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Indian forces fought along Mukti Bahini: Modi admits the conspiracy to divide Pakistan

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Lol really a pakistani talking about growing old.
Baby i think your madarssah has had a very big effect on your mind Please do read 1965 war on wikipedia
and then grow up:D:D:D
and by the way for you have much more bigger thing. Just look for documentaries on Youtube.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Trust me you should not be talking about 1965 war with me. Because i don't like dehati aurat crying.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

hahahahahahahahaha :D you are just trolling ... You dont have any thing to back your comments ... Madarsah madarsah bolne se tu sacha ni ho jaye ga ... Jb kuch ho dikhane ko tb ana ... Chalo tb tk lolli pop choso beta
:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Lol really a pakistani talking about growing old.
Baby i think your madarssah has had a very big effect on your mind Please do read 1965 war on wikipedia
and then grow up:D:D:D
and by the way for you have much more bigger thing. Just look for documentaries on Youtube.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Trust me you should not be talking about 1965 war with me. Because i don't like dehati aurat crying.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
The one who thinks wikipedia as a reliable source needs to grow up. Period.
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Look at this you are asking me for source i have given you whole history in wikipedia and also search for other source, you just have to type 1965, come buddy stop fooling yourselves just take my advice type 1965 war and all your delusions willbe cleared i have also told you to look at the documentaries on youtube of neutral sources now what you want more than this :lol::lol::lol: and in return of that you have given me a simple troll post saying that Tashkent was a failure of our politicians and not war and no source backing your comment :woot::woot::woot::woot: truly you are awesome man surely. Now please comment after reading and seeing videos i will be waiting for you here OKKKKKK:rofl::rofl::rofl:.
You got a new internet connection or are you a kid?
:rofl::rofl::rofl: Look at this you are asking me for source i have given you whole history in wikipedia and also search for other source, you just have to type 1965, come buddy stop fooling yourselves just take my advice type 1965 war and all your delusions willbe cleared i have also told you to look at the documentaries on youtube of neutral sources now what you want more than this :lol::lol::lol: and in return of that you have given me a simple troll post saying that Tashkent was a failure of our politicians and not war and no source backing your comment :woot::woot::woot::woot: truly you are awesome man surely. Now please comment after reading and seeing videos i will be waiting for you here OKKKKKK:rofl::rofl::rofl:.

As per your knowledge than i should also not believe Youtube too, Neutral sources, books from major defence analysts come on dude stop embarrassing yourself.
This is a neutral source. Believe it or STFU. You are new here and do not know much. You are making an @rse out of yourself.
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USA broke Soviet Union. Russia broke Ukraine .. who will support Pakistan at international forum among people who are themselves busy in breaking nations. :P

Fazul sa agenda hai , waste of resources and time.
You don't want to know my age really, because you are truly too young for me to take you seriously that's why i am laughing so much because Defence.pk make my day truly. It's not an offence statement but really you don't want to know my name.
You are not behaving like an old person as per your claim and judging from your stupid posts. When I was a kid I read from different sources including Indian sources where as you just click a wiki link and think that you know everything.
You are far away from Logic and understanding of International Laws... You try do anything beyond ceasefire lines. Whatever AID you get from Rich donors will be revoked..

Who will bear cost of ISI, Military and Government expenditures, clandestine projects, support to Haqqanis, Good Taliban etc..


Which success are you alluding to, is that of minting money from West.. Is that what you call Success are you reffering to CPEC.. if that so.. then Success has come very late to you since Inception of Pakistan... and Dude it's truu you cried on weeped on International Forum to create a homeland for Muslims, including Ahmedis and all... And now they are killed on daily basis... Your country is now more of a Sunni Affair then Islam as a whole... And you Military is more of a Muhajirs affair rather then Country as a whole...

Read: What's wrong with Pakistan by veteran journalist Babar Ayaaz.. it will be an eye opener for your success misconception...

We want to charge Modi and RAW chief for all these crimes. Please handover to us.

For your attention, I want to tell you we are building Silicon Valley in Baluchistan. Now Indian Copy Cats don't have to go to US. They can do the same work in our silicon valley. Be ready to stand outside of Pakistani Consulate in Delhi, Bombay and Hyderabad. Line is gonna be long, so start line-up early in the morning.

You are sitting in Norway Oslo like other Pakistanis to escape difficulties there in your country and to make money and to have good settled life and then you are talking about United Pakistan... That's Pretty Kool..:nono:

Actualy I am doing Post doctorate research here, how to stop criminal groups (RAW) entering into the country. Once I will done, I will back and send all the RAW agents from Pakistan. Please be ready to get back all your agents. Otherwise you have to pay storage fees.

