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Indian footprints emerging on Naval base attack

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Mia ji please refer to BBC report on this and things would get more clear.

'New kind of militant' behind Pakistan Karachi attack

The deadly 15-hour siege on Pakistan's Mehran naval airbase in Karachi on Monday was carried out by attackers with military-level training, raising suspicions they had inside help.

Questions are being asked about the security of Pakistan's vital military installations after a well-organised group of gunmen held off Pakistan's equivalent of the US Navy Seals - the Special Services Group - Navy (SSG-N) - for 15 hours.

This SSG-N is said to be the most formidable fighting force in Pakistan, but - for a few hours at least - they appeared to be at the mercy of a brazen group of fighters.

"They weren't any ordinary militants - certainly not the Taliban," said one security official, who wished to remain unnamed.

"The aim of all Taliban attacks is maximum death and destruction - these men were very focused on what they were after."

Speed and organisation
From the beginning it was clear the attackers had an intricate knowledge of the base and its vulnerable areas. They were tactically assured and the operation had clearly been long in the planning.

"They came over the wall cutting the wire on the eastern side of the base," one official told the BBC, adding that it was one of the weak points. The militants knew and exploited this - just one piece of inside knowledge they had.

"That side is just next to the runway - and the guard tower is at a distance because planes land regularly."

The first time the militants were seen was when they appeared on the runway, weapons at the ready. "The [navy] men couldn't believe their eyes," says an official.

A number of officials listed to me their observations, which reinforced the conviction that they were being confronted with a new kind of militant attack:

Military formation: One injured sailor told an official that the attackers "moved and dressed like us". The militants moved in tactical military formation and spoke in military parlance. They spoke between themselves in Urdu, as well as a foreign language.
Clothing and equipment: The militants wore combat fatigues, according to officials - and had night vision goggles, carrying rocket propelled grenades [RPGs]. "It takes months of training for ease with the goggles, and years to be expert," one official told me.
Tactics and a plan: One witness said that even though the militants had clear sight of them, "they ignored us... Instead, they just aimed RPGs at the two Orions [planes] parked on the tarmac." They were clearly under instructions to destroy military hardware. They also changed tactics easily and broke away in groups, which clearly had different aims.
Crack shots: "They were excellent shots - as good as any we have," said one security official involved in the operation. They used their night vision goggles to maximum effect, witnesses say - and that was an advantage they had until the SSG-N team arrived at the scene. When the gun battle began, one security official said, it was clear that these men could "hold their own" in a firefight. The fact that they had M16 carbines and sniper rifles also set them apart.
Officials says all of this is in strong contrast to the Taliban, who adopt an equally brutal but more chaotic mode of attack. "Their best weapon is the suicide bomber - they are notoriously poor shots," one official told me.

"They were the exception to every rule of Pakistan militant tactics."

"They were also not about killing people," one official said. "It was clear they were interested in the destruction of equipment, a much more 'military' aim."

Shock and disbelief

It was only the sheer numbers of the naval personnel that prevented further damage to the aircraft in the base, one naval spokesman said.

Even so, the ferocity, speed and organisation of the onslaught still came as a shock. The planes were in flames and a gun battle being fought within minutes.

The incident has drawn comparisons with the 2008 Mumbai (Bombay) attacks
But one of the attackers in particular caught the attention of those who were watching and bearing the brunt of the attack.

"A small young man with a light beard who later dropped his M16 for two Uzi submachine guns. He was particularly deadly - he killed one soldier with a single shot at over 600 yards."

Another clue as to the level of their training and proficiency was their ability to change tactics. One witness recounted how in the midst of the firefight the attackers appeared to change tack and back off.

They appeared to be going for the barracks housing the Chinese engineers. Another firefight broke out until another detachment of naval marines got to the Chinese barracks. The militants, when they realised what was happening, opened fire on the armoured vehicles the Chinese engineers were being taken away in.

Inside help
Everything about the attack pointed to a detailed knowledge of the barracks. After the Chinese engineers were taken away, they broke up into groups and one group took refuge in a nearby barracks.

"They used the building to maximum effect - they knew it and the surrounding area inside out," one official said.

"We later discovered plans to the whole compound on them."

The SSG-N finally got into the barracks and killed the remaining militants. The attackers had clearly come prepared for a long siege, bringing bags of dried fruit as rations.

Officials dismiss the explanation that the attack was in retaliation for Osama Bin Laden's death. "This took months of planning - the only parallel I can think of is Mumbai [Bombay]," one said.

Gunmen killed 165 people in the 2008 Mumbai attacks, and India has repeatedly accused Pakistan and its ISI intelligence agency of involvement in them.

"This maybe the first attack of its kind [in Pakistan]," the security official said. "But it's definitely not the last."

I am not a Mia Ji, but thanks for sharing the post.

If the article you post is reflecting the 100% truth then it is definitely not TTP and targeting Chinese would definitely bring in to question certain rival powers which want China to look the other way and stop standing by Pakistan.
All in all, i was trying to be mature and wait for proper investigation and the ensuing report; but you in your eagerness to only blame insiders you forget the crux of the article...which presents this as first of its kind attack in which attackers used equipment and tactics of a modern commando force and not TTP's grunts.

I still maintain, let us wait for the outcome.
I am not a Mia Ji, but thanks for sharing the post.

