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Indian economy at slowest rate in a decade

When will the INC realize that economic reforms are more important than welfare activities....:angry:
Do you Indians guys have the statistics for Q1, 2013, the GDP growth, inflation, PMI, CPI and so on ?

China also experiences lower growth than before, dont be too sad.
Do you Indians guys have the statistics for Q1, 2013, the GDP growth, inflation, PMI, CPI and so on ?

China also experiences lower growth than before, dont be too sad.

Mathematica tells me:

Q1 GDP growth = 5.5%

That's all I could find.
Expect this growth rate to stay like this or go down. The Congis are going to roll out massive subsidies and soups before the elections next year. Thats their plan of winning election. Economy is definately on a back burner now. Expecting Rupee to to trade at 60+ to dollar in six months.

And that supposed to somehow be the fault of the poor?

Yes they are the ones who vote these corrupt politicians for free Bpl cards, low cost food and reservation

Call me elitist but I sincerely feel voting should be given to only those who have passed 12th standard
Wait a second, democracy is somehow a shield against any economic crashes? What about the great depression in the past and Greece, Spain financial crisis. Would you please enlighten me what features in a democracy can make a country immune to economic crash? Of course, if you give me a lifespan of like 10 years, any country would surely recover. But 2-5 year depression is still bad enough.
His comment on democracy was for Hong Wu's suggestion of confisticating household gold
Now that is scary.

yes. I know India GDP rate has nosedived which is scary but there were emerging economies which actually shrunked. It was at that time I felt damn scared about my job here if India ultimately ended up as them ! :(

All those talk on tv shows about "economy going to gutters" seemed so real for a moment !
Yes they are the ones who vote these corrupt politicians for free Bpl cards, low cost food and reservation

And the billions that the rich hold have no effect on the outcome of the elections?

Call me elitist but I sincerely feel voting should be given to only those who have passed 12th standard

Thats fine as long as everyone is given the same opportunity to pass there 12th.
Excessive welfare/subsidies leads to a "crutch mentality".

The same applies to big business......Excessive subsidies/tax breaks lead to having a "inefficiency mentality"

Such as the "children of the soil" in Malaysia, or the dole classes in the UK, who effectively live on welfare payments, with no need to work.

UK Welfare Spending 1692-2015 - Charts

As normal the actual "facts" never hold true......out of 547 billion only 9.2 billion goes to payment to the unemployed and the real "dole classes" only make up a billion+ i payment.So overall its a tiny precentage.
In the UK welfare fraud cost the country a billion pounds a year where business fraud cost the country 28 billion.

"Give a man a fish, and he can eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he can feed himself for a lifetime."

Why not just send the money direct to people bank accounts instead of passing it through polticians-bureaucracy.
Do you Indians guys have the statistics for Q1, 2013, the GDP growth, inflation, PMI, CPI and so on ?

China also experiences lower growth than before, dont be too sad.

No statistics of Q1 2013.WPI Inflation has come down to 4.89% in April.PMI in both services and manufacturing last April was very weak but still over 50.Over all the recovery is very weak.
Why not just send the money direct to people bank accounts instead of passing it through polticians-bureaucracy.

And what will that achieve?

It will just make people dependent on government hand-outs. And what about when the Government needs to stop the hand-outs due to an uncontrollable fiscal deficit? What then, they just starve?

Instead of giving them fish just to eat for a day, why not teach them to fish for themselves. Use that money to teach them skills in order to make them productive. Free classes for whatever skills they can use in their situation, even if it is something as simple as teaching sewing in order for them to make + sell bags.
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