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Indian General Elections - 2014

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First Provocation: Karsevaks Clash with Muslim Vendors

Second Provocation: Karsevaks Try to Abduct a Muslim Girl from the Platform

Victims of Conspiracy? They came and took whoever they could find, those who were eating, sleeping, praying, wherever they found a door open: Sughra Bibi

What is the source ?

Im sure some Islamist website or some NGO website that thrives by inculcating these false stories into your minds that innocent Muslims can do no wrong and how the whole world is out conspiring against them.

BTW news for you - the courts of law have already decided that it was a pre-planned, pre-meditated cold blooded conpiracy by the Muslim mob to kill the Hindu pilgrims most of them were children and women.

Eleven convicts in the Godhra train burning case were today handed down death sentence while 20 others were given life imprisonment by a special court in the 2002 incident that left 59 ‘karsevaks’ dead and triggered riots which claimed over 1,200 lives in Gujarat.

Special judge, Mr P.R. Patel, considering the case as “rarest of rare”, pronounced death penalty for 11 out of the 31 convicted in the case while 20 others were sentenced to life imprisonment.

“The court looking into their active role in the conspiracy and setting afire the S6 coach of Sabarmati Express train near Godhra, gave death penalty to 11 people,” public prosecutor, Mr J.M. Panchal, said.

Business Line : Industry & Economy / Government & Policy : Godhra train carnage: 11 sentenced to death

So no one is buying your bullshit.

There are so many hindus who wants India to be Hindu country...Should i not trust Hindus?
I really dont care India becoming Hindu country as long it is just to me.

Hey it was not Hindus who wanted to divide India in the first place to establish a Hindu state. It was Muslims who were distrustful of Hindus, who did not believe in co-existence and who wanted all this Sharia mumbo jumbo who established the Islamic state of Pakistan.

So if anyone in India doesnt respect the culture of India and its constitution and want Sharia then they can migrate to the place where they can establish their sharia daria and practise it. I'm wll within my rights as an Indian to say that.

India is not the place for that.
First of all 1000 muslims were not killed 700. Yes I meant that. In Gulbarg society there were about 260 Muslims and out of them the police intervened to save about 200 Muslims shooting dead 7 rioting Hindus at risk for their own lives. But you people will go on like police ignored them, police did not take their call. It was a riot ffs, police control rooom would be deluded with calls from everywhere. Doesnt mean the police have the capability to handle all calls.

Are you questioning the credibility of the Supreme court appointed SIT just because your comfortable lies are being busted ?

That is his problem. The point is police commissioner visited him in the morning and provided him safety..he denied it at his own risk.

It was not a short duration...

There is a appeal against SIT....

By the wy why should i blive police? Same police who performed well in Dhule and caught? Like every time in this case also they blamed police, no one cared...but luckily they were caught in camera...

You want to know how police were at that time?
It was not a short duration...

There is a appeal against SIT....

By the wy why should i blive police? Same police who performed well in Dhule and caught? Like every time in this case also they blamed police, no one cared...but luckily they were caught in camera...

You want to know how police were at that time?

Who cares you believe police or not ? I dont give a damn dude.

But believe the judicial system. You people have a ridiculous way of opposing even the judiciary if it does not go according to your pre-conceived notions. It is the judiciary which decided that Godhra was a pre-planned cold blooded act of murder and it was the SC appointed SIT which concluded that it was Jafri who provoked the mob.

That is what people believe. You can continue to live your alternate version of reality. It does nothing except alienate you from the mainstream and further regress the social standing of Muslims. DO I care about that ? Why would I ?
What is the source ?

Im sure some Islamist website or some NGO website that thrives by inculcating these false stories into your minds that innocent Muslims can do no wrong and how the whole world is out conspiring against them.

BTW news for you - the courts of law have already decided that it was a pre-planned, pre-meditated cold blooded conpiracy by the Muslim mob to kill the Hindu pilgrims most of them were children and women.

Business Line : Industry & Economy / Government & Policy : Godhra train carnage: 11 sentenced to death

So no one is buying your bullshit.

Hey it was not Hindus who wanted to divide India in the first place to establish a Hindu state. It was Muslims who were distrustful of Hindus, who did not believe in co-existence and who wanted all this Sharia mumbo jumbo who established the Islamic state of Pakistan.

So if anyone in India doesnt respect the culture of India and its constitution and want Sharia then they can migrate to the place where they can establish their sharia daria and practise it. I'm wll within my rights as an Indian to say that.

India is not the place for that.

Source is from what happened in court......

By the way.....Read this and judge yourself...How evidences are created by police.....
Dont say this is from tehelka...this that...they are caught in camera...

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

See what two BJP men and a star witness told TEHELKA during a sting operation

The Burning train: The inside view of the burnt S-6 coach

Kakul Pathak is an important functionary of the BJP’s Godhra unit. At present is the media cell convenor of BJP's Godhra unit. But more importantly he was one of the key police witnesses in the Godhra train carnage case.

