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Indian Economic Corridor on Kashmiri's blood

Where are you getting such statistics/crap? Drawing a false equivalence b/w Kashmir and Balochistan is not helpful to hide your Karnamay in Kashmir. Situation in Balochistan is restored to peace dramatically. Barhamdagh(separatist) is ready to talk. All focus is on Balochistan to normalize the situation as CPEC is also coming for them. Tribes are surrendering. Economic connectivity has been started. RAW terrorists are having very hard time right now in Balochistan and Karachi. After making Nasir Janjua, NS advisor, things will be better more.

I have no grudge against Indians personally. But whenever i think of Kashmir, i go in deep sadness and anger. Those poor people are paying the price just for nothing but freedom.
CPEC or no CPEC,every month there r attacks on yr forces in Balochistan. Let me tell me,about tribes surrendering,all these are stage managed,well in the past many tribesman have surrendered,did it solve the Baloch problem. Even the dossier submited by Pakistan to UN about Indian involment in Balochistan has been rejected,well it is not that easy to come out of any insurgency situation.
CPEC or no CPEC,every month there r a
CPEC or no CPEC,every month there r attacks on yr forces in Balochistan. Let me tell me,about tribes surrendering,all these are stage managed,well in the past many tribesman have surrendered,did it solve the Baloch problem. Even the dossier submited by Pakistan to UN about Indian involment in Balochistan has been rejected,well it is not that easy to come out of any insurgency situation.
Lol he is thinking we are happy they are surrending ,mr where your thought ends from there we begin,just advice for you tell your gov to triple the money for those tribes :) a good revenew for Pak Army :)
Lol he is thinking we are happy they are surrending ,mr where your thought ends from there we begin,just advice for you tell your gov to triple the money for those tribes :) a good revenew for Pak Army :)

P*ki involvement in Jammu and Kashmir terrorism has been established beyond doubt, Indian involvement in Pakiland has been rejected by UN of all the people :rofl:
A Highway india to Afghanistan can Pakistan (Army and Government) allow on the cost of Kashmir.?

Guess the level of disappointment kashmir people get in the hearts who say jeway jeway Pakistan in streats of sirinagar infront of indian soilders ?

Syed Ali Gillani ,Mir Waiz etc now what should they give reason to Kashmiri's that we must join Pakistan?.

Indian economic corridor on the blood of kashmiries .on dead bodies of mujahideans?

In 2015 there is totally new life in Freedom movement both in military and on protest levels.

How easily gov or army can allow this?
Where is the honour of Afghans and Pakistanies on humanrights violation .

This link can not be allow.unless the kashmir dispute is completely resolve.

Indian should resolve kashmir dispute before wishing any dream to Afghanistan.

We hope army should give a policy statement .and army not traped in confidance building measures.

This issue now will declare the future of every thing in the reagion.Army dignity Gov vision now every thing depend on this.

Please give your comments and discuss this issue on all levels so message from People of Pakistan will deliver from islamabad to sirinagar,kabul to lahore and dehli.

[I declare here inshahAllah i will try my best to opposed this on all levels.atleast every week we can through nails and screws on wahgah border ;). ]
What were you smoking when you wrote this piece of garbage? Afghan weed?
InshahAlla i will eat roti in dehli,wear kurta in lakhnow and took the resort in Goa

But Pakistanis are not allowed in our resorts. :D J/K
It is Pakistan's geo strategic advantage that CARs is accessible through Pakistan and Iran also. So, why lend this advantage to india. So afghans may take sea route via chahbahar, Iran if they have so much love for india. Pakistan can also access CARs through China and touching Tajikistan via Khunjrab pass by going some distance into China and then touching Tajikistan is a strong possibility. Furthermore, China-Pakistan Economic corridor will bring adequate benefits which will be far more than benefits from reaching CARs through Afghanistan.

Balochistan situation has improved considerably with chances of further improvement bright.

But Pakistanis are not allowed in our resorts. :D J/K
Our Pakistan is beautiful enough, we dont need to visit your resorts. Keep them.
P*ki involvement in Jammu and Kashmir terrorism has been established beyond doubt, Indian involvement in Pakiland has been rejected by UN of all the people :rofl:
Thanks for admitting that we are already present in J & k. :). Yap rejected by un thats why un put sanctions on Pak and india is violating those sanctions by bagging route to Afghanistan . now keep rouling on ground ;) thats what you deserve
But Pakistanis are not allowed in our resorts. :D J/K
Lol a servant is claiming not to allow landlord ? ;)

What were you smoking when you wrote this piece of garbage? Afghan weed?
Smooking the print out (statements of sushmasawraj in Heart of Asia conference ;)
Thanks for admitting that we are already present in J & k. :). Yap rejected by un thats why un put sanctions on Pak and india is violating those sanctions by bagging route to Afghanistan . now keep rouling on ground ;) thats what you deserve

Thanks for admitting that pakistanis are terrorists. ....I didn't know you'd show your true colours that easily ...:)
Thanks for admitting that pakistanis are terrorists. ....I didn't know you'd show your true colours that easily ...:)
Yap i donot want to change those misconceptions which people created for them selfs. Now remember this colour as it actually shows the colour of other side ;)
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