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Indian forces took part in Lankan war(2009): Plea

That's a misconception, if you imagine Afghanistan to be your backyard.

And as for the link to the SSG active combat involvement in SL war against LTTE, I'm unable to find any authentic piece of information. So I'd gladly appreciate if you help me find some info for the same mate.


A letter written in 1986 by srilankan army to the SSG Capt Alvi Yaldram Battalion appreciates SSG's help in training the Sri Lankan Special Ops and to increase their capabilities to fight the Tamil tiger insurgents.

Capt Muhammad Safdar Alvi

On behalf of the commander of the Army , I wish to convey our deep appreciation for the service rendered by you to the Sri lanka Army . your sincere effort to train our officers and men will always be remembered by us and will undoubtedly strengthen the bond and the good relationship between our two countries

our sincere good wishes to you

16 oct 1986 DG Balthazaar - Brigadier director operations and training

Source: Defence.pk FB page
haha pagal we r the ones who had been ruling yr country for 1000 years time period what makes u think we wont gain? We r those who have fought against the USSR and reduced it to just Russia and now USA is not anymore what we had made them because of us!!! Now that makes u think that we r lacking in something? If US and USSR stood no chance then what exactly makes u think u can offer us? In history our stupid politicians were the reason why we didnt got what we would have against u, but all that is gonna change this time around! and that a promise.

Anyways its just since 2004 that yr country has got some limited influence before that it was all us. We still even enjoy a considerable influence even in yr own country let go of others. But all that is slowly Changing as Americans r leaving and we again showing our muscles. The plans that we have now will just tear u apart in just 5 years from every side!!!

Mughals and all those invaders were sent back with chopped nose by Himalayan Kingdoms. They might have able to establish their regime on plains but not every region in India.
Stop making stories. Pakistan is there only on the orders of Sam and to counter Indian presence. Pakistan doesn't want any peace there, which in return has affected FATA .

In the same way Pakistan does not digest when Kabul asks New Delhi to do infrastructural work there which is more Humane.
LOL and u still r co-operation with them arnt u?
So how do u think ur co-operating them? Obviously we have allowed u otherwise like Mehta rest of yr countrymen would be in hell right now.
Ok, so? Watcha gonna do now Mr pro-LTTE Human Rights activist? Report the matter to Obama?

Go look for a decent job instead of spreading baloney and wasting everyone's time.

Don't shoot the poster... instead shoot the Sikh soldiers who are leaking the secret!

A letter written in 1986 by srilankan army to the SSG Capt Alvi Yaldram Battalion appreciates SSG's help in training the Sri Lankan Special Ops and to increase their capabilities to fight the Tamil tiger insurgents.

Capt Muhammad Safdar Alvi

On behalf of the commander of the Army , I wish to convey our deep appreciation for the service rendered by you to the Sri lanka Army . your sincere effort to train our officers and men will always be remembered by us and will undoubtedly strengthen the bond and the good relationship between our two countries

our sincere good wishes to you

16 oct 1986 DG Balthazaar - Brigadier director operations and training

Source: Defence.pk FB page
post the SSG pictures in Srilanka's 2009 terrorist war and SSG troops deployment there.
A letter written in 1986 by srilankan army to the SSG Capt Alvi Yaldram Battalion appreciates SSG's help in training the Sri Lankan Special Ops and to increase their capabilities to fight the Tamil tiger insurgents.

Capt Muhammad Safdar Alvi

On behalf of the commander of the Army , I wish to convey our deep appreciation for the service rendered by you to the Sri lanka Army . your sincere effort to train our officers and men will always be remembered by us and will undoubtedly strengthen the bond and the good relationship between our two countries

our sincere good wishes to you

16 oct 1986 DG Balthazaar - Brigadier director operations and training

Source: Defence.pk FB page

Arre yaar I'm asking an authentic piece of info regarding the 'active combat involvement' of Pakistani forces in warzone, instead of training assistance!
LOL and u still r co-operation with them arnt u?
So how do u think ur co-operating them? Obviously we have allowed u otherwise like Mehta rest of yr countrymen would be in hell right now.

I am expecting a quality debate from you, not Kwality Walls ice cream!! :alcoholic:

Arre yaar I'm asking an authentic piece of info regarding the 'active combat involvement' of Pakistani forces in warzone, instead of training assistance!

I don't think Pakistan had sent its military, but might have provided intel and logistic support.
Mughals and all those invaders were sent back with chopped nose by Himalayan Kingdoms. They might have able to establish their regime on plains but not every region in India.
HAHAHA well i can understand this might be a little hard to digest as its just natural. But they were the most Great Rulers yr country ever had. BTW im a Azad Kashmiri so obvious Himalayan But our areas never fought against our own rather we had supported them all along.
I don't think Pakistan had sent its military, but might have provided intel and logistic support.

Plus in SSG photo section we have even upload their pictures from frontlines in this forum. They were deployed.

Hence, my request for being provided with information, cause as far as my knowledge goes, I cannot recall any of the Pakistani forces being deployed in warzones. Now I may be wrong, hence I'm asking him.

A letter written in 1986 by srilankan army to the SSG Capt Alvi Yaldram Battalion appreciates SSG's help in training the Sri Lankan Special Ops and to increase their capabilities to fight the Tamil tiger insurgents.

Capt Muhammad Safdar Alvi

On behalf of the commander of the Army , I wish to convey our deep appreciation for the service rendered by you to the Sri lanka Army . your sincere effort to train our officers and men will always be remembered by us and will undoubtedly strengthen the bond and the good relationship between our two countries

our sincere good wishes to you

16 oct 1986 DG Balthazaar - Brigadier director operations and training

Source: Defence.pk FB page

lol...that letter says about the training of SL solders by SSG not about the SSG's combat in SL ...no SSG is deployed for combat in SL....pakistan never deployed its SSG for an overseas deployment(except for UN deployment). SL military is trained by many foreign countries like US, UK, India, china, Australia and that doesn't mean that they all are combat deployed against LTTE in SL for the fight.....India is the only foreign country who fight against LTTE in SL with SL military.
lol...that letter says about the training of SL solders by SSG not about the SSG's combat in SL ...no SSG is deployed for combat in SL....pakistan never deployed its SSG for an overseas deployment(except for UN deployment). SL military is trained by many foreign countries like US, UK, India, china, Australia and that doesn't mean that they all are combat deployed against LTTE in SL for the fight.....India is the only country who fight against LTTE in SL with SL military.
pakistan has deployed SSG all along them world! SSG's one company still guards the House of Saud of Saudi Royal Family. In past it has deployed them in Afghanistan, Iran, ME countries including Lebanon, Palestine, Bosnia Srilanka etc etc. Visit SSG pictures thread to see the pictures of SSG in Srilanka against Tamil terrorists

well those are 86' pics
nope the specific pic im talking abt is of 2009.
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