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Indian concerns over Seventh Fleet entry into Bay and Bangladesh elections


Apr 8, 2007
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Haroon Habib

Bangladesh’s next general election will come at the end of 2013, and is already taking up much political energy. But a recent claim in an Indian media outlet that the United States is in the process of deploying its Seventh Fleet in Bangladesh’s territorial waters in the Bay of Bengal has proved to be a major distraction.

Most people in Bangladesh may be unaware of the geo-political strategies of the world’s mightiest nation, or how many naval fleets or deadly warheads it employs to guard its interests across the globe, but the news about the Seventh Fleet has brought back memories of 1971, when the people of what was then East Pakistan fought and won a war of liberation against the Pakistan Army.

1971 and after

During that war, the U.S., under President Richard Nixon, ordered the Seventh Fleet to move to the Bay of Bengal, in a desperate move to protect Pakistani forces who were staring at defeat in the hands of the Bangladesh-India joint command in Dhaka on December 16, 1971.

It was the first week of December 1971, I recall, when a group of guerrilla fighters, with the Indian Mitra Bahini marching in columns side by side, began advancing towards Dhaka wresting back local townships from Pakistani control. A radio broadcast informed us that the Seventh Fleet was already in the Bay of Bengal. We fired shots in the air to express our anger at the shocking stand of the U.S. in support of a genocidal Pakistani Army and its Islamist agents, who had already killed and assaulted thousands of unarmed civilians.

We knew our protest would serve no purpose. Even so, it echoed the anguish of millions who did not accept Washington’s role in defiance of the call for justice and freedom.

Forty-one years have since elapsed and Bangladesh has emerged from much turmoil and trauma. And thanks to changed mindsets, Washington has quickly recognised the potential of the new country, assisting it in many ways. Bangladesh cannot afford to have strained relations with U.S., which is not only its key development partner but also a mass consumer and patron of its readymade garment industry. However, bilateral ties are not progressing well. Signs of this were evident during the rushed visit of the U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

Ms Clinton’s 20-hour trip saw her meeting Bangladesh’s Nobel laureate, Muhammad Yunus, and founder of the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), Sir Fazle Hasan Abed. They discussed the Grameen Bank issue and domestic politics. She made comments about Bangladesh’s persistent political row.

But she said nothing about the country’s crucial and ongoing trial of war criminals. Many expected moral backing from the U.S., because this trial, being opposed by the Islamist radicals and their patronisers, is fundamental to upholding secular democracy, the rule of law, and ending the trauma of some of the gravest crimes against humanity.

The government’s move to review the entire Grameen Bank set-up after removing Mr. Yunus last year on charge of flouting rules seems to have visibly irked the U.S.

Back in Washington, Ms Clinton once again expressed concern about Mr. Yunus and the Grameen Bank in a letter to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. She wanted the bank’s integrity to be protected and hoped the government would try to ensure the continuation of the “innovative governance system” of the bank and its “ownership structure.” She has also asked for a fair and transparent review of the status of the independent companies that the Nobel Laureate has set up, suggesting that they should not be undermined.

Readymade garment industry

During her visit, Ms Clinton made no attempt to conceal her concern for Mr. Yunus, a long-time friend of the Clintons, thus succeeding in annoying the government which responded by criticising her remarks on the Grameen Bank issue. The Finance Minister, A.M.A. Muhith, said her statement was “undue,” adding that the “Grameen Bank is a state-owned organisation and the government has been working for its progress.”

There have been other pressure points as well. U.S. Ambassador Den Mozina had warned readymade garment exporters that Bangladesh’s apparel exports to the U.S. and the European Union may face a “stormy situation” if abuses of labour and human rights are not halted. On the positive side, the U.S. envoy has promised to resolve the protracted tussle between Bangladesh and the World Bank. Last year the bank suspended funding for the $2.9 billion Padma Multipurpose Bridge Project, the biggest-ever in the country, over corruption allegations, forcing the government to find alternative sources of funding.

The continuing ripples over the report of the Seventh Fleet deployment, even though categorically denied by Washington and Dhaka, may be a manifestation of these irritants, many fear. Media reports suggested that Ms. Clinton’s visit to Dhaka could not have been without some more ominous purpose. As one commentator wrote: “Now that Leon Panetta, the U.S. Defence Secretary, has made it clear that in future as much as 60 per cent of American warships will be deployed in the Asia-Pacific region, one needs to take a second look at that Indian media report and wonder anew if anything of a disturbing note is indeed going on.”

