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Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

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Indians will have to pay sooner or later Phalcon and P8I are good targets.

some ones burning. 1st think about ur pc-3 orion we can take care of phalcon and p-8i Poseidon. yeah phalcon and p-8i are gud targets. thats y dey r practicing on pc-3 orion n ur naval bases right
i never thought RAW had capability to design such an attack...i used to think it is useless...

in another breaking news BBC reported that 99.99% Pakistanis believe in conspiracy theories..
ohh wait..that is not a news for me :)

Raw have capability to do such attacks but Raw don't have capability to prevent such attacks on Indian soil (26/11).
But what are the proofs?
taliban have claimed responsibility so act against them.
By talking things like this will change the direction of investigation,we should use this inccident to creat hatred about Taliban in Pakistanis but I fear they might get boosted instead.
now where are the emotionally charged secular brigade?

This a nonsense article and a nonsense source.

India does not have the capability or the control to train Central Asians, Afghans and Pakistani's for attacks on highly secured bases within Pakistan.

This was an Islamist mission, your party probably organized it, they also had internal support.

India does not have anything to do with it.
Raw have capability to do such attacks but Raw don't have capability to prevent such attacks on Indian soil (26/11).

Lets try to distinguish the attack on a military base to an attack by cowards on civilians. No military targets, were targeted. 26/11 was a coward act to kill innocent people and the attack on the naval base was part of the series of attacks that started from GHQ to Airforce and then the Navy. Please do not compare applies and oranges.

Such mindset to target India will cost you your beloved country. You guys have already created enough pits and Frankensteins for your own good. Learn from your mistakes and clean up your backyard.
PNS Mehran attack — whodunit?[

This lends credence to the earlier media reports of the Indian spy agency RAW, infiltrating the Taliban and Al-Qaeda with some other foreign intelligence agencies to destabilise Pakistan.

By S.m. Hali | Published: May 25, 2011

Before concluding who was behind the daring and well conducted attack on PNS Mehran base by well trained terrorists, with sophisticated communication equipment, night vision devices; state-of-the-art weaponry, we need to who gained the maximum from this assault. The loss of two P-3C Orion maritime surveillance aircraft, which were India-specific, and is capable of primarily conducting maritime patrol, reconnaissance, anti-surface warfare and anti-submarine warfare, benefits the adversary.

In one stroke, 75% of Pakistan’s P-3C fleet has been decimated. The armed forces of Pakistan, who were humiliated as a result of Operation Geronimo on May 2, have been further besmirched as a result of the breach of security at PNS Mehran and the 7 hours required to break the siege by only four (+2) terrorists. This act speaks volumes for whodunit. According to an international news agency, the Tehrik-e-Taliban (Pakistan) claimed responsibility, but this appears to be a red herring. This was no ragtag militia descended from the tribal region between Afghanistan and Pakistan. The targeted P-3C Orions were not being used in the war against terror, so were of no threat to the Taliban or Al-Qaeda. Pakistan Navy has not been an active participant in the war on terror apart from its contribution to the anti-piracy efforts or the Maritime Task Force in the Indian Ocean.

This lends credence to the earlier media reports of the Indian spy agency RAW, infiltrating the Taliban and Al-Qaeda with some other foreign intelligence agencies to destabilise Pakistan.

Resulting from the attack, a number of advantages can be accrued to the enemies of Pakistan. Besides the trauma and shock, the loss of high value military hardware and the loss of 10 lives and injuries to 15 armed forces personnel, a clear message has been sent to Pakistan. The detractors of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme are bent upon proving that there are breaches in the security system, which can lead to the nuclear weapons landing in the hands of terrorists, thus endangering the world. No amount of reasoning, rationalisation and explanation that sophisticated nuclear weapons are not hand grenades, which can be transported and hurled at targets with impunity has worked, since the detractors are bent upon Pakistan abandoning its nuclear weapons, they will stop at nothing short of actually defanging us. The detractors, through intelligence and war games with varied scenarios, have explored the possibilities of taking control of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons but have reached virtual dead ends.

PNS Mehran attack — whodunit? | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online

The footprint found at Mehran base after the attacks. Looks like RAW/CIA/MOSSAD trained guys..some people even got special skill by looking at them they can identify whether those terrorists are Indian trained Pashtuns or not.
Let the GOP or ARMY put on record the indian involvement in the navy base... then we can discuss... people are just simply speculating.. why the GOP is not taking action against TTP?? this is prepostereous..

The footprint found at Mehran base after the attacks. Looks like RAW/CIA/MOSSAD trained guys..some people even got special skill by looking at them they can identify whether those terrorists are Indian trained Pashtuns or not.

lol nice one bro
Before concluding who was behind the daring and well conducted attack on PNS Mehran base by well trained terrorists, with sophisticated communication equipment, night vision devices; state-of-the-art weaponry, we need to who gained the maximum from this assault. The loss of two P-3C Orion maritime surveillance aircraft, which were India-specific, and is capable of primarily conducting maritime patrol, reconnaissance, anti-surface warfare and anti-submarine warfare, benefits the adversary.

The whole of Pakistan armed forces infrastructure including nuclear weapons is India specific. So what is the point ?
This a nonsense article and a nonsense source.

India does not have the capability or the control to train Central Asians, Afghans and Pakistani's for attacks on highly secured bases within Pakistan.

This was an Islamist mission, your party probably organized it, they also had internal support.

India does not have anything to do with it.

looks like the secular trash don't like their indian buddies to be named :lol:

seculars under pressure......:woot:
People need to understand that this is a ideological war is going on.... Indian doesn't have influence and anything common with this terrorist.. we simply cannot brain washed them.. They are brain washed by their ideology that's why they are not even afraid to die.. can somebody tells us how we can brain washed their ideology.. as we consider a hindu state..
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