In 2007, Pathak, unaware of the fact that he was being secretly recorded, told this reporter that his entire testimony was a lie manufactured by the police to nail innocent Godhra Muslims. Kakul told us that he and eight other BJP members, who were also made witnesses like him to nail respectable Muslim citizens of Godhra, were present at the scene of crime and were actually sleeping in their beds when the train was set on fire.

Pathak blamed Gujarat police officers, namely, Noel Parmar, Rakesh Asthana and JK Bhatt, for the motivated and biased investigation. He told that the police knew that the train was burnt by Muslim tea-vendors and the religious and political leadership of Godhra Muslims had nothing to do with the carnage.


The Truth: Gujarat 2002
Burn After Reading
Nine years. Only because they are Muslim

However, he asserted that when the time came for him to depose in court, he would stick to his false testimony and nail the falsely implicated Muslims lest his party’s image would be tarnished and the cause of Hindutava would get defeated.

This is exactly what Pathak did when he was called to testify in Judge PR Patel’s trial court in 2010. He stuck to his false testimony. When the defense asked him about his self-damning confessions made before TEHELKA, he said no such sting-operation had ever taken place or that he had ever told anyone that he had given a false testimony to nail innocent Muslims.

While delivering his verdict on February 22, Judge Patel set aside the testimony of Pathak and eight other BJP witnesses, calling them unreliable.

Here are the relevant portions of the conversation between TEHELKA’s undercover reporter Ashish Khetan, who posed as a Hindu zealot by the name of Piyush Agarwal, and Kakul Pathak. The meeting happened at a road side dhaba in Godhra on July 17, 2007.

Kakul: There seems to be nothing in the case (Godhra)...You see they (the Police) arrested 128 people (Muslims), they should not have arrested so many people. They put everybody in the jail, whoever they could lay their hands on. This was wrong. They should have limited it (arrests) to 5-6 persons only. And those who have done this (carnage) were only tea vendors. Those sell tea at the platform, they were involved in it. After that what happened that business and vested interests kicked in. Some (Hindus and Muslims) were business partners so if you implicate your own partner your could usurp the entire business. That's how the count went up to 128...

A little later in the conversation he said that he and others reached the spot only after the incident was over.

TRANSCRIPT: Kakul Pathak, BJP’s media cell convenor in Godhra district

K: We reached there at about 8.15...
T: Had people left by then?
K: Nobody was there.
T: What about the Muslim mob? Had they left?
K: There were bodies strewn all over the compartment... And those who entered the compartment, they were brought out the bodies and kept them on the tracks.
T: And what about those who survived?
K: Even I don't know how many people had died at that time...
T: So you have not taken anybody's name in your statement?
K: Police guys gave all the names on my behalf... In my witness (statement), they have shown seven arrested...It has been shown that I had seen those seven accused
T: In your statement?
K: I did not dicatate my statement... Police made it up
T: And what about other 6-7 witnesses?
K: In the case of all those who were made witnesses, they have not given true statements. Police made it up.
T: What about the names they took (in their statements)?
K: Police gave the names... It was like this, suppose you are I are enemies. So my friend falsely implicated you.
T: There are 6-7 more witnessess besides you?
K: Yes
T: Who all are they?
K: There are a total number of 13...
T: Who are they? There was someone with the surname of Advani?
K: No, I don't know if there is any Advani... No, there was no Advani...
T: There was some Sindhi also?
K: There are three Sindhis. One is Murli Mulchandani, Second is Jiwat Bhai. Third is Sonu. Three Sindhis I am aware of. And then there are witnesses like Raju darji , Janak Dave, Dileep Dasadia and Me
K: Whats the count now?
T: Eight
K: There is one by the name of Deepak soni. Then there is one by the name of Baria.
T: Yes, Ajay Kumar Baria.
K: Ajay Kumar Baria... He is also among 13 witnesses
T: Where is he?
K: He is in Baroda... He runs a tea shop near Noel Parmer's office...
T: I was told so...
K: You were told so! He runs a tea shop
T: The rest of 10-12 (witnesses) also did not see anything?
K: Some of them (witnesses) were not there... In fact, no body had gone there...
T: No body (witnesses) was there?
K: No body was there. No body had gone to give tea or breakfast...
T: So no body had gone... Even these 10-12 (witnesses) had also not gone to give breakfast
K: No body had gone...See these karsevaks who were on the train had no connection with the BJP... And we don't know how our name came in the list of the witnesses... If they were VHP workers (those who died or injured in the incident), then let VHP guys go there to give them tea and breakfast.. What has the BJP to do with this? But BJP guys were listed as witnesses
T: All these 12 are (BJP guys)...?
K: All are BJP men... There is no body (witnesses) from the VHP... VHP guys indulge in violence... They were here, but they can't give their names as witnesses... One Mukta from Durga Vahini was there in the train
T: She didn't give (any VHP guy's name)
K: She didn't give anyone's name... Couldn't she give her name as the witness?
T: BJP guys were forced into it...
K: See, this is how it happened. Local groupisms played out... Five of the witnesses were Gopal Singh Solanki's men!
T: So they will not change their statements?
K: What will anybody speak? No body knew anything... That Dileep Dasadia submitted an affidavit... And later he spoke opposite of what the affidavit says. Didn't Noel Parmar tell you?
T: He did tell about a couple of people , who filed the affidavits...
K: They gave affidavit long ago... They did it on their own risk... He (Dileep) wasn't there... He was forced into it... He is in some service and his route is the same... He crosses the (Railway station) everyday... He has also named eight persons (Muslims) in his statement...
T: Whom did you put in your statement?
K: There is one Ismail in my statement... He is my partner...
T: You put his name (in your statement)?
K: I realised two months later that my statement names my partner...
T: You came to know about it two months later!
Kakul: See, we didn’t know what was there in the FIR... Which FIR is filed?... They (police) put the name whoever they wanted... This was done in the name of Hindutva.... We had to do what the Party says... A lawyer is inside the jail on account of my statement... One Chacha was recently released... And one went to Pakistan and one who named in my statement was some Coffeewala, but I didn't identify him (during the parade).... See when I myself was not there. Noel Parmer told me Kakul Bhai name him, name that. So accordingly I identified people in the test identification parade. See these policemen have no sense...
As conversation carried on, Patahk blamed the investigating officers for bogus testimonies.
Tehelka :All this was done at the instance of Noel Parmar?
Patahk: Those who paid him money, were let off... And the so called eyewitnesses were made to parrot the statements....I had myself gone to Noel Parmar... That's for my partner, Ismail...
T: What did he say?
K: I had even written to KPS Gill that the statement registered in my name is not mine...
T: KPS Gill, however, did not tell any one?
K: I don't know if he revealed or not... I had sent a letter through RPDS on May 17, 2004 or 2003... He did not send any reply... Officials never reply... I thought I will bear the consequences whatever happens... And party (BJP) guys strongly opposed my attempt to save Ismail by filing a counter-affidavit...But all people like Haresh Bhai (Haresh Bhatt) see the one man that I am trying to save, they don’t see the number of the Muslims I have falsely implicated.

