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Indian Court Hands Life Sentence to Muslim Youth for "illegally transporting cow". Says Cow Dung Can Save From Atomic Radiation

This sh*t is literally counter-argument for that religion vs country thread.

Yeah, guys, love your religion, but it shouldn't be written in stones and need to be updated from times and times.

And yes I know Hinduism is very different than Islam.
LOL so claims an ignorant and arrogant American.

In Texas the theft of livestock charge carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison while the organized criminal activity charge carries a sentence of up to 20 years in prison. :lol:

Not very different from Gujarat is it ?

Your obsession with dragging religion into this makes me wonder if you are actually a pakistani American.

Are you ? I bet you are.
I don't understand your surprise. Theft of livestock is just that. Theft of property. That 10-year sentence may be given out for a large-scale crime like felony robbery. Texas had a history of people stealing cattle, being a frontier country in the 19th century and has some unusual laws. I didn't drag any religion, just commented on unusual punishments.
Pakistanis should pray the Indian military gets filled with folks like this who decide cow dung would be better for NBC and better than any ERA. Unfortunately, that wont be the case.
He'll probably get bail from higher courts, but I say, geat judgement. I completely oppose transportation of anyone for slaughter, be it buffaloes, cows, chickens or goats. It should completely banned by law, EU is considering bringing in such a legislation. And while I love that other countries are supporting compassion over slaughter too, it pains my heart that this has not been implemented properly in India itself, where Emperor Ashoka had made such a decree 2000 years ago. And let's not make this a religion issue—many here themselves say many Hindus are involved in slaughter trades, and there were only Buddhists and Hindus doing slaughter in Ashoka's time. He still banned it. And it still should be banned.

Do not categorize, boss.

Even Pakistan courts give stupid decision .... But no one here jump too much..

Pakistan court frees convicted rapist after ‘agreement’ to marry his victim​

Many foolish people hold honourable judge positions in both nations, and they make such stupid judgments.
What a stupid answer to a valid question. :hitwall:
What is the link between the two?
Personally, I always deemed you a little wiser than other Indian guys on this forum.
What is the link between the two?
In a weird way, they point to different extremes of legal theory. In one instance, over valuation of an animal compared to what Pakistanis (and others) feel should be normal and in another case under valuation of a woman compared to what Indians (and others) feel should be normal.
I don't understand your surprise. Theft of livestock is just that. Theft of property. That 10-year sentence may be given out for a large-scale crime like felony robbery. Texas had a history of people stealing cattle, being a frontier country in the 19th century and has some unusual laws. I didn't drag any religion, just commented on unusual punishments.

But I am not surprised at your ignorance and bigotry that rival the Pakistanis.

Its no wonder your naturally allies outside white christian nations are pakistan and china.

Theft of cattle in Texas with Median household income of $67,321 is "theft", while theft and smuggling of cattle in Gujarat with a median income of 3,024$ and one of the largest producer of Milk is "religious", and worthy of being compared to "blasphemy laws" of pakistan. :lol:

Of course texas had Capital punishment and hanging for cattle theft in the past, but hey that is not similar to death by stoning in Sharia.

Animal cruelty punishment in the US is 7 years, but similar laws in India are 'religious".

Tera kutta kutta, mera kutta Tommy.

Clearly 400 years is not enough to civilize you, we have to continue to bear your hubris for the next 400 years.
Of course texas had Capital punishment and hanging for cattle theft in the past, but hey that is not similar to death by stoning in Sharia.
Who told you Sharia says to stone to death for Cattle theft ?????
Should not talk about the things you don't know.
Who told you Sharia says to stone to death for Cattle theft ?????
Should not talk about the things you don't know.

Don't worry, I am well aware that every other life is inferior to muslim lives in the religion of peace.

The Gazi's and Gaznavi's who have written this reality in blood stands tall in history.

I won't even bother to mention the value of animal life.

I was comparing the concept of Capital punishment for a "crime" in both the US and in quran since he was so keen to compare Indians laws to the quran.

A mirror can be a wonderful thing.
Pakistanis should pray the Indian military gets filled with folks like this who decide cow dung would be better for NBC and better than any ERA. Unfortunately, that wont be the case.
Pakistan should artificially boost the practice of Hinduism in India and make them open more temples and Hindu preaching centres

Make them self-destruct on the goa mutar.

Fill it with radical feminism, sexual liberation, bodily autonomy, strict Hindu adherence through social media campaigns.
Pakistan should artificially boost the practice of Hinduism in India and make them open more temples and Hindu preaching centres

Make them self-destruct on the goa mutar.

Fill it with radical feminism, sexual liberation, bodily autonomy, strict Hindu adherence through social media campaigns.

What a wonderful Idea, but pakistan does not have to do anything.

All the things you have mentioned are already taking place in India so you can sit back and wait for us to "self destruct".

Looks like you are in for a treat. How wonderful it must be for you to see all your dreams come true. I am excited for you.
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