1. Again the word "India" is being willfully misused whereas it never existed till we, Muslims, began calling the locals Hindis from which the Brits developed this term. Even the term Hindu or Hinduism has to be understood in anthropological context. The Webster's College dictionary defines Hinduism as the common religion of India, based upon the religion of the original Aryan settlers as expounded and evolved in the Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad-Gita, etc.
2. Some of the Hindu practices remain pagan and uncivilized. Sevadasis / temple prostitutes, for instance. Or the compulsion to use the menstruated blood a prostitute to commence "puja" season.
a. Ove the centuries the Kama Sutra has nearly achieved the status of a religious text.
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b. So has The Arthasastra by Chanokya / Katulya.
c. Look at the Ajanta Ellora images which again are revered as religious objects:
3. All these in spite of:
"There is only One God, worship Him."
[Rig Veda: 6,45:16]
"...Of that God you cannot make any images."
[Yajur Veda 3:32]
4. SA has known magnificence only under the Muslims. I the history of mankind no empire can surpass the Moguls in arts, literature, architecture, economic well being, just laws, happiness of the people and security of life and property of the people. In this greatness of the Moguls the Rajputs had made significant contribution. Being an honorable people and brave, they, among all other
quoms of SA, became close to the Moguls easily.