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I completely support this judgment. We are moving towards an environment of greater tolerance towards sexual choices made by consenting adults, and that is all to the good.

I see that this thread is following the usual track: is homosexuality 'natural', is is a crime against God, if homosexuality is legal why not bestiality, etc.

It's the POV you choose to take I suppose. I chose mine a long time ago.
Based on your derogatory words against the people of Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, I now know they have a reason to guard against Akhand Bharat, and I’d like to listen to them more.

BTW, your funny democratic alliance is dead and rotten for long time, not even a zombie remains.

Derogatory remarks? Explain yourself.

Clearly the alliance is not dead. Its funny to see you and your country twisting your guts on it. Love live Democracies and may God give us all the will to destroy these communist atheist expansionist backstabbing bunch of idiots.

It’s no longer a surprise to me to see your brainwashing media control your brain. Check this out, buddy:
Indo-U.S. nuclear deal in jeopardy - upiasia.com

Here's word straight from the president:
"I voted for the U.S.-India nuclear agreement because India is a strong democracy and a natural strategic partner for the U.S. in the 21st century," he told Outlook magazine, according to a transcript provided by the magazine Friday.
Obama: would not change India nuclear deal now | Top News | Reuters

Here's a more recent link about Secretary of state Hillary confirming the deal.

Keep having wet dreams in your bed, my yellow man. The deal is in, and its not going anywhere.

A nice dream. But pretty wet, isn’t it? Keep up with it.

Don’t you know An-32 crash in AP? How pitiful.

You are being fooled the second time, not by others but both by yourselves and pushed by your incompetent, mostly billionaire or alleged criminal, politicians.

BTW, nothing else sounds more like fascist Germany other than Akhand Bharat.

Pfft, Talk about being belligerent to a T. Yeah, India is so fascist that its trying to defend its own territory, while China has the right to all the land in the world. (/sarcasm)

Listen my yellow man, The world is eagerly watching your military build up. Its almost like the deja vu of the german build up prior to WW2. And china has made a lot of enemies all over the world. It wont be long when the lid blows off and the result would be devastating for you, if you dont play nice with the rest of us.

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BSF, I live in America -- and so by brainwash, yes most Americans are brainwashed. However, you need to un-brainwash yourself first. Most Indians believe in Karma, so think about what you do before you commit those actions. :)
NEW DELHI: A top Indian court issued a landmark ruling Thursday decriminalising gay sex between consenting adults, overturning colonial-era legislation that outlawed homosexuality.

The New Delhi High Court ruled that an existing statute prohibiting homosexual acts was discriminatory and therefore a ‘violation of fundamental rights’ accorded under the constitution.

The statute in question is a British colonial-era law outlawing ‘carnal intercourse against the order of nature.’ Conviction carried a fine and a maximum 10-year jail sentence.

Although prosecutions were rare, gay activists said police used the law to harass and intimidate members of their community.

The High Court ruling was made on a petition brought by the Naz Foundation, a gay advocacy group fighting for equal rights and AIDS awareness.

‘This is a long awaited and incredible judgment,’ said gay rights activist Gautam Bhan.

‘The judges in their verdict spoke about inclusivity, quality and dignity. They spoke about a vision of India as an open, tolerant society and to hear all this from the Delhi High Court was amazing,’ Bhan said.

While the ruling is non-binding outside the Indian capital, lawyers supporting the petition said it set a precedent that effectively decriminalised consensual gay sex nationwide.

The petition had been staunchly opposed by religious groups, particularly leaders of India's Muslim and Christian communities who argued that all homosexual acts were ‘unnatural’ and should therefore be banned.

Gay sex has long been a taboo subject in conservative India, where many still regard homosexuality as an illness.

In recent years, however, the country's largely closeted homosexual community has raised its profile, organising gay pride marches in major cities such as New Delhi and Mumbai.

‘I feel very proud to be an Indian today. This was a very just ruling,’ said openly gay fashion designer Wendell Rodericks.

‘The entire legal community was in favour, I think, of the act being declared legal if it was between consenting adults,’ Rodericks said.

The Indian government has offered mixed messages on its policy regarding the decriminalisation of gay sex, with some ministers speaking out in favour of the petition, only to be contradicted by others in the cabinet.

‘The government can't ignore this,’ Naz Foundation executive director Anjali Gopalan told reporters after the ruling was announced.

Law Minister Veerappa Moily said last weekend that he would be meeting with his cabinet colleagues from the home and health ministries to review the existing legislation.

The petitioners at the High Court had received substantial overseas support, including from the United Nations.

Jeffrey O'Malley, director of the United Nations Development Programme on HIV/AIDS, had argued that decriminalising homosexuality would help India to combat the spread of HIV/AIDS. India has an estimated 2.5 million people living with HIV. — AFP

DAWN.COM | World | Indian court rules homosexuality legal
This is a great social achievement for India....For a conservative culture....backwards many a times....to take such a leap only proves that us Indians are in the midst of a revolution, both Political and social!!!

This is just a ripple in the Sea of change that we embark upon!!
Well if Adam could not find Eve and look only for Steve then what we can do :)
Well if Adam could not find Eve and look only for Steve then what we can do :)

I say to each his own!! As long it has nothing to do with us, why bother what people do in the privacy of their homes??
People start taking this issue more socially then religiously, I don’t remember any religion allows this. But what is ethical and what is not? is not us to decide. So….
I say to each his own!! As long it has nothing to do with us, why bother what people do in the privacy of their homes??
I totally agree with you. Like I said its their life let them do whatever. But only inside their home. When they start doing stuff in public place then its become a problem for society.