Aftersome I again broached the subject of Noel Parmar’s bogus investigation.

TRANSCRIPT: Kakul Pathak, BJP’s media cell convenor in Godhra district

T: Whose conspiracy was this - Noel Parmar or Asthana?
K: Both had conspired...
T: And J K Bhatt was also involved...
K: All the three were united at that time...
T: J K Bhatt, Asthana...K: And Noel... All were together..
T: J K Bhatt was also with them?
K: Yes... J K Bhatt was DSP. This man was additional DSP and the third was IG.
T: They all made money?
K: Everybody takes money.
T: But they ruined the case... the Case would have been watertight, if they had caught the right persons...
K: Well, I had told DSP. When he had called me to the Railway station....
T: Who was DSP?
K: J K Bhatt only
T: What did he say?
K: That we are the eyewitnesses... We said how come we are eyewitness... I told him you have written the statement... Where did we write the statement? Where are our signatures? My signature should be there if I have written the statement... I will write my statement and will I mention my partner's name in it?
T: What did he say then?
K: He didn't say much...Only that whatever the higher ups told him, he did accordingly...
T: He said that he did it under pressure of the higher ups...?
K: yes
T: And one who was Nagar Parishad's president.. what was his name?
K: Raju Darji?
T: No No...
K: Kalota?
T: Kalota...Is his name there in any statement?
K: Yes
T: Whose statement?
K: In Murli Mulchandani's
T: And Murli Mulchandani wasn't there?
K: No body was there... Even Kalota wasn't there... That's what I am saying... If the police had kept only 15-20 names as accused, it would have resulted in convictions...
T: Over 100 persons were named as accused...
K: You put as many as you want behind the bar, it won't yield result...
T: That's what... Conspiracy only involves 10 or 20 persons...
K: I am not saying that the (Muslims) didn't do this...
T: Someone has done it...
K: Yes... Someone has done it...
T: But innocent people were named...
K: Police guys gave all the names on my behalf... In my witness (statement), they have shown seven arrested...It has been shown that I had seen those seven accused But innocent people were named...
K: Yes... innocent persons were named...So you know what will happen, those who have done it will get acquitted. While those who are innocent will get convicted.
T: They are anyway implicated...
K: And those who did it, were Razzak Kurkur, Bilal and tea vendors...They have done this. We will support for their punishment... But they should not have put every Muslim's name... whoever stays in the Muslim locality... They (police) should not have done this. Muslims are also human beings...
T: They also have families. Just punish those who are guilty.
K: The case is ruined... What about us, we are eyewitnesses... we will speak out whatever the prosecution tells me to say during the trial... We will tell he was there...
T: Will you testify?
K: I can't destroy my image... Whatever the Party (BJP) has done, has done...
T: And what about the police?
K: Let the Police do what they want to... I am going to tell what is written in my statement... how can I back out!
T: The rest (of the witnesses) will not turn hostile?
K: 90 per cent of them will turn hostile...That's what I feel...
T: But how will they back out on names they have accused in their respective statements?
K: They came to know about names of the accused as mentioned in their statements after 6-8 months...
T: You came to know later that you are the eyewitness?
K: You know what we should now. Police guys, VHP, BJP and all the eyewitnesses should sit on one table and chalk out a common strategy... Till date, this has not happened
T: A common strategy should have been made...
K: Yes... should make a common strategy...
T: Otherwise it will be a disaster
K: The Party (BJP) will loose..
T: Hindu Society is at loss...
K: All witnesses are from the BJP...
T: Everybody has a Party post?
K: All names (witnesses) I told you are from the BJP...Their images will get ruined, the image of Hindu samaj will get ruined and then Hindu samaj will say see how there eyewitnesses have turned hostile.

