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Indian Civilization, its contribution to Modern day Science and Philosopy

LOL, Maura didn't last 130 year. After which, you were all different kingdoms. By the last 1000 year, the continent was lost to Central asian muslims. By 19th century, the british owned whole of south asia. One country who? British RaJ:omghaha:
Buddhism was allowed to stay by the emperor, otherwise it had to go, LOL. Even then, it never replaced Confucius and Taoism, the base of chinese philosophy.

China's fate also not different..In the 19th century, Qing Empire was internally stagnated and externally threatened by imperialism. The defeat by the British Empire in the First Opium War (1840) led to the Treaty of Nanking (1842), under which Hong Kong was ceded and opium import was legitimized. Subsequent military defeats and unequal treaties with other imperial powers would continue even after the fall of the Qing Dynasty.
@PARAS i hope you don't deny that the caste system is still a big problem in India
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I think the contribution towards science can be much more credited to Muslim Scientists than those of Indian Civilisation
latest research papers are cherry picking? while you who will link the blog written by rss :rofl:

Latest research papers made by who.....Zaid Hamid or Zakir Naik??...... :rofl::omghaha:

Remember, Zaid Hamid's papers will contradict your 'theories'.....:lol:

I think the contribution towards science can be much more credited to Muslim Scientists than those of Indian Civilisation

While HISTORY says, Hindu Indians taught the Arabs how to count properly.....and the Europeans took it from them.....so they named the system Hindu-Arabic number system.....
China's fate also not different..In the 19th century, Qing Empire was internally stagnated and externally threatened by imperialism. The defeat by the British Empire in the First Opium War (1840) led to the Treaty of Nanking (1842), under which Hong Kong was ceded and opium import was legitimized. Subsequent military defeats and unequal treaties with other imperial powers would continue even after the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

Modern China is gift of America and Britain who liberated half of China from Japan. While the last emperor of Qing dynasty Puyi created Manchukuo with the help of Japanese.
China's fate also not different..In the 19th century, Qing Empire was internally stagnated and externally threatened by imperialism. The defeat by the British Empire in the First Opium War (1840) led to the Treaty of Nanking (1842), under which Hong Kong was ceded and opium import was legitimized. Subsequent military defeats and unequal treaties with other imperial powers would continue even after the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

LOL, you're so poorly educated in history. Qing walked into Beijing without a fight (go research) Then they claimed the Chinese's Mandate of Heaven and became Chinese. The courts and army were run by Chinese. Lingua franca was chinese. The flag was chinese dragon.

Yes, we lost to the industrialized powers, we ceded our port city like Hong Kong,but the Emperor still rule 99% of China. Whereas, indian subcontinent was totally colonized by the British. You don't even have a country.
Modern China is gift of America and Britain who liberated half of China from Japan. While the last emperor of Qing dynasty Puyi created Manchukuo with the help of Japanese.

Yes!.....but before that you need to consider that we civilized them through Buddhism....
Do you even know when Christianity and Islam began....:lol:....Your exposing your Madrassa education to the world......:woot:
Indians are Hindus and Hinduism is much older than these two religions......

I agree Vedic culture emanated before the advent of Christianity and Islam and I have mentioned this before as well.

However, when Vedic and Hindu culture emanated, there was no country known as India. I know that RSS run Saraswati Shishu Mandirs and Vidya Bharati madrassas teach you something different.
I think the contribution towards science can be much more credited to Muslim Scientists than those of Indian Civilisation

Arab Muslims learnt a lot many things from Indians.

Islamic Mathematics - The Story of Mathematics


The Islamic Empire established across Persia, the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Iberia and parts of India from the 8th Century onwards made significant contributions towards mathematics. They were able to draw on and fuse together the mathematical developments of both Greece and India.

One consequence of the Islamic prohibition on depicting the human form was the extensive use of complex geometric patterns to decorate their buildings, raising mathematics to the form of an art. In fact, over time, Muslim artists discovered all the different forms of symmetry that can be depicted on a 2-dimensional surface.

The Qu’ran itself encouraged the accumulation of knowledge, and a Golden Age of Islamic science and mathematics flourished throughout the medieval period from the 9th to 15th Centuries. The House of Wisdom was set up in Baghdad around 810, and work started almost immediately on translating the major Greek and Indian mathematical and astronomy works into Arabic.

The outstanding Persian mathematician Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi was an early Director of the House of Wisdom in the 9th Century, and one of the greatest of early Muslim mathematicians. Perhaps Al-Khwarizmi’s most important contribution to mathematics was his strong advocacy of the Hindu numerical system (1 - 9 and 0), which he recognized as having the power and efficiency needed to revolutionize Islamic (and, later, Western) mathematics, and which was soon adopted by the entire Islamic world, and later by Europe as well.

Al-Khwarizmi's other important contribution was algebra, and he introduced the fundamental algebraic methods of “reduction” and “balancing” and provided an exhaustive account of solving polynomial equations up to the second degree. In this way, he helped create the powerful abstract mathematical language still used across the world today, and allowed a much more general way of analyzing problems other than just the specific problems previously considered by the Indians and Chinese.