The U.S. may use the Yunus and Grameen Bank issues as the critical talking points at the diplomatic high table. Understandably, the Sheikh Hasina government is now under pressure to reach an understanding with the Nobel Laureate, who lost a series of legal battles with the government, and the major opposition party, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), a close ally of the fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami and other Islamists, to hold elections, as scheduled, end-2013, under an interim or caretaker administration.

Political unrest in recent weeks has seen law enforcers assault journalists. To add to this, a few sensitive murder cases including the highly publicised murder of a journalist couple have already caused an image problem for the government, much to the distress of the media and civil society. The extra-judicial killings and the recent disappearance of an Opposition political leader including the abduction and killing of a labour union leader associated with the readymade garments industry have also been noted by the international community.

The Hasina government, which has taken a series of forward looking steps to improve ties with neighbouring countries, especially India, must concentrate on mending fences with the western world.

The government needs good relations with its development partners, to complete the tasks it has initiated. This in turn could have a bearing on how Sheikh Hasiná fares when she goes to the people for a fresh mandate next year.

This article reminds me of the ' formula' movies of Bollywood.

An ' item' song helps to draw the crowds.

Here, the article deals with other issues related to BD but the ' item song' of India's concerns & 7th Fleet seems to have been added for effect.
I hope BD becomes free from the illusions of your illusions about there not being Indian influence ......

told you guys.... :lol: :lol:

okk..tell me..if we have so much influence on your "Present Government" and your "Army"(they acquired our dress :P) then why we can't solve various problems with BD just like Border fencing problem,Teesta water sharing problem,illegal population problem,Chitmahal problem etc etc???just little bit of pressure will do the job..right???
I hope BD becomes free from the illusions of your illusions about there not being Indian influence ......
What were you smoking when you wrote this? :cheesy:

Like a sophistical rhetorician inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity! :cheesy:
Okay, here are some questions:

i) Why would the US want a base considering they already have one in Diego Garcia and Guam? They are more than enough to deal with the PLA.

ii) Why Bangladesh? Do they realize how vulnerable they'd be to PLA's missile strikes by being that close? And it'd take a lot of resources to set up a formal base.

iii) What's more, political instability is rampant in Bangladesh with as long as the two battling begums are around.

iv) It'd make folks in New Delhi very, very unhappy.

I think it is interesting that the author noted that the US hopes to use Dr. Yunus for diplomatic purposes. Micro-finance isn't like magic or something. Or something of a magical formula. And actually, the concept has worked pretty well in Iraq and elsewhere.

But even then, why so much support for the figure? He has often been dubbed as the 'hero of the Capitalist world' in the West.

The author is right about the fact that the ruling party in Bangladesh is damaging relations with the West. Mostly based on whimsical feelings rather than cold logic.

And as far as the US not uttering anything about this 'war crimes trail' is concerned, please understand that Jamaat still has Cold War links with them. The structure is still there. And they have very good relations with the Middle Eastern countries.

Another thing that we often tend to overlook is that the people who are under trail were not military personnel. The War Crimes Act back in the Mujib-era did not include civilians. What's more, we do not know under what pretenses both Mujib and Zia simply let go of many of them go. And yet, people still chant that they are this and that......but based on what? It is true that they did lobby against the creation of Bangladesh, but the topic of committing war crimes need more proof, and in line with the rule of law itself. Are we seeing that? No. So why would the US bother? Please people, use some common sense.

Anyway, enough about the past.

If indeed the US is working toward gradually removing those begums from the scene, I'd support that endeavor, along with complete security benefits, particularly from India. Dr. Yunus himself said that the current BS seen in the politics of Bangladesh will go on for 15-20 years.

If they (the begums) are unable to answer which country benefited the most from Bangladesh's various dilemmas over the past four decades, then they are not qualified to lead the nation.
But she said nothing about the country’s crucial and ongoing trial of war criminals. Many expected moral backing from the U.S., because this trial, being opposed by the Islamist radicals and their patronisers, is fundamental to upholding secular democracy, the rule of law, and ending the trauma of some of the gravest crimes against humanity.