If the article you post is reflecting the 100% truth then it is definitely not TTP and targeting Chinese would definitely bring in to question certain rival powers which want China to look the other way and stop standing by Pakistan.
All in all, i was trying to be mature and wait for proper investigation and the ensuing report; but you in your eagerness to only blame insiders you forget the crux of the article...which presents this as first of its kind attack in which attackers used equipment and tactics of a modern commando force and not TTP's grunts.

I still maintain, let us wait for the outcome.

Sir, SUspision is prominent on Insiders dis gruntled mid-ranking navy men (most probably talibanised extremist fanatics)who have some point to make to the top brass. Same like the case of GHQ pindi attack.

Plz remember they were not keen on colateral damage to lives of people. They could have easily increassd the causlity numbers if they wished. The deaths have been caused in purely dewfensive mode only. 16 Plus hours of seige with state of the art weaponry including snipers, uzis, RPGs, night vision devices etc. and only 11 deaths is surprising.
the major analysts are speculating that the fact that rehman malik said about 4-6 terroists but in actual there was FIR agaisnt 12 terrorists, that its highly possible those actual terrorists aside the dead terrorists are in custody of army or rangers, and they may have been inside the mehran base, they can be the inside traitors who sold out and gave away information to the outsiders
Whoever did it, have some sanity. They didnt attack civilians, infact no civilian innocent life was lost. They certainly dont fall in the typical category of terrorists, who shamelessly attack civilians & kill innocent people in Hotels, railway stations, office buildings & hospitals.
Military formation: One injured sailor told an official that the attackers "moved and dressed like us". The militants moved in tactical military formation and spoke in military parlance. They spoke between themselves in Urdu, as well as a foreign language.
Clothing and equipment: The militants wore combat fatigues, according to officials - and had night vision goggles, carrying rocket propelled grenades [RPGs]. "It takes months of training for ease with the goggles, and years to be expert," one official told me.
Tactics and a plan: One witness said that even though the militants had clear sight of them, "they ignored us... Instead, they just aimed RPGs at the two Orions [planes] parked on the tarmac." They were clearly under instructions to destroy military hardware. They also changed tactics easily and broke away in groups, which clearly had different aims.
Crack shots: "They were excellent shots - as good as any we have," said one security official involved in the operation. They used their night vision goggles to maximum effect, witnesses say - and that was an advantage they had until the SSG-N team arrived at the scene. When the gun battle began, one security official said, it was clear that these men could "hold their own" in a firefight. The fact that they had M16 carbines and sniper rifles also set them apart.
Officials says all of this is in strong contrast to the Taliban, who adopt an equally brutal but more chaotic mode of attack. "Their best weapon is the suicide bomber - they are notoriously poor shots," one official told me.

"They were the exception to every rule of Pakistan militant tactics."

What was the foreign language?
FIR means First Incident Report. Numbers, details, can always change especially in such a fluid event that is quite obviously being brushed under the carpet. I doubt above all things, a Pakistani POLICE initial report would be bang on.
Oh really?? Even if that's true to some extent, things are going to be different soon. So better brace yourself. (I thought, I'll abstain from posting in these kind of mindless and bogus threads. But seing a think tank going at it again and again, could not restrain myself any longer)

I can post numerous international sentiment on 26-11, if you want, to proove you wrong. But then why waste time and bandwidth on head struck ostriches?

Generally noone cares what happens in India. Only if it relates to Pakistan does it make the news and then still most people don't bother reading it in any detail.
SO if COnspirapist theory is to be believed then It was RAW who carried out this spectacularly brave and daring attack on your well guarded millitary establishment. With star wars like fatigue and TFTA commandu precision destroying your millitary assets worth millions. Fighting with your 1500 special forces and still most of them manage to escape.

On second thought I pray to god that this be true. Makes me feel proud now.

Jai ho.

even though RAW can be directly responsible but the current raymond davis case has exposed the extense of CAI network inside pakistan, and RAW is already seeking israel's MOSSAD help for pakistani intelligence, the drones shot down by pak were israeli made, Mi6 and other agencies of nato

these agencies have created their gang called TTP and al are working with each other, sharing intel and together they are creating the mennace, RAW alone has no resources neither intelligence to do such big stuff, if it had been it would have occured in musharraf era or 1990s era
Footprint-- India gets benefit--- another article--- just another day-- just another LOL.

There is nothing apart from the conspiracy theories discussed here. Its not surprising that people need some of the theories to hide own shame on the whole incident. Strangely no mention of CIA this time around.

Same you peoples did in Mumbai attacks.................within 30 mins of attack your media start screaming Pakistan attacked on Indian soul.
Dari or Pashto? How many in Karachi would know Pashto?

Most people would know how Pashto sounds but it's not impossible. Dari would sound a bit foreign but some words would be recognisable.
Most people would know how Pashto sounds but it's not impossible. Dari would sound a bit foreign but some words would be recognisable.

But either would be identifiable as a foreign language, right? Who can speak both Urdu and Dari/Pashto?
it might be possible, CIA are recruiting men from tajikistan army or uzbekistan army to do terrorist attacks in pakistan
even though RAW can be directly responsible but the current raymond davis case has exposed the extense of CAI network inside pakistan, and RAW is already seeking israel's MOSSAD help for pakistani intelligence, the drones shot down by pak were israeli made, Mi6 and other agencies of nato

these agencies have created their gang called TTP and al are working with each other, sharing intel and together they are creating the mennace, RAW alone has no resources neither intelligence to do such big stuff, if it had been it would have occured in musharraf era or 1990s era

One single link that is anywhere close to support your claim??
Until the Investigation is complete and the findings are revealed the posts here will be speculations only.
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