Murli Mulchandani, one of the nine BJP men who were key police witnesses in the train burning case, was caught in the TEHELKA sting on 23 July 2007.

TRANSCRIPT : Murli Mirchandani, vice-chairman, Godhra Municipal Council

A key police witness in the train burning case, Mirchandani was caught in the TEHELKA sting on 23 July 2007. Transcript:

M: Tell me
T: I work with the Sangh in Delhi…
M: Yes yes..in Delhi
T: In Delhi. Three of us from the organization are working on a book on Hindutva… Hindu resurgence an idea long due
T: So here everyone is a friend, Haresh Bhatt Bharat Bhai Solanki.. and Kakul Pathak’s brother … everyone is a friend…basically Haresh Bhatt and Bharat Bhai Solanki said that..
M: Bharat Bhai Solanki?
T: The one who is a lawyer, Solanki...Am I taking the wrong name…The one who was also a member of Rajya Sabha
M: Rajya sabha or Lok Sabha
T: No no ..He has been a member of Rajya Sabha
M: Gopal Singh Solanki
T: Gopal Singh Solanki..So basically Haresh Bhai said that I should definitely go and meet you…The work that you people and Haresh Bhai have done for the society is praise worthy…What is the current situation of our organization here?
M: Inaudible
T: Even I feel the same… because I went to Panchmahal etc..
M: Two seats will come…not more..
T: Haresh Bhai’s seat?
M: (shakes his head)..I am telling you the right thing not the wrong thing….
T: He is paralyzed…No other seat will come?
M: Sehra or Kalol will come
T: Which other than Kalol…Sehra?
M: Sehra
T: If Sehra comes…Then our situation in the city…
M: It is pretty bad…There is a lot of tiff within the organization…There is so much rivalry within the organization
T: Inside the city…
M: In the entire district…
T: There are a lot of factions within BJP here…I felt so. I felt there are a lot of factions within BJP here
Murli stops to make a phone call
T: That means we are going to lose in the Vidhan sabha elections from a very large margin?
M: 100 percent
T: And it is also difficult to predict whether Haresh Bhai will get the ticket or not?
M: That I do not know…but there is a lot of opposition against him…People who have been with him for the past five years are also against him…
T:I saw..Gopal Singh Solanki is also revolting against him
T: What is the situation of Vishwa Hindu Parishad in the city…
M: Completely down…
T: Cadre and all
M: It is completely down….Very low
T: Are young people not joining?
M: None…We are tired now..Even we will soon leave…That is why we have taken up this new work
T: Do you also have any designation?
M: I am the vice president in the city municipal corporation…
T: And do you hold any office in VHP?
M: Not in VHP
T: And in BJP?
M: I recently left that too…I have no interest in that…
T: Don’t do this
M: The people who are our witnesses in the railway issue. The one in which a few have given affidavits in favour of the Muslims (Note: A BJP member Dileep Dasadia had retracted his statement) ….They have retracted but the party is offering posts to them now…
T: Offering a post
M: Yes…Then what is the use of us
T: Even those who strayed away are getting positions….
M: No…Not post…They have made them the whole and sole of the district…
T: Who are those people?
M: Raju Darji…Dileep Dasadia…
T: They have retracted?
M: Yes.
T: What is the reason?
M: For money…They have partners now…
T: They are now into business with them
M: Have they taken money also…
T: I think Kakul Pathak has also separated…
M: Yes he has also separated now…
T: He is also doing a business with someone (Muslim)…He is their (Muslims) business partner now…
M:You know that?
M: He has made them his business partner…Raju Darzi has also made them (Muslims) his business partner…
T: I didn’t know this name…
M: Raju Darji
T: Haresh Bhai never told me…
M: Raju Darji…Dileep Dasadia…both of them…He has made City general secretary to one and District General Secretary to the other…
M: Tell me what can you do?
T: so who is looking after BJP in Godhara district?
M: The witnesses who have separated now, they
T: So nothing is going to happen in the case also?
M: Nothing will happen…All of them will get released note it down…
T: All these Muslims will come out…
M: All of them will be released…
M: There is a person from their nearby village (pointing towards a person sitting in his shop)…He is in the prison for the past 5 years…Since how many years?
T: 5 years…
M: Kabai Chauhan…It has been five years today…Is someone trying to know? Is someone trying to know? No one is asking about him…Then why should I get into it? Should I also not do business without bothering?
M: Talks to others in Gujrati…
T: So Kabe Chauhan is a muslim?
M: No no he is a Hindu…
T: Why is he inside?
M: More staunch than me too…The Bilkis case…
T: Yeah yeah I had been to his house…
M: He was the Tehsil president in...
T: I had been to his house… The condition of the house is really bad…
M: Very bad condition…….------------------------
T: What is the reason behind the family also leaving him?
T: When I met Kakul…I asked Kakul why did you do such an affidavit?
T: He was saying he has written about this to KPS Gill
M: What has he written and sent him?
T: That I was not there (at the railway tracks when the train was burnt)
M: So, what, we were also not there…I was also not there
T: What?
M: I was also not there
T: But still did you do the work or not…
M: Yes of course
M: But now I am not interested…
T: So now in the court…You wont support in the court…
M: There I will support…I have not denied on that…I cannot betray Hindus…
M: There is an offer of one crore on me… of how much?
T: One core…
M: The DSP…Go and ask him how many offers does Murli have?
M: It is an offer of one crore… It is not about one or two Rupees …It is an offer of one crore…
T: I met Noel Parmar…
M: Noel Parmar is not a good person…Go and meet the DSP he will tell you…
T: There is so much danger to your life and still you want to live in Godhra…
M: I want to do business with them…My Business is of travel and this…Now also muslim is only sitting…I am helpless…But the people here are not bothered…The day Kabool was arrested that day -------- The state chief was Rajendra Singh Rana… I told everyone that whatever is happening is not right…This 76 year old man if you make a 16 year old girl stand infront of him , will he be able to rape her? This uncle, will he be able to rape ..leave him leave this uncle…this boy who is standing here..tell him…ttell him to do a rape in the middle of the road …Noone will be able to do that
T: And in that stormy situation (during riots)?
M: No matter how much one tries, it can’t happen.
T: Hindu can never do this kind of a work
M: A hindu can never do this… One can go crazy about a girl but if the same girl stands nude on the road one cannot rape her. Not only rape you will not be able to do anything to her…So do you think this old man will be able to rape…The one who has sacrificed his entire life for hindutva and is in the jail for the past five years…Noone goes to meet him…5 times I have escaped death