You are sitting in Norway Oslo like other Pakistanis to escape difficulties there in your country and to make money and to have good settled life and then you are talking about United Pakistan... That's Pretty Kool..:nono:

Actualy I am doing Post doctorate research here, how to stop criminal groups (RAW) entering into the country. Once I will done, I will back and send all the RAW agents from Pakistan. Please be ready to get back all your agents. Otherwise you have to pay storage fees.
I always knew that it was coming:lol::lol: The great Australian newspaper because i have always seen it appearing in every now and then thread. I will tell you are only living with only that poster to prove whole world wrong. The defence analysts who wrote book on 1965- they are wrong with that poster, The real time documentaries showing real videos of war on 1965 are wrong with that single post, The UN is wrong with that post because post is bigger than UN.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
By the way when did i tell you to believe in wiki and you have other sources too but no we will not read because we want to live in delusions so be it. Just take my advice type 'India Pakistan war 1965' in recommendations you willk be shown a Black and white youtube video and still if you are not satisfied than spend some extra bucks and read the Biographies and Books of Generals and Defence analysts respectively.:enjoy:

reality though is Pakistani cooks working in Bangladesi owned restaurants branded as Indian restaurants. Sure people line up, who doesn't like Indian food
I always knew that it was coming:lol::lol: The great Australian newspaper because i have always seen it appearing in every now and then thread. I will tell you are only living with only that poster to prove whole world wrong. The defence analysts who wrote book on 1965- they are wrong with that poster, The real time documentaries showing real videos of war on 1965 are wrong with that single post, The UN is wrong with that post because post is bigger than UN.:cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
By the way when did i tell you to believe in wiki and you have other sources too but no we will not read because we want to live in delusions so be it. Just take my advice type 'India Pakistan war 1965' in recommendations you willk be shown a Black and white youtube video and still if you are not satisfied than spend some extra bucks and read the Biographies and Books of Generals and Defence analysts respectively.:enjoy:
Now you are cool after getting banned. I know the 1965 war inside and out both from Indian and Pakistani POV's and analysis of different experts on it. You need to educate yourself instead of watching those propaganda youtube videos.
whole world came to known about end.ia.. that end.ia is weak state.. just checking the missile test was failed.. as world say about Pakistan in coming 40, 30 years Pakistan will became superpower country..
we completely comtrol on terrisom ... Can end,ia have comtrol on rapping girls??? any law???
my fav <3 lines.. ****Pakistan China Dosti Zindabad****

Jis ka ghar kud MIRROR ka banna howa ho... woh dosra py ka ROCK pakhly ga..... end.ia :DD
This is a neutral source. Believe it or STFU. You are new here and do not know much. You are making an @rse out of yourself.

Your report is about a single battle not about the war .

This newspaper is dated September 14 while the war was only over by September 23 .

Now if you want neutral source , we have many ,


Neutral assessments

There have been several neutral assessments of the losses incurred by both India and Pakistan during the war.

Most of these assessments agree that India had the upper hand over Pakistan when ceasefire was declared.

Some of the neutral assessments are mentioned below —

  • According to the Library of Congress Country Studies conducted by the Federal Research Division of the United States –

The war was militarily inconclusive; each side held prisoners and some territory belonging to the other. Losses were relatively heavy—on the Pakistani side, twenty aircraft, 200 tanks, and 3,800 troops. Pakistan's army had been able to withstand Indian pressure, but a continuation of the fighting would only have led to further losses and ultimate defeat for Pakistan. Most Pakistanis, schooled in the belief of their own martial prowess, refused to accept the possibility of their country's military defeat by "Hindu India" and were, instead, quick to blame their failure to attain their military aims on what they considered to be the ineptitude of Ayub Khan and his government.

  • TIME magazine reported that India held 690 mi2 of Pakistan territory while Pakistan held 250 mi2 of Indian territory in Kashmir and Rajasthan. Additionally, Pakistan had lost almost half its armour temporarily. The article further elaborates,

Severely mauled by the larger Indian armed forces, Pakistan could continue the fight only by teaming up with Red China and turning its back on the U.N.

  • Devin T. Hagerty wrote in his book "South Asia in world politics" –

The invading Indian forces outfought their Pakistani counterparts and halted their attack on the outskirts of Lahore, Pakistan's second-largest city. By the time United Nations intervened on September 22, Pakistan had suffered a clear defeat.

  • In his book "National identity and geopolitical visions", Gertjan Dijkink writes –

The superior Indian forces, however, won a decisive victory and the army could have even marched on into Pakistani territory had external pressure not forced both combatants to cease their war efforts.

  • An excerpt from Stanley Wolpert's India, summarizing the Indo-Pakistani War of 1965,

In three weeks the second Indo-Pak War ended in what appeared to be a draw when the embargo placed by Washington on U.S. ammunition and replacements for both armies forced cessation of conflict before either side won a clear victory. India, however, was in a position to inflict grave damage to, if not capture, Pakistan's capital of the Punjab when the cease-fire was called, and controlled Kashmir's strategic Uri-Poonch bulge, much to Ayub's chagrin.

