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Rupee will drop to $57 today

$58 next week

$60 in July

$65 in August

Rupee was 44 in August last year, it means Rupee drops almost 50% in one year... Very Very Terrible !

Rupee was 44 in August last year, it means Rupee drops almost 50% in one year... Very Very Terrible !

Rupee was 44 in August last year, it means Rupee drops almost 50% in one year... Very Very Terrible !

Are you saying Rs 1 = $57 :D
High IQ Chinese
India more enthusiastic on buyouts than China

A sagging economy has not affected Indian companies’ appetite for acquisitions, if findings in the report on international merger and acquistions by Grant Thornton are any indication.

Among the BRIC nations, only companies in India and China have shown real enthusiasm to expand overseas, the report says. As much as 29 percent of Indian companies surveyed by the consultancy were enthusiastic about making acquisitions overseas, while in China the figure was 26 percent, the report said. Brazil and Raussia are the other nations in the group

Good news: India more enthusiastic on buyouts than China | Firstpost

Deadbeat corporate borrowers? Not in India

(Reuters) - Lenders to Hotel Leela (HTLE.NS), a 5-star chain that is more than two months behind in payments on $700 million of debt, are likely to bite the bullet and amend the loan terms rather than declare it in default, say bankers involved in the talks.

Restructuring corporate loans - allowing banks to dilute payment terms without classifying loans as bad - is on the rise in Asia's third-largest economy, providing a lifeline to borrowers struggling in a sharp economic slowdown, but piling more stress on bank balance sheets.

Hidden weaknesses in bank balance sheets are a greater risk as Indian banks' reserve coverage ratio - the buffer a bank has to set off against loan losses - is among the lowest in Asia.

Officially, 3 percent of loans in India are bad. Including restructured or "impaired" loans, for which banks don't have to set aside heavy provisions in case of default, the figure is about 7 percent, according to analysts.

The reality is worse,
say some bankers and industry experts, who say many loans are restructured outside official channels, with some banks and borrowers taking advantage of harder-to-track "evergreening" of loans to avoid declaring default. Under evergreening, banks provide additional loans to stressed borrowers, often indirectly, to enable them to repay existing loans. That can keep a loan from going sour, but it ratchets up a bank's exposure to a troubled credit.

It's estimated that at least a tenth of loans to the real estate sector - where restructuring rules are stringent - are stressed, as against the 3-4 percent cited by banks, said Amit Goenka, head of capital markets at UK-based Knight Frank.

There's a certain amount of under-reporting arising out of evergreening of loans, which can never be precisely derived, said A.S.V. Krishnan, banking analyst at Mumbai brokerage Ambit Capital.

Lenders are also staring at the prospect of more bad loans as the economy shudders. Standard & Poor's has warned that India could become the first of the BRIC economies to lose its investment-grade status on slowing growth and political roadblocks to economic policymaking.

In the year to end-March, Indian banks sought to restructure a record $12 billion in corporate loans through the Corporate Debt Restructuring Cell (CDR), an RBI-approved consortium of lenders - an increase of 156 percent on the year before. And that excludes billions of dollars in loans restructured outside the official channel, including $4 billion of Air India debt and about $5.5 billion of loans at loss-making state electricity boards.
Going to CDR has almost become fashionable these days. Borrowers are exploiting the CDR mechanism without exhausting other genuine avenues of redressing their problems around over-leverage, Ambit's Krishnan said.

The recent surge in loan restructuring may just be putting off the inevitable, though. Ratings agency CRISIL expects new loan restructuring over fiscal year 2012 and 2013 to hit $36 billion, and analysts warn that 25-50 percent of such loans are likely to turn bad and hit banks' profitability. Fresh restructuring of loans in the year to March 2011 was negligible.

Restructuring helps the company sometimes, but if you step back and see it leads to 'evergreening' of loans which can cause problems going forward, said Vikram Bajaj, director at Renaissance Capital Advisors, which advises companies on debt restructuring. "Basically, what you're doing is taking a call that the borrower may come out of the situation and you're giving him more money, but the odds, in most cases, are against it. Kingfisher Airlines is the biggest example of that."

In the best-known recent example of a restructured loan turning sour, liquor baron Vijay Mallya's Kingfisher Airlines(KING.NS) defaulted to most banks on a $1.4 billion loan.


Bankers defend the practice of restructuring loans, which typically entails extending tenure on the loan, easing interest rates or even converting debt into equity.