I absolutely support the judgment and personally feel that Homosexuality should be legalized. The reasons I give for my opinion are not different from the reasons given by other members who support this judgment. However, I would like to comment upon the various arguments put forth by members who do not support this judgement. So, let me start by addressing all arguments one by one-

1. Homosexuality is a mental disorder and hence should not be legalized-

Since, when have we started banning people with mental and/or physical disorders? Do we imprison and punish mentally ill people just for being mentally ill? Aren’t Schizophrenia and dyslexia mental disorders too? How do we treat people suffering from these disorders? So, hypothetically if I give in to this argument of Homosexuality being a disorder, shouldn’t treating this disorder be a more logical thing to do than banning people suffering from this disorder?

2. India is aping the west and this decision is not voluntary-

First of all one needs to understand the context in which such a judgment was passed. There is no denying the fact that there are thousands if not millions of homosexuals in our country. So, do we assume that these thousands of people became homosexuals because of western influence? Absolutely not! When that is the case, we have to understand that this problem is our own and we need find a solution to it. So how did we go about it? Here s how-

Following is the chronology of the eight-year-long legal proceedings, which ended on Thursday with the Delhi High Court legalising gay sex among consenting adults.

• 2001: An NGO fighting for gay rights, Naz Foundation files a Public Interest Litigation seeking legalisation of gay sex among consenting adults.
• September 2, 2004: Delhi High Court dismisses the PIL seeking decriminalisation of gay sex.
• September 3, 2004: The gay right activists file review petition.
• November 3, 2004: The HC dismisses the review plea.
• December, 2004: Gay rights activists approach the apex court against the order of the high court.
• April 3, 2006: The apex court directs the HC to reconsider the matter on merit and sends the case back to it.
• October 4, 2006: The HC allows senior BJP leader B P Singhal's plea, opposing decriminalising gay sex, to be impleaded in the case.
• September 18, 2008: Centre seeks more time to take stand on the issue after the contradictory stand between the Home and Health ministries over decriminalisation of homosexuality. The court refuses the plea and final argument in the case begins.
• September 25, 2008: The gay rights activists contend that the government cannot infringe upon their fundamental right to equality by decriminalising homosexual acts on the ground of morality.
• September 26, 2008: The court pulls up the Centre for speaking in two voices on the homosexuality law in view of contradictory affidavits filed by Health and Home ministries.
• September 26, 2008: Centre says that gay sex is immmoral and a reflection of a perverse mind and its decriminalisation would lead to moral degradation of society.
• October 15, 2008: The high court pulls up the Centre for relying on religious texts to justify ban on gay sex and asks it to come up with scientific reports to justify it.
• November 2008: Government, in its written submission before the high court, says judiciary should refrain from interfering in the issue as it is basically for Parliament to decide.
• November 7, 2008: High court reserves its verdict on petitions filed by gay rights activists seeking decriminalisation of homosexual acts.
• July 2, 2009: High court allows plea of gay rights activists and legalises gay sex among consenting adults.

So, you see that the case was well fought out and in the end due to the lack of scientific evidence, the court ruled in favor homosexuals. The only arguments put up against homosexuality were based on several religious texts, which obviously will not stand in the court of law.

3. India wants a Security Council seat for which one needs to kill one’s culture

This is the most ridiculous and absurd reason one can give. Even then I will answer it. From the above quoted text it is clear that the GoI was consistently opposed to the idea of legalizing homosexuality and in fact it tried very hard to convince the court to not legalize it. Eventually, the case in favor of legalizing homosexuality was stronger and the court had to rule in favor of the NGO. So, it was a purely legal battle won on the merits of the case and there was no international politics involved!
I totally agree with you. Like I said its their life let them do whatever. But only inside their home. When they start doing stuff in public place then its become a problem for society.

very true.......by doing stuff in public places i guess you refer to show of affection.......public show of affection sdn't be allowed in both same sex or opposite sex relations,thats the way it sd be
Indians are not qualified to criticize China.
Be concerned about terrorist interest in their own country and dirty, poor, poor country people laugh!
Please close your mouth,

These types of posts are unacceptable - please respond to the arguments, not the poster or their country or countrymen.
BSF, I live in America -- and so by brainwash, yes most Americans are brainwashed. However, you need to un-brainwash yourself first. Most Indians believe in Karma, so think about what you do before you commit those actions.
1. Change your flags then

2. Are you saying that all Americans are brainwashed but you are not.

Don't get me wrong, but I want to show you the meaning of "State of denial"

1. A refusal to comply with or satisfy a request.
1. A refusal to grant the truth of a statement or allegation; a contradiction.
2. Law. The opposing by a defendant of an allegation of the plaintiff.
1. A refusal to accept or believe something, such as a doctrine or belief.
2. Psychology. An unconscious defense mechanism characterized by refusal to acknowledge painful realities, thoughts, or feelings.
4. The act of disowning or disavowing; repudiation.
5. Abstinence; self-denial.

I am a Hindu and I do believe in Karma...What are you trying to say ... What does me speaking for, His Holiness, the Dalai Lama have anything to do with my Karma.?

No Offence ment what so ever.

Hey AkhandBharat
Listen my yellow man, The world is eagerly watching your military build up. Its almost like the deja vu of the german build up prior to WW2. And china has made a lot of enemies all over the world. It wont be long when the lid blows off and the result would be devastating for you, if you dont play nice with the rest of us.

A very nice comparison.Kudos dude
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