  • In his book titled The greater game: India's race with destiny and China, David Van Praagh wrote –

India won the war. It gained 1,840 km2 (710 sq mi) of Pakistani territory: 640 km2 (250 sq mi) in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan's portion of the state; 460 km2 (180 sq mi) of the Sailkot sector; 380 km2 (150 sq mi) far to the south of Sindh; and most critical, 360 km2 (140 sq mi) on the Lahore front. Pakistan took 540 km2 (210 sq mi) of Indian territory: 490 km2 (190 sq mi) in the Chhamb sector and 50 km2 (19 sq mi) around Khem Karan.

  • Dennis Kux's "India and the United States estranged democracies" also provides a summary of the war,

Although both sides lost heavily in men and material, and neither gained a decisive military advantage, India had the better of the war. New Delhi achieved its basic goal of thwarting Pakistan's attempt to seize Kashmir by force. Pakistan gained nothing from a conflict which it had instigated.

  • BBC reported that the war served game changer in Pakistani politics,

The defeat in the 1965 war led to the army's invincibility being challenged by an increasingly vocal opposition. This became a surge after his protege, Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, deserted him and established the Pakistan People's Party.

  • "A region in turmoil: South Asian conflicts since 1947" by Robert Johnson mentions –

India's strategic aims were modest – it aimed to deny Pakistani Army victory, although it ended up in possession of 720 square miles (1,900 km2) of Pakistani territory for the loss of just 220 square miles (570 km2) of its own

  • An excerpt from William M. Carpenter and David G. Wiencek's "Asian security handbook: terrorism and the new security environment"[80] –

A brief but furious 1965 war with India began with a covert Pakistani thrust across the Kashmiri cease-fire line and ended up with the city of Lahore threatened with encirclement by Indian Army. Another UN-sponsored cease-fire left borders unchanged, but Pakistan's vulnerability had again been exposed.

  • English historian John Keay's "India: A History" provides a summary of the 1965 war –

The 1965 Indo-Pak war lasted barely a month. Pakistan made gains in the Rajasthan desert but its main push against India's Jammu-Srinagar road link was repulsed and Indian tanks advanced to within a sight of Lahore. Both sides claimed victory but India had most to celebrate.

  • Uk Heo and Shale Asher Horowitz write in their book "Conflict in Asia: Korea, China-Taiwan, and India-Pakistan" –

Again India appeared, logistically at least, to be in a superior position but neither side was able to mobilize enough strength to gain a decisive victory.

  • In its October 1965 issue, the TIME magazine quoted a Western official assessing the consequences of the war —

Now it's apparent to everybody that India is going to emerge as an Asian power in its own right.

  • In his book "War in the modern world since 1815", noted war historian Jeremy Black said that —

though Pakistan "lost heavily" during the 1965 war, India's hasty decision to call for negotiations prevented further considerable damage to the Pakistan Armed Forces. He elaborates India's chief of army staff urged negotiations on the ground that they were running out ammunition and their number of tanks had become seriously depleted. In fact, the army had used less than 15% of its ammunition compared to Pakistan, which had consumed closer to 80 percent and India had double the number of serviceable tanks.

  • In his book "Mainsprings of Indian and Pakistani foreign policies", S.M. Burke writes —

After the Indo-Pakistani war of 1965 the balance of military power had decisively shifted in favor of India. Pakistan had found it difficult to replace the heavy equipment lost during that conflict while her adversary, despite her economic and political problems, had been determinedly building up her strength.

  • Rasul Bux Rais, a Pakistani political analyst wrote –

The 1965 war with India proved that Pakistan could neither break the formidable Indian defenses in a blitzkrieg fashion nor could she sustain an all-out conflict for long.

whole world came to known about end.ia.. that end.ia is weak state.. just checking the missile test was failed.. as world say about Pakistan in coming 40, 30 years Pakistan will became superpower country..
we completely comtrol on terrisom ... Can end,ia have comtrol on rapping girls??? any law???
my fav <3 lines.. ****Pakistan China Dosti Zindabad****

Jis ka ghar kud MIRROR ka banna howa ho... woh dosra py ka ROCK pakhly ga..... end.ia :DD

India played a very vital role in the 1971 BANGLADESH LIBERATION WAR. The terrorism was orchestrated by Gen Tikka Khan, A.K.A. the Butcher of Bengal, as he ordered the massacre of thousand of bengalis and the rape of thousand of innocent women who have been honoured by the title of Birongana (the brave women of war). I request the pakistani friends or whoever accuses Mukti Bahini of being a terrorist organisation to look up the atrocities committed by the pakistani army in the war.
I would also like to point out that the 93000 army men and civilians who surrendered to the indian army were given safe passage to pakistan. else the bengalis were so infuriated that they would have massacred the pakistanis within a few days.

In a bbc news report, we can see indian army men providing security and protecting the pakistani POWs from the wrath of the angry bengalis
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