Actively restructuring loans has helped us in controlling slippage, said Pratip Chaudhuri, chairman of State Bank of India, the country's biggest lender. "We have to live with high restructurings now and look for recoveries tomorrow."

The problem is that many such loans are never recovered and turn non-performing, adding to the challenge of collecting on bad loans in a country where there is no bankruptcy law - the absence of which makes banks more inclined to help borrowers rather than declare a loan to be in default and receive nothing.

At SBI, 43 percent of loans restructured in the year to March 2010 were declared non-performing within two years, said Soundara Kumar, a deputy managing director at the bank.
Central Bank of India, a mid-sized state lender, learned the hard way how quickly a restructured loan can go bad
. In November, it agreed to restructure an $80 million loan to steelmaker Electrotherm, which was having difficulty with an order for a client in Tanzania. Within months of giving a breather to a long-time customer, Central Bank downgraded the loan to non-performing, and was the only listed bank to report a net loss for the March quarter. They weren't able to execute the order. So they asked us to restructure the loan, and, in the March quarter, the account slipped. It happened very quickly, said a senior executive at Central Bank of India, who did not want to be identified.

Another state-run lender, UCO Bank, ended its ties with Electrotherm when the steelmaker failed to make timely payments even when it was able to, a bank official told Reuters. Electrotherm did not pay us the dues even when they had the liquidity and were still making profits, said UCO Bank Chairman Arun Kaul. UCO has classified the account as non performing and is in the process of recovering the loan, he said. Electrotherm's investor relations officers could not be reached for a comment for this article.

In another case, lenders including SBI, Power Finance Corp and Rural Electrification Corp (RURL.NS) restructured loans to a hydropower project, which was mired in environmental clearances. The account turned bad within two years of being restructured, said a senior bank executive involved with the loan.

Morgan Stanley expects "impaired loans" - bad and restructured loans put together - for all Indian banks to double to 10 percent of total debt within 18 months.

Although the Reserve Bank of India is concerned about banks' rising bad loans, it does not see a risk due to aggressive debt restructuring. "I believe banks are doing it with understanding, with discretion," said RBI Deputy Governor K.C. Chakrabarty. "If they are not doing, we need to pull them up."


While restructuring is allowed by the RBI, the murkier "evergreening" of loans is frowned upon. Several bankers said it is widespread, but declined to give details.

The practice is said to be particularly common in commercial real estate, where tougher restructuring guidelines require banks to classify a loan as non-performing and set aside more funds as provisions - effectively removing any official middle ground between a performing loan and a default.
Banks have been working actively to avoid such provisioning and classification, said Knight Frank's Goenka. "Real estate provisioning is seen adversely by the regulator and pushes up the cost of lending. This may have led to some evergreening-like measures within the financial institutions."
Hotel Leela, which borrowed heavily for projects in Delhi and Chennai and recently sold a property to raise money, is seeking additional bank loans to pay its debt, said two sources directly involved in the restructuring.

One of its lenders, Syndicate Bank (SBNK.NS), wants Leela's controlling shareholder to put in another 3-4 billion rupees in equity from the sale of a hotel in Kerala before it agrees to restructure the loan, a stance most of its lenders support, said an executive at another bank who has loans to Leela and is involved in the discussions.

Hotel Leela Vice Chairman Vivek Nair did not respond to several calls from Reuters seeking comment for this article.

Leela is asking for about 600 crore more (6 billion rupees). Banks aren't willing to give as they want this to pay off some debt. That's evergreening. Banks want promoters to get more contribution, equity upfront, said another lender, who asked not to be named given the sensitivity of the matter
Our forecast for the end of this year is that we believe that the Indian economy will benefit from decline in energy commodity prices, interest cuts and weaker rupee which makes Indian manufacturing and software services more competitive.

For investments, India still a hot destination: JP Morgan - CNBC-TV18 -

oil prices will not go down if the war @Syria / Iran breaks out!
RBI refused to cut rate
Weakening rupees may help some but damage others like auto, telecommunication, oil companies
so jp morgan's evaluation is half baked.


Yet, despite the economic malaise and current political paralysis, India’s long term prospects are undiminished.

The fundamentals that have underpinned over 7 percent average growth during the past decade are still intact. For an economy roughly the size of Canada’s, 6.5 percent growth expected this year isn’t shabby.

