values.
These galoots who make such videos should understand that girls have as much right as the guys to choose a partner if she's over 18.
You know what?
There will be many on this forum who will judge me for posting on this thread, that's how low men in south-Asia can be.....fortunately not all.
Not to worry, for every unmarried girl having sex there has to be a boy not married to her also having sex. It takes two to tango and what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
In a girl's language it's called love making.

My point was that this video is used against the Indian girls to show them in poor light, to show them as girls sans moral values.
These galoots who make such videos should understand that girls have as much right as the guys to choose a partner if she's over 18.
You know what?
There will be many on this forum who will judge me for posting on this thread, that's how low men in south-Asia can be.....fortunately not all.
I think you have misunderstood me.I am totally agreeing with you in this regard.Pre-marital love making(as you would like to say) is not a crime and above all "love making" is an intensely private matter and as citizens of a democratic republic it's one of our fundamental rights:)
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Add Manga and JRPG ( Japanese Role Playing games ) to it :lol:
That makes two of us!! :D

Lol,having fairer skin doesn't mean that my parents were American,is this what you madrasah taught you:lol:!!Plus,personally i believe that men should have a bronze color complexion instead of having a fair one:coffee:!!Don't worry i am currently working on my tan and by the grace of God i will have a bronze complexion someday in the future;).Btw i would recommend you to have a plastic surgery asap to correct that baboon face of yours:rofl::rofl:

There appears to be a lot of misconception among our western pals about our complexion!!What they do not realize is that a light yellow under tone is actually very very common among the upper caste Bengalis and all of northern and western Indians!!Anyway,fb te apnake akdomee to dekha jae na!!
i am not getting you. What is the link between the two.
I am bemoaning the complete lack of attention to India's dying farmers.

In reality, those were probably 5 of the 50 girls who were approached. None of these youtube social experiments show you the people who did not want to be filmed.

By that logic you should not be doing anything. Next time you want to spend 5 minutes listening to a song, think about the suicides, be sad and turn it of. :)
Just say the girl in white was hot. :D And I agree. :P
I am bemoaning the complete lack of attention to India's dying farmers.
Dude!!You would be naive to expect these youngsters to make a docu on such matters!!And besides,this 'Funk You' youtube channel concerns a totally different niche all together anyway!!

Just say the girl in white was hot. :D And I agree. :P
They should have done this survey or whatever in Kolkata,in front of CU I guess!! :P
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Dude , just saw the little skirmish in the political corner, felt bad about the level it is going to ..name calling and dehumanizing...I didn't think you deserved it.
Thanks, mate. :tup: Not unexpected during these times of re-adjustments. :agree: Where has the Old Order given way to the New silently and without issue?
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