T: People have attacked…They have attacked you?
T: So this issue will have to be raised infront of the high command…
M: No one is bothered..Yesterday also I went infront of the high command…It is about yesterday only…Yesterday I had went to visit the high command…The Prabhari of this place…
T: Who?
M: Hansa Kuwar Raj… I asked him how could you make those BJP members who were witnesses in the Godhra case but have retracted their statements against Muslims, the office bearers in the party?
T: Witness where?
M:In Godhara issue…
M: In Sabarmati issue…The witnesses who are supposedly lost have been made the general secretary of the district…
T: What did he say…
M:What can I do…The other one has been made the General Secretary of the city today…It has come out in Divya Bhaskar…
T: Who
M: Dilip Dasadia…
T: He has turned hostile…
M: He also has turned hostile…He has done the affidavit and given…
T: I met Dileep Dasadia…
T: He says…
M: He says that he was on duty…He was on duty but just think during Bilkis Bano case or Barodra case were the so-called witnesses present there at that time?
T: The one who registered the FIR.
M: The one who registered the FIR or those who became the witnesses.
T: Those who became witnesses
M: Those who became witnesses were they present there? Or if I am the witness was I present at the railway station then…I was sleeping at my house when the incident happened. They got my name written…Do you know whom I’ve nailed down?
T: No I’m not aware.
M: Kalota’s , bIlal’s…The main accused. Still I am not stepping back…Why even I was not there I should have also said I was not there…
T: You should have said…
M: I should have also said I was not there…
M: I work with them throughout day and night.... The vehicle of my travel business goes through the Godhra Halol road four times a day through that route. But how can I betray the Hindu samaj? These village people they have given a lot of votes…On the name of what? Only on the name of Hindutva…The votes that they have given is only on the name of Hindutva…
T:So Dasadaia has retracted, Raju Darji
M: Raju Darji and Kakul pathak…
M: All the three
T: Does Kakul pathak also have a designation?
M: With him….
T: Media convenor was telling….
M: Media convenor of the district…
T: Can anything be done before the elections?
M: My mind is not working…If you have some reach tell the high command about the position of Godhara…
T: No no…I will definitely tell him…
M:you tell him the situation of Godhara….Tell him that all the witnesses of Godhara have backed out…The few who are left will also back out.…Who will take the risk of ones children and himself.
T: The strength of the society is unity…
M: Leave the society even no BJP person supports us…On whose behalf should we work..All of them are cheats…
T: And tomorrow if something goes wrong even the society will not come together…
M: noone will be there. I will also not rise to help our own men
T: the way we (Hindus) retaliated the last time round (2002 riots), will not happen again
M: Wont happen….It will never happen in life….It will never happen in life…Note this down…
T:And what about the municipal corporation.Is it in our hands?
M:Yes it is in our hands…But only muslim’s works get done…Hindu’s work does not get done…This issue is going on these days…
T: Haresh Bhai (MLA Haresh Bhatt) was painting a rosy picture before me but the reality seems to be different
M: He is very corrupt. But I cant be corrupt like him. If I had to be corrupt I would not be sting here.
T: Yes I can see that. But what will happen in the Godhra case?
M: Everybody will get acquitted.
T: The case will get destroyed?
M: Yes. It will get destroyed.
T:Yes when witnesses will only turn hostile how can any proof be left…Noel Bhai was telling me that with how much difficulty he has managed to save the two boys from the petrol pump and someone called Ajay Kanu Bariya so that they do go back on their testimonies
M: Who?

