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Indian female spy arrested in Pakistan (Pak-Afghan Border: Indian Terrorism)

Asim, Pakistan already has an Indian spy in its prison for committing bomb blast in Lahore and Faisalabad. His name is probably sarbjit and India is asking Pakistan to release him.
Asim, Pakistan already has an Indian spy in its prison for committing bomb blast in Lahore and Faisalabad. His name is probably sarbjit and India is asking Pakistan to release him.
They should release him allright, in a few pieces.
I hope she is not a spy, because if she is. It is going to severely effect the relations between the two countries.

Relations are already severly affected webby. Indian leaders and their speculative media didn't spare Pakistan during Mumbai Siege, MM Singh even called us "epicentrum of terrorism" yesterday. I sincerely hope she's a spy and we get sufficient information out of her and allow western experts and media to cover the story.

What is she doing in Pakistan? Whats her mission? Military intelligence or preparation of terrorist attacks in major cities?
This is where ISI comes in, let these guys "take care" of her, thats what they do best.
Relations are already severly affected webby. Indian leaders and their speculative media didn't spare Pakistan during Mumbai Siege, MM Singh even called us "epicentrum of terrorism" yesterday. I sincerely hope she's a spy and we get sufficient information out of her and allow western experts and media to cover the story.

What is she doing in Pakistan? Whats her mission? Military intelligence or preparation of terrorist attacks in major cities?
This is where ISI comes in, let these guys "take care" of her, thats what they do best.

I'm sure the ISI personnel are real gentlemen, especially with these females..:angel:
the female spy should be handed to me:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

back in early 90's , they caught about 10 or so in/around isloo.
they were making "friends" with the army officers. This news
never made the "news" in Pakistan.
they ( the spies) all are now allahmian kay paas.
Relations are already severly affected webby. Indian leaders and their speculative media didn't spare Pakistan during Mumbai Siege, MM Singh even called us "epicentrum of terrorism" yesterday. I sincerely hope she's a spy and we get sufficient information out of her and allow western experts and media to cover the story.

What is she doing in Pakistan? Whats her mission? Military intelligence or preparation of terrorist attacks in major cities?
This is where ISI comes in, let these guys "take care" of her, thats what they do best.

Let me step in Neo,

The assumption that India is doing this with respect of harming Pakistan is wrong India needs stable and functional Pakistan.
But the problem is origin of terrorism that has to be rooted out even Zardari agreed that Pakistan itself is affected by the same US and NATO agrees.
Manmohans statement should be read with perspective of terrorist based in neighborhood.
Let me point one irony when BB was murdered Zardari and common man of Pakistan wanted Scotland yard and UN to step-in but why not ISI ?
Regarding Indian spy ...I dont have clue. But both countires has many spy agents..nothing special abt it. ISI has many agents in India..last year one guy was working from prime minister office :(....nothing big deal here guys...spying is very much common...even US has many agents in pakistan and in india too...
Normally they will use informers keeping their spy network strong...if u catch an informer that person doenst know anything expect wat asked from him....

First of their is little information about woman that too working from Afghan Pakistan border I doubt India sends woman to zones where tolerarance against woman are Nil.
I doubt whether she was on killing spree with Grenades otherwise Pakistan would have paraded her on Media.
No one in Media has taken notice of the same except for one or two news excerpts about her.
First of their is little information about woman that too working from Afghan Pakistan border I doubt India sends woman to zones where tolerarance against woman are Nil.
I doubt whether she was on killing spree with Grenades otherwise Pakistan would have paraded her on Media.
No one in Media has taken notice of the same except for one or two news excerpts about her.

well thats wat u read in the news papers regardin the tolerance level. in those areas no one even looks at women if they have got their body covered. its very rare u would hear people of that area doin any harm to a women. so its easy enough for a women to get information.

and pakistan doesnt try to make an issue out of everything. the evidence which we collect is shown to uncle sam to inform them about our concerns regardin the presence of more than 6000 indian troops in afghanistan. if such things are made public that will only develop hatred and nothing else which is wat pakistan doesnt want espacially with her neighbours. and the little bit of coverage which it recieves in some important newpapers is only to not keep public in dark and to let the other gov know.
Big deal??
she was doing her duty, if at all she was an Indian spy.
Let me step in Neo,

The assumption that India is doing this with respect of harming Pakistan is wrong India needs stable and functional Pakistan.
But the problem is origin of terrorism that has to be rooted out even Zardari agreed that Pakistan itself is affected by the same US and NATO agrees.
Manmohans statement should be read with perspective of terrorist based in neighborhood.
Let me point one irony when BB was murdered Zardari and common man of Pakistan wanted Scotland yard and UN to step-in but why not ISI ?

I have heard so many Indians harp about "the peace" and "the good-will" that they have for their "brethern" in Pakistan and when anything happens and that includes Mr. MM Singh having a day worth of constipation the blame comes on Pakistan.

Since we are not too good at "Natch Gaana" anyway we lose the pi-sing match that the Indian media unleashes. The bottom line turns out to be Col. PS Purohit and the kind doing all the dirty work. But you know what by the time the news becomes public the tempers had flared and standoffs had occured.

These two people (i.e. Indians and Pakistanis) are poles apart; color, language even genetic resembelence is nothing when it comes to the difference of these "two nations".

The triple dose of venom that Pakistan gets from India (i.e. Bollywood, general Media and now "trade") is enough to give Pakistan a slow and painful death if we (the Pakistanis) do not just wake-up from these Bollywood dreams and pull the IV out of our arm. If unchecked Pakistan WILL become India's economic dependent like Mexico to the US.

We don't have to be "brothers", we don't have to be "buddies" heck we don't have to be "aquantances" we should just go our seperate ways and keep it that way. First Musharaf and now Mr. 10% lying flat on the ground for the Indians has brought us nothing but shame and this will continue if we continued on this part of "friendship" (yeah Srbajit you will be taken to Wagah in a ministers car, under armed cover of SSG and then Mr. Minister will return with a dead **** in his car's trunk as a souvnier from the "brother" Indians).

Without any incriminating evidence people are getting shoved into jails, "inadvertent" flyovers are made for testing the waters and now spies flooding in (like as if that was news!).

For historic reasons these countries do not like eachother and "might is right" will be the destiny for us Pakistanis. Some friends we sure can live without. In my view no war, no terrorism, just plain nothing. As if there is no country on that side but we stand guard on the border anyway to ensure we do not get caught off-guard from a monster that may strike from a black-hole on the eastern border.
Big deal??
she was doing her duty, if at all she was an Indian spy.

Yup, duty is duty and there is a price to it too. I am sure everyone would agree to that. It does not matter if its a woman, a man or whatever. A spy is a spy and needs to be dealt with. Innocent must be set free and spies caught on the wrong side of the border punished. Its understandable for you (and GoI) to downplay it and for Pakistanis to make it a media circus, you should know GoI is doing this to us without sharing any info about the Bombay tragedy, right? I mean the "natch gaana :bounce:" was carried out in the UNSC too with very favorable results, right? so let us get a bit of mileage out of this and the airspace violation, its only fair... :partay:
She is a damn spy end of story stop trying to cover it up lol so damn funny i havent seen this on indian channel's or there news cuz i heve them all i guess they just aginst pak but not there own wrong doings lol hahaha unreal
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