We have grown, have we? .... and how will you objectively define growth? ... by the airports we have built , or by growth in our GDP or by the malls we have built, or by the FII investment in our country?
None, im afraid takes away the fact, that we still after 60 years of freedom have quota/reservation system in our day to day life. We still have a mass exodus of people from rural to urban cities. We still have a pathetic health care system. We have people who beg for a living, we have people who practice religious intolerance and discriminate against people based on religion and caste. We still have biggest slums in our economic capital and other cities.
We can go on and on , but the fact is that behind this economic jubilation we have somewhere forgotten what is the ills we still continue to live with.
Let me give you a example....
The other day, i had a heated debate on the movie 3 idiots. I'm yet to hear any one person not agreeing with the movies point ie; Rotten education system.
While a entertaining movie, that movie squarely lies the blame on our education system. While partly correct, what none of the viewers failed to question was : Is this education system something that the state have forced on us or is this something that we have unwittingly carved out of our need? . I say , its us who have carved out this form of education. Us the people, Us the society. A society where people are judged on basis of how much he/she earns. A society which treats people based on his social status. A society which divides people based on his/her ranks.
No doubt, education system just yielded to the need of such a society by serving what we needed --- "People with best potentials for higher earnings - ie;Doctors and Engineers"
The reason i went off-topic here is that, all the people i encountered after watching this movie were in a bliss land. The blame was shifted to some one else -- the education system. No one , even those i debated with, would agree on my thoughts -- That we the people needs to also question ourselves and our society which judges people by his/her economic achievements. By blaming the education system, we lay off of our responsibility. We have shifted the action on government.
And that is what i see in our world today. We indians are happily living in a la-la land. Happy that we are being touted as the next big economic thing (and we produce all this growth thing as the proof of being on right track).
What we are trying hard and fast to forget is that we are lacking big time on social development.
Thats what worries me.
Look at the problems you want solved, they all exist all across the world.
Poverty, Greed, envy, pride , arrogance, Urbanization, Bad government services, religious nut jobs and urban development issues
You are asking to change the world
What surprises you really
The fact that India has the same problems as the rest of the world.
Admittedly they have their Own India flavor.But if you look at the dark side of all countries you notice they all have the same issues. In varying degree's of intensity and scale.
The common Factor in all these problems is a Human one.
You cant fix society stumper, there flaws built into it. Greater men have died trying.
There is nothing to do but Human development. You can force a change or let it play its course.
But i can guarantee you change is already happening.
You give a society enough resources and technology, It always going to grow evolve. change.
I know i am generalizing but it is a general topic, society.
As an atheist i only believe in two things Humans and their technology.
One day Humans will have the Intelligence , wisdom and technology to create the Utopian society we all want.
but till then we are stuck with a flawed and fragmented one, and the only thing we can do now is inch as close as we can to that dream, one step at a time.
All you need to do is look and you find problems in society all over the world in all the different flavors. Its not India alone that has these issues. But that has not stopped them from being developed nations has it, India and its flawed society is capable of accomplishing the same. And along the way we can see about address some of those issues.