T:Noel Parmar was telling…
M: If Bjp people can retract then what to say about these poor fellows. People like us have retracted. I mind stops working when I think of what may happen tomorrow. If congress comes into power tomorrow who will save us.
T: This wont happen.. Congress government will not come…
M: You see…You see what the situation of Gujarat is….I can never say this from my mouth but my soul is telling this..I am not telling this from my mouth or tounge…I am telling this from my soul…
T: I went to Saurashtra…Our situation is good there…
M: Does the chief minister listen to anybody…the workers have no say…The administrators intimidate them ...The collector took away my revolver…The next collector was Dinesh Brahmbhatt…
M: Every elections the fight for vote so if they fight for every election of course cases will be filed…When the case was filed the collector said it was Bhupendra Singh Solanki….that is why submit you revolver…This collector recently gave it back….Noone was there to say anything…This is just the grace of God and my strength…It is all running on that…
M: These people would have finished it off long time back
T: The situation is bad in Panch mahal too…In dahod also the situation is bad…
M: What about Udaipur…
T: I Didn’t go there…
M:Which is the third district?
T: Panchamahal, Dahod and Godhra…
M: Panchamahal is the same as Godhra
T:And our situation is not good in Sabarkantha
T: I said the same thing to Kakul pathak and Dasadia…I said that they should have thought about this when they were getting their names included (among witnesses)…Then they should have said that we wont be able to support them (the police)
M: what did he say?
T: He said I have to do business with them…He is my business partner. He gave me some name
M: Razzak dungrawala and Ismail chunga…Right?
M: You should report on whats happening in the state…Talk to Purshootam Rupalaji …Talk to him now infront of me…
T: Yes yes I have everything written
M: No you talk to them that this is the position of Godhara…Raju Darji has been made… Dileep Dasadia been made the vice president today.
T:He said that he is my partner in construction business.. Everyone wants to do business…Godhra is a small place…
M: So I don’t have to do or what…Should I not do?
T:Still he said he wont turn hostile in the court
M: But at least for the time being he has turned hostile.. The affidavit that he just did, what does it mean by that…
T: he (Kakul Pathak) said he has just removed the name of one person…He said that BJP does not see that four people are still inside…they are still in jail…Why are they troubling me on one name…I said but your position has been compromised that you have removed the name of one person…The importance of your statement has come down…
M: Dileep Dasadia did not even keep one name…He said he did not know anything at all…
T: Kakul said he got to know after two months that there was a statement on his name….
M: I also didn’t know… I also didn’t know…It does not mean…
T: Even you got to know later…
M: Yes… so it does not mean that… Once its done, its done…
T: If the statement of you people was not there half of them would not have been inside.. They would be roaming free outside…
M: It has been done …so it has been done …
T: Can I tell Purshotam Bhai (Rupala) something on your behalf?
M: You can call me also…I will come and tell…Right now a new situation has arisen. There was a problem in the Municipal corporation…Razzak Dongria and Haroon Dao….Both of them are accused and they were trying to save the BJP government……
T: Ok
M: the accused who are out on bail.
T:Haresh was telling something…..Some one month back something….He said he was manipulating a seat in municipality….He was saying something like he was manipulating a seat in the municipality…He was saying something like I have broken some independent and got them with myself….
M: What?
T: He said that he has broken some independents and got them with him
M: What? What has he broken? Does he have the strength to break them apart. What is the point of breaking down muslims and getting them when you have so many Hindus. What is the use of getting muslims?

