Thank Bro
As for the ABM Defense shield, I don't think so. If the Armed Forces surprise us, we'll that'll be a day of great joy. But ABM defense shields are really hard to get a hold off, every single nation is struggling to perfect theirs, even the US & Russia, who have decades of experience in this field.
What Pakistan has in its favor is the close proximity to India, which makes the ABM shield better/worse in this scenario, in that if the threat is detected fast enough, it can be easily taken down since the interceptor missile doesn't have to travel a long period of time.
On the other hand, if the enemy missile isn't detected fast enough (i.e before launch or during/soon after) the ABM shield won't be able to protect us.
This is why, against India, Pakistan is going for missiles that take off faster than before and have MIRV's (Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicles; Multiple warheads on the same missile).