A Highway india to Afghanistan can Pakistan (Army and Government) allow on the cost of Kashmir.?
Guess the level of disappointment kashmir people get in the hearts who say jeway jeway Pakistan in streats of sirinagar infront of indian soilders ?
Syed Ali Gillani ,Mir Waiz etc now what should they give reason to Kashmiri's that we must join Pakistan?.
Indian economic corridor on the blood of kashmiries .on dead bodies of mujahideans?
In 2015 there is totally new life in Freedom movement both in military and on protest levels.
How easily gov or army can allow this?
Where is the honour of Afghans and Pakistanies on humanrights violation .
This link can not be allow.unless the kashmir dispute is completely resolve.
Indian should resolve kashmir dispute before wishing any dream to Afghanistan.
We hope army should give a policy statement .and army not traped in confidance building measures.
This issue now will declare the future of every thing in the reagion.Army dignity Gov vision now every thing depend on this.
Please give your comments and discuss this issue on all levels so message from People of Pakistan will deliver from islamabad to sirinagar,kabul to lahore and dehli.
[I declare here inshahAllah i will try my best to opposed this on all levels.atleast every week we can through nails and screws on wahgah border

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