T: Now, the Muslims here have also become a bit violent
M: Very violent…very violent
T: So, if I call you in Ahmedabad…
M: Call me there, I will come…
T: You just speak over the phone, obediently…
M: Yes, I will talk...we are going to meet tomorrow…
T: Al right …
T: Will you be in Ahmedabad tomorrow…
T: So we will meet in Ahmedabad tomorrow…
M: Tomorrow I am in Ahmedabad... I am going to meet Roopala ji in Ahmedabad over this issue
T: I will meet him in the morning…then we will sit together once again during the day…because I will present the situation of 3-4 districts in front of …you tell him the situation of this city …okay…jai shri raam...you just cooperate…
M: We are heart-broken…what will we cooperate…
T: Ups and downs keep coming…your commitment is towards the society...
M: Towards the society…what about BJP’s commitment...
T: For the religion…
M: Why then has it abandoned us...why doesn’t it care for us what is the problem…
T: You leave aside BJP...you support the religion and the society…
M: The people of the sangh are not with us… The people of the parishad are not with us…
T: It may be the case in one or two places…
M: Where the bigger problem lies is…the whole world is looking at this case
T: What happened was, after the cases opened in the Supreme Court, people got scared
M: You leave that…leave aside all the earlier things…what has Supreme Court to do with this case…Supreme Court has nothing to do with this case…
T: Yes…It has nothing to do with the case
M: So why did the witnesses retract…
T: okay...jai shri ram
M: You tell this to the party…you see, what is happening is wrong…or else, everything will be over…
T: No, we still have some time left for, 5-6 months …in 5-6 months time, we will do something…we will meet you tomorrow in Ahmedabad…
M: Okay…will see you tomorrow…your phone number…
T: I have already called you…One minute…I am giving you a call once again…
M: What is your name…
T: Piyush Aggarwal… okay…jai shri ram..jai shri ram
M: jai shri ram…
Source is from what happened in court......

By the way.....Read this and judge yourself...How evidences are created by police.....
Dont say this is from tehelka...this that...they are caught in camera...

Tehelka - India's Independent Weekly News Magazine

Yawwnnnn. Tehelka. Suspected bullshit.

Tehelka is as credible as VHP website in this case. :lol:. Here this website busts the so called Tehelka "sting" operation link

For me, as is with any right thinking Indian citizen who has faith in the judiciary, the court has decided that it was a pre-meditated, cold blooded conspiracy to burn alive 60 Hindus who were coming back from a pilgrimage and I am ok with that.

You can continue to live in the Tehelka lies.
Whoever voted for Raul Gandoo boy and CONgress is either an absolute fool, brainwashed beyond repair or does not want India to progress.

God help India, with plonkers who vote for such useless scum, I see no bright future for that part of the world.
Who cares you believe police or not ? I dont give a damn dude.

But believe the judicial system. You people have a ridiculous way of opposing even the judiciary if it does not go according to your pre-conceived notions. It is the judiciary which decided that Godhra was a pre-planned cold blooded act of murder and it was the SC appointed SIT which concluded that it was Jafri who provoked the mob.

That is what people believe. You can continue to live your alternate version of reality. It does nothing except alienate you from the mainstream and further regress the social standing of Muslims. DO I care about that ? Why would I ?

Mob was there at that place first or jafri fired and brought mob?

Read how BJP/police together creates evidence....court sees evidence...
Mob was there at that place first or jafri fired and brought mob?

Read how BJP/police together creates evidence....court sees evidence...

As I said blame everyone else except one self.

Anyway doublemaster, no one asked you to vote for Modi. So I dont know why are arguing against that. I dont even ask you people to vote for him. Every self-conscious Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist/Jain/anyone interested in a strong India must vote for Modi. That is my request. You people are free to vote for whatever you choose.

I will vote for Modi, irrespective of your feelings of him, so why waste time on this back and forth ?
Yawwnnnn. Tehelka. Suspected.

Tehelka is as credible as VHP website in this case. :lol:. Here this website busts the so called Tehelka "sting" operation link

For me, as is with any right thinking Indian citizen who has faith in the judiciary, the court has decided that it was a pre-meditated, cold blooded conspiracy to burn alive 60 Hindus who were coming back from a pilgrimage and I am ok with that.

You can continue to live in the Tehelka lies.

Their sting operation resulted in punishment for Babu Banrangi, Bangaru Laxman, court setting aside thse 12 members witness...
Morover if they said some thing in camera, without knowing to them...that is more than enough for me to blive....
I accept court verdict, court go by witness...if people those who are bringing witness are corrupt nothing can be done...

Just read once again what they said...

