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Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

Agreed, some of the people protesting are there for the sensation. But if you think that only the old and the serious have the right to feel outraged and anybody who's young and dresses in trendy clothes do not have genuine feelings, then that's mighty presumptuous and condescending of you.And again, not sure what McDonald's and Pizza Hut has to do with outrage against our systemic culture of abuse against women? :unsure:
What I am tellin gyou is Roadies audition gets more people than these protests.

These spending in these malls and restaurants shows current youth's indifference towards the people in need. There are two nations now, India and Bharat.

Well leave it. I just wish no terrorist attack happens, no film star dies and no blockbuster movie releases before the culprits of the crime are given punishment.
Whatever. Just STFU.

at least you people should have just a little respect to the tragic girl who is in thin breath lying on the operation bed and those protesting hard on the streets but you people keep raping your own women as if NOTHING has happened!
Shut the F*** Up. I know what makes a difference ? If you don't know anything, stop making comments.

Bro - lets not get upset - It shows what dark hearted creatures these people are and folks reading it will realise that.

If mods do not want to take action fine with that as well. Nothing to lose here but it will showcase the quality going down the drain.
at least you people should have just a little respect to the tragic girl who is in thin breath lying on the operation bed and those protesting hard on the streets but you people keep raping your own women as if NOTHING has happened!
I have been doing what matters the most. If you don't know about my work for these causes, don't comment.

I not only care about this girl but also about the girls prior to this case, who were raped in Delhi and all kept silent. If there had been protest that time, this girl would have been alive.

We have been working it for few months but got no support from same people who are now protesting. If they had joined us then, may be the security would have been increased and this rape wouldn't have happened.

And if you really want to lecture on respect, go to other threads and see what your compatriots and Pakistani friends are posting.
this is not india bashing.this is about the very basic right for female indian citizens.

of course, accoding to people like, these are not important.
Funny how when an Indian starts a thread to bash China, you NEVER hear ANY Indian saying to close the thread. But when someone opens a legitimate thread about India, they scream out loud to close the thread. Hypocrites.
I hope this thread is kept open so we can discuss this Indian rape issue debated globally. Indians want to show the world like India is a squeaky clean image with so much freedom, clean democracy, no corruption, no censorship, no human rights violations, no crime, no independence movements, religious tolerance, very intelligent people.
As we have seen, this image is totally false, infact the opposite is true.

nobody in the world is as pathetic as what this whole event has manifested over the 2 weeks! enough said!
What I am tellin gyou is Roadies audition gets more people than these protests.

These spending in these malls and restaurants shows current youth's indifference towards the people in need. There are two nations now, India and Bharat.

Well leave it. I just wish no terrorist attack happens, no film star dies and no blockbuster movie releases before the culprits of the crime are given punishment.

Dude you see it on this forum. The have nots and the haves. Our generation is really split on those who are motivated by wealth only and blind to nation building. Most of the posters on thi forum liave a wonderful life in India or abroad. Very few care about the downtrodden.
Its so shame that we hear these kind of rape incidents still going on within the worlds biggest democratic country with mighty nuclear weapons.Its so unfortunate for the poor girls getting victims of ruthless rascal males there.Looks like human track record is still worst there.......:smokin:
I have been doing what matters the most. If you don't know about my work for these causes, don't comment.

I not only care about this girl but also about the girls prior to this case, who were raped in Delhi and all kept silent. If there had been protest that time, this girl would have been alive.

We have been working it for few months but got no support from same people who are now protesting. If they had joined us then, may be the security would have been increased and this rape wouldn't have happened.

And if you really want to lecture on respect, go to other threads and see what your compatriots and Pakistani friends are posting.

not worth a lecture! it is just incurable!
No, the rape case in India. There are many on Delhi rape case, one on protest, one on girl suicide and yada yada yada.

rape is a problem with humanity, not just India. It has nothing to do with the nationality of an individual. But the corrupt mind of humanity. When there is one rape, no matter where, is a assault on human dignity everywhere.
at least you people should have just a little respect to the tragic girl who is in thin breath lying on the operation bed and those protesting hard on the streets but you people keep raping your own women as if NOTHING has happened!

men in every country rapes you retard. just becase this is a pakistani forum that highlights all the $hit in india and all the glory in china does not mean your nation is free of rape.
High IQ my @ss
May be something bad will happen and you guys will switch to next story.
Exactly Sir.
Our establishment and governance is based on the fact that Public memory is very short.
News channels and media tilt towards sensationalism where sensitivity is required.
Just take a look at TOIs webpage, where just below video of this terrible story, you have a link for Bollywood's Boldest Acts in 2012. WTF:angry:
Krait what do you suppose they do? Protesting and marching is a sign that ppl are voicing their descent. I mean it what the old timers did to get rid of the British

RIP brave soul. GOD choose it was best to relieve you from your suffering and pain.
This is a time for reflection on ourselves as society. The horrible crime came in media limelight and hence the justified public outrage. As usual our leaders will try to gain points from the issue and the case will stay alive in public memory whose span will be till next sensational piece of news arrives.
I don't know if this is the right platform to comment, but a site where we get to know country's military might, it almost feels to be helpless and impotent when such things happen.
Hoping against hope but someday we will come out of these medieval times. Till then keep praying.

We dont have many platforms to voice our outrage when the govt makes it a point to censor media.
I have been doing what matters the most. If you don't know about my work for these causes, don't comment.

I not only care about this girl but also about the girls prior to this case, who were raped in Delhi and all kept silent. If there had been protest that time, this girl would have been alive.

We have been working it for few months but got no support from same people who are now protesting. If they had joined us then, may be the security would have been increased and this rape wouldn't have happened.

And if you really want to lecture on respect, go to other threads and see what your compatriots and Pakistani friends are posting.
:cry: hum ne kia kiya he @KRAIT je?
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