Democracy is one of India’s greatest strengths. For a country of India’s size and diversity, it is the only feasible system of government. Indian democracy is slow moving and uneven, but it expresses the popular will and therefore mitigates political risk. To paraphrase Churchill, “it may not be perfect, but it is the best system available”.

India is also the world’s largest federation. Its 29 states have considerable autonomy in economic matters which explains why some are more business friendly, and consequently faster growing, than others. This disparity together with an increasing willingness to vote across caste and religious lines has resulted in the ouster of some non-performing state administrations and improved the performance of others. Formerly backward states such as Bihar and Orissa now exceed the national growth rate.

India's slowing growth not a worry in the long run | CanadianBusiness.com

the writer is a bussinessman who gets paid by promoting Can-india business. He is literally a salesman for indian products. Nothing is wrong in india even if he knows it is a fake democracy!

RBI has dished out $5.4 billion against the rupee landslide. another $10 billion is pledged by M Singh to IMF. you'll have $140 billion shot term liabilities due in a year.

India has overtaken the United States of America (USA) to become Nigeria's major export trading partner, according to the First Quarter 2012 Trade Statistics released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

It came as the Indian government yesterday expressed interest in higher volumes of term contracts of crude oil supplies with the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

The NBS report, which put the total value of the nation's exports in Q1 2012 at about N4.9 trillion, showed that total value of exports to India reached N688.5 billion compared to N607.7 billion credited to the US in the period under review.

The US was trailed by the Netherlands with N482.1 billion followed by Spain with N390.4 billion and Brazil which recorded N328.9 billion.

The relegation of the US to the second position is seen as a major development for Nigeria and India trade relations given that the US had remained the former's biggest trading partner since 1964.

allAfrica.com: Nigeria: India Displaces U.S. as Nigeria's Major Trading Partner

Nigeria exports to india. more outflow of us dollars and further pressure on the sliding rupees

Keep your expert comments to yourself. It may fool that half brained kkracer, not us ! In the mean time look for articles to post in red highlights :P
India more enthusiastic on buyouts than China

A sagging economy has not affected Indian companies’ appetite for acquisitions, if findings in the report on international merger and acquistions by Grant Thornton are any indication.

Among the BRIC nations, only companies in India and China have shown real enthusiasm to expand overseas, the report says. As much as 29 percent of Indian companies surveyed by the consultancy were enthusiastic about making acquisitions overseas, while in China the figure was 26 percent, the report said. Brazil and Raussia are the other nations in the group

Good news: India more enthusiastic on buyouts than China | Firstpost


outward acquisition only weakens the rupees further!
Chinese posters, all indian member know about falling rupee...you don't have to tell us. We follow news about our economy, you don't have to tell us, our indian brothers will do on your behalf. Just leave this thread of INDIAN ECONOMY for INDIANS.....Lets us live in dreamworld, we don't want to ace reality atleast from you.:wave:
Chinese posters, all indian member know about falling rupee...you don't have to tell us. We follow news about our economy, you don't have to tell us, our indian brothers will do on your behalf. Just leave this thread of INDIAN ECONOMY for INDIANS.....Lets us live in dreamworld, we don't want to ace reality atleast from you.:wave:

nah! pdf is an international forum not restricted to members of any nationality. a falling rupee is the result of the action or non action of economic policies and its strength is also a reflection of interaction of india's economy with another country

Specially for Chinese...They are more interested in Indian economy...than Indians
India's forex reserves rose by $2 billion in the week to June 15: RBI - The Times of India

have you read IndoCarib's posting before you and my reply?
nah! pdf is an international forum not restricted to members of any nationality. a falling rupee is the result of the action or non action of economic policies and its strength is also a reflection of interaction of india's economy with another country

have you read IndoCarb's posting before you and my reply?

Everybody knows ..who is fooling around here :D
Everybody knows ..who is fooling around here :D

my posting @3033 reuters article not only highlighted the grave circumstances and risk exposure of indian banks ballooning non performing loans, it also mentioned " there is no bankruptcy laws in india" I cant imagine india this primitive! that is why people are shunned from investing in india on top of other investment concerns!

in particular concern are some state own corporations like Air india! it is a black hole absorbing tax payers money for its ill-fated operation. Its debts mounting. Routes are shrinking. Losses are increasing. Pilots and staff are on strike! Isnt that ominous? and other airliners in great operation troubles!

what have you eaten? fire crackers?
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