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Indian deputy consul general arrested in US on visa fraud charges

Why did the US provide visa to the nanny when the visa application form she submitted specifically stated that her employers salary was 4,000 $ per month ?
I'm guessing that has to do with the domestic's rights under U.S. worker-protection laws.

When the allegation of low wage was first reported, why did the US govt. not seek an explanation from the DC ?
Remember this is the third or fourth time an Indian diplomat has run afoul of U.S. laws regarding the correct treatment of domestics.

As to her consular immunity, she has now been shifted to the UN mission where she cannot be touched by the US govt. -
She can't get full immunity without the consent of the State Dept. Sometimes when immunity is refused the person in question is expelled. I'm not sure if it can or will be applied in this case. Complicating matters, the DC has been charged with a felony classed as a "grave crime" by the U.N. itself. Like the Secretary-General needs such headaches...

...for academic interest, it is clear that the crime she was accused of is NOT grave enough to warrant arrest.
Both the U.S. and the U.N. class "enslavement" as a "grave crime" and thus subject to the appropriate provisions of the Consular Convention. I understand the Indian government is trying to get the charges reduced to mere documentation fraud. That might allow the Indian gov't to claim the DC was wrongfully arrested.

IF US decides to pursue the case against her, you can be sure that NO US consular member and their families in India will be safe from similar action.
I suppose, then, that you'll be disappointed if you discover that U.S. consuls are following India's laws?

It is a separate issue that the US has willfully denied her that consular immunity.
The DC has consular immunity but that immunity is only partial and does not extend to her dealings outside of her job.

It is a A-2 visa which was provided to the nanny, not a A-3.
Still an A-visa.

Which consul sent the diplomatic note to state dept confirming what ?
I suppose the details will be revealed in the next couple of months.
The Americans would never dare to treat a Chinese or Russian or German diplomat the same way. India's low standing in the eyes of America is fully exposed by this incident.

The Americans may pretend to like India, singing her praises and uttering sweet words. In reality, Americans hold Indians in very low regard. India commands very little respect in the Anglo-Saxon world, and this humiliating cavity search amply demonstrates that.

What American pretends to like Indians?? LOL. That's only your deluded Indian press.

You are right, they don't even treat non-Diplomat Chinese this way in America. No way.
What American pretends to like Indians?? LOL. That's only your deluded Indian press.

You are right, they don't even treat non-Diplomat Chinese this way in America. No way.

you forgot the Houston incident where cops chased a chinese diplomat and arrested him? The diplomat was injured in the process.
What American pretends to like Indians?? LOL. That's only your deluded Indian press.

You are right, they don't even treat non-Diplomat Chinese this way in America. No way.

you are right, Chinese embassies and it sissy diplomats get bombs up their asses.

China only whines and wiggles, couldn't even retaliate when US killed Chinese diplomats in broad daylight :lol:
Any action against her is an action against India.
Strictly speaking, only if the actions taken against the DC are outside the bounds of the Consular Convention. In practice, the Indian government may argue that they were traditionally allowed to violate the rights of their domestics for decades.

Your slanderous claim about her guilt or incompetence -
I did call her general competence into question after demonstrating that in one particular instance she was incompetent. Her own superior might well do the same - except now a big stink has been raised so she has to be portrayed as an "Indian hero".

You as an American is not in ANY Moral position to exert moral authority or make moral judgement on others.
Ah, now we get down to the nubbin. Most of this tightening up - severely applying worker-protection laws to foreign diplomats - has occurred since 2009, under President Obama's watch. The same Obama who was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." Ironic, isn't it? :cheesy:
you are right, Chinese embassies and it sissy diplomats get bombs up their asses.

China only whines and wiggles, couldn't even retaliate when US killed Chinese diplomats in broad daylight :lol:

Indian dude, was the Chinese embassy in America??? I said Chinese in America. Read! Indian dude. The Chinese embassy in America is an IM Pei creation that's very avantgarde and in the very best part of town and one of the best in America. Nobody bombed it.

To us Americans, Indians basically look like Hispanics. The guys that mow our lawns and make our burritos. I can't tell unless you have a turban on and certainly no American can tell the difference.