Understandably, the Sheikh Hasina government is now under pressure to reach an understanding with the Nobel Laureate, who lost a series of legal battles with the government, and the major opposition party, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), a close ally of the fundamentalist Jamaat-e-Islami and other Islamists, to hold elections, as scheduled, end-2013, under an interim or caretaker administration.

legal battles :lol: What kind of an awami indian maggot wrote this article filled with awami crap. These question of legal battle doesn't even come under an court run by awami cadres and the whole country wants this Care taker system not just the
US or intl community for the sake of a free and fair election. This turd is sounding like BAL can get away with a rigged
election if not for US. What awami analogy.
Okay, here are some questions:

i) Why would the US want a base considering they already have one in Diego Garcia and Guam? They are more than enough to deal with the PLA.

ii) Why Bangladesh? Do they realize how vulnerable they'd be to PLA's missile strikes by being that close? And it'd take a lot of resources to set up a formal base.

iii) What's more, political instability is rampant in Bangladesh with as long as the two battling begums are around.

iv) It'd make folks in New Delhi very, very unhappy.

You are assuming that a base in Bangladesh would only target China. It would also be used to monitor India. There should be no doubt about that. Finally why are we assuming this is a base they want and not simply a refueling and maintenance facility.
wish BD gets independence from indian influenced polititions.
If there was even half the influence that people around here seem to think, then by now transit would have been given..................
Btw can someone explain why BD's not giving transit?? They will get a huge fee, and investments by Large Indian cos.......
So why this economy compromisin descision?? Not to mention such a transit would help in improving the road system with economic participation from India..........
You are assuming that a base in Bangladesh would only target China. It would also be used to monitor India. There should be no doubt about that. Finally why are we assuming this is a base they want and not simply a refueling and maintenance facility.

They are securing their trade interests. A naval base in the Bay of Bengal would give them access to control the trade route between Europe and the Far East without getting too close to the South China Sea.
As far as monitoring India goes, I'm sure that would be one of the reasons why India would be keeping an eye on the developement. I can't comment on internal Bangladeshi politics, but one thing is certain, neither India nor China would be comfortable with this arrangement if it ever goes through.
Okay, here are some questions:

i) Why would the US want a base considering they already have one in Diego Garcia and Guam? They are more than enough to deal with the PLA.

ii) Why Bangladesh? Do they realize how vulnerable they'd be to PLA's missile strikes by being that close? And it'd take a lot of resources to set up a formal base.

iii) What's more, political instability is rampant in Bangladesh with as long as the two battling begums are around.

iv) It'd make folks in New Delhi very, very unhappy.

I think it is interesting that the author noted that the US hopes to use Dr. Yunus for diplomatic purposes. Micro-finance isn't like magic or something. Or something of a magical formula. And actually, the concept has worked pretty well in Iraq and elsewhere.

But even then, why so much support for the figure? He has often been dubbed as the 'hero of the Capitalist world' in the West.

The author is right about the fact that the ruling party in Bangladesh is damaging relations with the West. Mostly based on whimsical feelings rather than cold logic.

And as far as the US not uttering anything about this 'war crimes trail' is concerned, please understand that Jamaat still has Cold War links with them. The structure is still there. And they have very good relations with the Middle Eastern countries.

Another thing that we often tend to overlook is that the people who are under trail were not military personnel. The War Crimes Act back in the Mujib-era did not include civilians. What's more, we do not know under what pretenses both Mujib and Zia simply let go of many of them go. And yet, people still chant that they are this and that......but based on what? It is true that they did lobby against the creation of Bangladesh, but the topic of committing war crimes need more proof, and in line with the rule of law itself. Are we seeing that? No. So why would the US bother? Please people, use some common sense.

Anyway, enough about the past.

If indeed the US is working toward gradually removing those begums from the scene, I'd support that endeavor, along with complete security benefits, particularly from India. Dr. Yunus himself said that the current BS seen in the politics of Bangladesh will go on for 15-20 years.

If they (the begums) are unable to answer which country benefited the most from Bangladesh's various dilemmas over the past four decades, then they are not qualified to lead the nation.

for many folks like you unless they find a time machine Gulam bazom and his cohorts will be fereshtas!
If indians are so scared of 7th fleet than billions they have spent and spending on military is worthless junk. Did indins asked that question to themselves? oh well, that is too much for indians to think and too much to ask.
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