Binomial Theorem

The 10th Century Persian mathematician Muhammad Al-Karaji worked to extend algebra still further, freeing it from its geometrical heritage, and introduced the theory of algebraic calculus. Al-Karaji was the first to use the method of proof by mathematical induction to prove his results, by proving that the first statement in an infinite sequence of statements is true, and then proving that, if any one statement in the sequence is true, then so is the next one.

Among other things, Al-Karaji used mathematical induction to prove the binomial theorem. A binomial is a simple type of algebraic expression which has just two terms which are operated on only by addition, subtraction, multiplication and positive whole-number exponents, such as (x + y)2. The co-efficients needed when a binomial is expanded form a symmetrical triangle, usually referred to as Pascal’s Triangle after the 17th Century French mathematician Blaise Pascal, although many other mathematicians had studied it centuries before him in India, Persia, China and Italy, including Al-Karaji.

Some hundred years after Al-Karaji, Omar Khayyam (perhaps better known as a poet and the writer of the “Rubaiyat”, but an important mathematician and astronomer in his own right) generalized Indian methods for extracting square and cube roots to include fourth, fifth and higher roots in the early 12th Century. He carried out a systematic analysis of cubic problems, revealing there were actually several different sorts of cubic equations. Although he did in fact succeed in solving cubic equations, and although he is usually credited with identifying the foundations of algebraic geometry, he was held back from further advances by his inability to separate the algebra from the geometry, and a purely algebraic method for the solution of cubic equations had to wait another 500 years and the Italian mathematicians del Ferro and Tartaglia.

Al-Tusi was a pioneer in the field of spherical trigonometry

The 13th Century Persian astronomer, scientist and mathematician Nasir Al-Din Al-Tusi was perhaps the first to treat trigonometry as a separate mathematical discipline, distinct from astronomy. Building on earlier work by Greek mathematicians such as Menelaus of Alexandria and Indian work on the sine function, he gave the first extensive exposition of spherical trigonometry, including listing the six distinct cases of a right triangle in spherical trigonometry. One of his major mathematical contributions was the formulation of the famous law of sines for plane triangles, a⁄(sin A) = b⁄(sin B) = c⁄(sin C), although the sine law for spherical triangles had been discovered earlier by the 10th Century Persians Abul Wafa Buzjani and Abu Nasr Mansur.

Other medieval Muslim mathematicians worthy of note include:
the 9th Century Arab Thabit ibn Qurra, who developed a general formula by which amicable numbers could be derived, re-discovered much later by both Fermat and Descartes(amicable numbers are pairs of numbers for which the sum of the divisors of one number equals the other number, e.g. the proper divisors of 220 are 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 11, 20, 22, 44, 55 and 110, of which the sum is 284; and the proper divisors of 284 are 1, 2, 4, 71, and 142, of which the sum is 220);
the 10th Century Arab mathematician Abul Hasan al-Uqlidisi, who wrote the earliest surviving text showing the positional use of Arabic numerals, and particularly the use of decimals instead of fractions (e.g. 7.375 insead of 73⁄8);
the 10th Century Arab geometer Ibrahim ibn Sinan, who continued Archimedes' investigations of areas and volumes, as well as on tangents of a circle;
the 11th Century Persian Ibn al-Haytham (also known as Alhazen), who, in addition to his groundbreaking work on optics and physics, established the beginnings of the link between algebra and geometry, and devised what is now known as "Alhazen's problem" (he was the first mathematician to derive the formula for the sum of the fourth powers, using a method that is readily generalizable); and
the 13th Century Persian Kamal al-Din al-Farisi, who applied the theory of conic sections to solve optical problems, as well as pursuing work in number theory such as on amicable numbers, factorization and combinatorial methods;
the 13th Century Moroccan Ibn al-Banna al-Marrakushi, whose works included topics such as computing square roots and the theory of continued fractions, as well as the discovery of the first new pair of amicable numbers since ancient times (17,296 and 18,416, later re-discovered by Fermat) and the the first use of algebraic notation since Brahmagupta.

With the stifling influence of the Turkish Ottoman Empire from the 14th or 15th Century onwards, Islamic mathematics stagnated, and further developments moved to Europe
I agree Vedic culture emanated before the advent of Christianity and Islam and I have mentioned this before as well.

However, when Vedic and Hindu culture emanated, there was no country known as India. I know that RSS run Saraswati Shishu Mandirs and Vidya Bharati madrassas teach you something different.

Our country is not only called India, it is called Bharat and Hindusthan as well.......Bharat being the oldest name of the landmass....mentioned in the Vedas also....:cheers:....and also one of our official names....

Do you know what 'akhand Bharat' means??;)
^And yet we people dominated you and ruled over you :disagree:
^And yet we people dominated you and ruled over you :disagree:

Don't worry....we're going to get back our 'akhand Bharat'.....soon.....your wannabe Hindu brigade will make it easier......:cheers:....they'll 'come back to papa' first......:lol:

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