The typical American arrest for someone like me works like this. They take you into the police station. They give you the equivalent of an thorough airport pat down. They check your shoes and look behind your belt. You get to keep both shoe and belt. Then they take off the handcuffs and you get finger printed and photo taken and then they bring you before a magistrate. The magistrate (if you are light skinned and didn't commit a serious crime) will just let you go on a promise you'll come back for the court date. You sign a form promising to come back. That's it. The Whole thing takes less than 30 minutes for the Chinese. Indians will get the full body and vaginal cavity search. Not the Chinese. They don't like you !!!
The Whole thing takes less than 30 minutes for the Chinese.

yeah right chinese just get tasered like shyt, no search needed :lol:
New Hampshire police Taser Chinese woman who tried to buy too many iPhones | The Raw Story

Not the Chinese

Chinese are also too submissive to the white man, hite man can bomb Chinese embassy and Chinese wont even whine, forget about diplomatic retaliation

U.S. bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Indian dude, was the Chinese embassy in America??? I said Chinese in America. Read! Indian dude. The Chinese embassy in America is an IM Pei creation that's very avantgarde and in the very best part of town and one of the best in America. Nobody bombed it.

To us Americans, Indians basically look like Hispanics. The guys that mow our lawns and make our burritos. I can't tell unless you have a turban on and certainly no American can tell the difference.

The typical American arrest for someone like me works like this. They take you into the police station. They give you the equivalent of an thorough airport pat down. They check your shoes and look behind your belt. You get to keep both shoe and belt. Then they take off the handcuffs and you get finger printed and photo taken and then they bring you before a magistrate. The magistrate (if you are light skinned and didn't commit a serious crime) will just let you go on a promise you'll come back for the court date. You sign a form promising to come back. That's it. The Whole thing takes less than 30 minutes for the Chinese. Indians will get the full body and vaginal cavity search. Not the Chinese. They don't like you !!!

so much for liking the chinese. they like you very much

China: Diplomat Beaten, Injured by Houston Cops - CBS News

UPDATE 1-3 Chinese men try to steal U.S. seed technology| Reuters

Three Chinese nationals - including one who attended a gala dinner for the then-vice president of China - have been charged in two separate cases of trying to steal seed-technology, trade secrets under development in the United States, authorities said on Thursday.
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IndoCarib, if you don't stop for cops in the US. You may get beaten, Chinese or white. It doesn't matter. That's called resisting. And cops in America don't F around with that. If you don't resist, they treat you exactly the way I described. Unless you are Indian, who nobody likes. The Indian woman wasn't resisting was she???? LOL. Also, the article said the Chinese diplomat was injured while handcuffs were placed, not beaten.
USMS denies DC was cavity-searched: link

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Marshals Service, Nikki Credic-Barrett, said Khobragade did not undergo a cavity search but did go through a strip search. Under the agency's regulations governing prisoner searches, a strip search can include a "visual inspection" of body cavities, including the nose, mouth, genitals and anus, without intrusion.
IndoCarib, if you don't stop for cops in the US. You may get beaten, Chinese or white. It doesn't matter. That's called resisting. And cops in America don't F around with that. If you don't resist, they treat you exactly the way I described. Unless you are Indian, who nobody likes. The Indian woman wasn't resisting was she???? LOL. Also, the article said the Chinese diplomat was injured while handcuffs were placed, not beaten.

China said Friday that a Chinese diplomat in the U.S. was beaten and injured by Houston police and urged an investigation to ensure diplomatic practices are not violated.

US could do strip ,cavity search on its own nationals. does that mean US doent like them?
You are a psychopath..

Of course he is. I have often restrained myself from responding to such comments but I will. Perhaps Umair Nawaz was thinking of his mother and sister and his (or anyone's else's) hands on their bodies and got a little excited.

........The Whole thing takes less than 30 minutes for the Chinese. Indians will get the full body and vaginal cavity search. Not the Chinese. They don't like you !!!

Your women don't get a body search because they are busy entertaining customers in massage parlours. Just walk into any section of almost any town. Perhaps your near and dears are there?
USMS denies DC was cavity-searched: link

A spokeswoman for the U.S. Marshals Service, Nikki Credic-Barrett, said Khobragade did not undergo a cavity search but did go through a strip search. Under the agency's regulations governing prisoner searches, a strip search can include a "visual inspection" of body cavities, including the nose, mouth, genitals and anus, without intrusion.

Ohh my, that's humiliating man....
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