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Indian Court says premarital sex to be considered legal marriage

Think , this is the opportunity !

You can level King Abdullah's record of 4 women on active service whilst the rest on ready reserve services , cm'on . :D

Not going to happen. No one can accuse me of not loving my women..I love em' just fine..when I meet them..trouble begins when they persist and hang about too much.

Why do you think I prefer older women..no hassles..besides I ain't in high school and dingbats like this judge haven't seen me bring on the- I am a heart broken sap who was looking for comfort line yet...convinces everyone who tries to condemn me. :D
Judgement in specific case..setting no precedence nor capable of amending personal law.

Although this would be real bad for us IF it were us on the spot.

Hope the guy in question has a stiff drink in his hand. :partay:
Seriously, one expect such judgement in ME, but India... ?
Katju was not one off case then.. these fossils should be purged..
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

This says nothing about consent.

So now if a woman is raped, it's marriage?

Yup your understanding of legal process is exemplary Razzi.

To answer your question no!

Judgements do not amend standing laws..succinct and brief enough?
Hey, I did not read the whole news, apparently the guy had signed the birth certificate of his kid..
In either case, the law is ridiculous.

Its not a law but a judgement..in a lower court..incapable of standing scrutiny in the SC.

The only idiot who got a raw deal is the specific man in question. :D
In either case, the law is ridiculous.

there is no law.. the court is trying to make one.. by interpreting current law..
he has a kid.. and signed on the birth certificate..which becomes the basis of his husbandhood(?) .. @Dillinger
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there is no law.. the court is trying to make one.. by interpreting current law..
he has a kid.. and signed on the birth certificate..which becomes the basis of his husbandhood(?) .. @Dillinger


IF a man fathers a child through pre-marital sex then yes he shall be considered the husband in terms of his duties towards his wife and child.

He may easily ask for a divorce and perhaps even get one..or annul his marriage through other means..BUT once having fathered that child he will then be responsible for providing alimony and other spousal support under the law.


In short..as always..USE A CONDOM!
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well thank god im merried and i can have sex with as much women as i like as this law/judgement doesnt binds the merried men as hindu merrige act dosent allows a merried man to marry twice :yay:

ab to paancho ungliyan ghee me aur sar kharai me :nana:
So what happens, if you have 5 affairs at the same time and are not legally married? If you replace girl friends you need a divorce? If you are married and have an affair with someone else, then you are married twice which again will be illegal. What a dumass judge. Needs an enema shot in the you know where region to remove the stuff from him.
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