Tehelka link is not like VHP link.....Tehelka doesnt support any religion.
yeah thats the reason Afzal guru , ajmal kasab got hanged and India violated cease fire ... we know elections are coming..
Their sting operation resulted in punishment for Babu Banrangi, Bangaru Laxman, court setting aside thse 12 members witness...
Morover if they said some thing in camera, without knowing to them...that is more than enough for me to blive....
I accept court verdict, court go by witness...if people those who are bringing witness are corrupt nothing can be done...

Just read once again what they said...

Tehelka link is not like VHP link.....Tehelka doesnt support any religion.

Tehelka is very rabid, anti-Hindu, pro-congress website. So that is worth as much as a toilet paper to me. And I also trust the analytical and legal acumen of the judges to be sound enough to separate wheat from chaff.

Also by this argument one can conveniently trash any case by saying the evidences were manufactured. That would mean the collapse of the entire judiciary. Sorry things dont happen that way.

As I said you (& and people in your community) can continue to live in your lies by thinking everyone is conspiring against you. I dont care. Ultimately it is only going to affect you when the reality hits you and not me.
@Skull and Bones @jbgt90 @arp2041

Distressed Andhra Pradesh farmers selling organs to escape debt trap

NEW DELHI: Almost five years after the UPA government allocated the lion's share of its Rs 52,000 crore farm loan waiver scheme to Andhra Pradesh, reports are emerging from the state that distressed farmers are selling their organs to come out of the agricultural debt trap.

Three states - Andhra Pradesh, UP and Maharashtra - had got almost 57% of the Rs 52,000 crore package meant for all 35 states and Union Territories. Disbursal in Andhra Pradesh was Rs 11,000 crore while it was Rs 9,095 crore in UP and Rs 8,900 crore in Maharashtra.

The farm loan waiver has been cited as one of the main vote-catchers for the Congress in the 2009 LokSabha polls and this was vindicated in the party's handsome performance in the three states with the largest allocations. While Congress bagged 31 seats in Andhra, it got 22 in UP and 16 in Maharashtra, a performance which facilitated formation of the second UPA government at the Centre.

In Andhra Pradesh, around 77 lakh farmers cornered more than Rs 11,000 crore, almost 21% of the total farm loan waiver package. But as the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report reveals, a huge number of ineligible farmers were allowed waiver while many marginal and small farmers were denied the benefit and they continued to remain in a debt trap.

CAG detected tampering with loan records, alteration in ledgers and changing records where non-agricultural loans were converted into agricultural loans.

In one such instance, the auditor pointed out how the AP Grameen Bank in Ballikurava had altered land holdings of at least 17 loanees so as to alter their category and make them eligible for full waiver in the marginal farmer category.
These irregularities were noticed not just in Andhra Pradesh but across several states were sample study was carried out by the auditor.

The CAG's sample study was carried out over 715 bank branches in 92 districts of 25 states involving more than 80,000 farmers' loan accounts. The disbursement to these farmers amounted to Rs 330 crore.

In Andhra Pradesh, scrutiny of 3,200 loan accounts revealed that in at least 132 cases, ineligible benefits were allowed, highest among all states bar J&K where the sample study found ineligible benefits were allowed to 153 farmers. In close to 100 cases in Andhra Pradesh, the CAG found benefits extended to farmers on loans which were not disbursed in the first place.

Distressed Andhra Pradesh farmers selling organs to escape debt trap - The Times of India

Tell me if Congress has any shame left ?
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Guess which state improved most in malnutrition? Gujarat | Firstpost

So how does Gujarat fare in these numbers? And the answer is: not badly at all, if one looks at change rather than raw numbers. If one were to rank it, Gujarat would figure somewhere in the middle of the national pecking order in terms of child development, which would seem to partially bear out Narendra Modi’s critics that even with high growth, Gujarat does not seem to care as much for its children as it should.

The truth is the growth versus human development juxtaposition is flawed. Gujarat is neither among the worst nor the best in terms of child malnourishment. In fact, the real laggards are also high-growth states such as Andhra Pradesh (49 percent malnourished), Bihar (82 percent), Haryana (43 percent), Rajasthan(43 percent), and, surprisingly Sheila Dikshit’s rich Delhi (50 percent).

As on 31 March 2007, the figure for malnourished children in Gujarat was the highest in the country – at 70.69 percent, well above the national average of 50.1 percent.

But guess what happened by 2011? Gujarat is the most improved state with malnourishment down to 38.77 percent – the sharpest improvement in India. Not only that, Gujarat is now comfortably above the national average on malnourishment at 41.16 percent.

Modi still has some serious work to do in the malnourishment area. Criticism of Gujarat on malnourishment is valid. Excess criticism is outdated.

One more bogey bites the dust..:omghaha:

Congress base lies in the muslim vote bank and poors. You can read their views here n social sites.

For these guys,religion comes first.
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Congress base lies in the muslim vote bank and poors. You can read their views here n social sites.

For these guys,religion comes first.

Divide, fool and rule policy they inherited from the British.

Gandhiji was right in asking the Congress to be dissolved immediately after independence.
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