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Featured Indian Chronicles: deep dive into a 15-year operation targeting the EU and UN to serve Indian interests

It has happened very few times in history of muslims that 'baatil' has been exposed so clearly. Indeed the fight against them must be continued on every front with more vigour.
Turkish media is the one which knows everything lol. I understand that you guys only have Turkey whom you can pay for your false narratives.

Chinese Media should be called that as there is no press freedom there.
Of cos there is no freedom in China to speak lies, or play swindler/snake charmers. I know in india, raping, steal and cheating are part of the freedom too. :enjoy:
Our media is free.

Selective posting

Indian PM Modi defends ban on Delhi gang rape documentary - TRFN
Company News

Nobody want to follow your media practice and evil culture, India is full of crooks and criminals.
Balkanisation of the Indian state should be a priority for China and Pakistan. The Indian regime is run by a far-right religious extremist that pose a direct threat to both China and Pakistan.
It can be double edge sword becos this fool will never make India great. They are destroying India achievement for past 20 years. Let them be! :enjoy: It is important for China to make sure India is weak.
They are burning cash in Ladakh.
It can be double edge sword becos this fool will never make India great. They are destroying India achievement for past 20 years. Let them be! :enjoy: It is important for China to make sure India is weak.
They are burning cash in Ladakh.

India is an artificial country. If the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia were broken up, India is far easier to break up.
India, like USA, is back fired by her own fake news. Nothing good is going to be done in those countries.
Chinese here want people to believe that China is gold standard when it comes to freedom of speech. This Pakistani site which is filled with China Cheerleaders is also banned in China.

...best part is Chinese don't have any shame. They are like males with Cuxt and comparing with other males with dixk and exclaiming how big is their dixk.
india + indians = the biggest LIES, PROPAGANDA & FAKE NEWS factory in the world:

Turkish media is the one which knows everything lol. I understand that you guys only have Turkey whom you can pay for your false narratives.

Chinese Media should be called that as there is no press freedom there.
Michail Boris who claims to be a Political & Defense Analyst from your daddy Russia with the main focus on South Asia. He claimed in a tweet that Karima Baloch was killed by RAW as she was working for the agency and after the EU Disinfo lab’s report, she was killed.

“Anti Pakistan Activist #KarimaBaloch found dead in Toronto Canada. RAW is killing their assets after EU disinfo report which expose Indian state sponsor terrorism. She was playing in the hand of RAW. Now she had been exposed so RAW is cleaning it’s mess,” he tweeted.
Anti Pakistan Activist #KarimaBaloch found dead in Toronto Canada. RAW is killing their assets after EU disinfo report which expose Indian state sponsor terrorism. She was playing in the hand of RAW. Now she had been exposed so RAW is cleaning it's mess.
— Michail Boris 🇷🇺 (@MichailBoris) December 22, 2020
There are other accounts also claiming RAW’s role in Baloch’s death. These posts claim that after EU Disinfo Lab published a report claiming that the report mentions Karima Baloch as a “facilitator of RAW.”

While police have ruled out any foul play, activists supporting the rights of the Balochistani people are seeking an in-depth inquiry into the whole episode.

A section of the Indian media owing allegiance to the ruling right-wing Hindu nationalist Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) government, led by Narendra Modi, has gone to the extent of describing her death as a murder. And they are questioning the integrity of the police in Ontario and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
The Indian media has also reported how Baloch treated Modi as her brother and once sent him a rakhi—a band that sisters often tie to the wrists of brothers in Hindu culture.

This was despite the fact that the attacks on religious minorities, especially Muslims, have grown under Modi ever since he became the prime minister in 2014.

Notably, the Modi government has scrapped special status to the only Muslim-dominated state of Kashmir to suppress the struggle of its people for their right to self-determination. The Indian army under him is mistreating residents of Kashmir with impunity in the name of a war on terror.
That the Modi government has also outlawed Canada-based Sikhs for Justice— which is only asking for a referendum on Khalistan, a separate homeland for Sikhs in northern India—further weakens its position on Balochistan.

This only shows the desperation and contradictions of the Balochistani leadership, however justified their fight is. Her sending a rakhi to someone like Modi, who has Muslim blood on his hands, has only complicated the issue.

How can the Balochistani activists be so naïve about the fact that the current Indian regime has allowed Hindu extremists to go after the minorities at will, while at the same time stifling any voice of dissent coming from minority communities?

Sadly, that is the reality of any nationalist movement that starves for resources and help. Even liberation hero Subhash Chander Bose, who fought against the British occupation of India, joined hands with Hitler to undermine British empire.
The controversy over Baloch's gesture to Modi, wow
Indian media and Modi supporters who are strongly advocating for the rights of the people of Balochistan should first set their own house in order before raising fingers at Pakistan. As long as minority rights are not secured in India and people of Kashmir are not treated with respect, India has no moral right to question what happened to Karima Baloch.
India is an artificial country. If the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia were broken up, India is far easier to break up.
This is what Shiv Sena Leader said who want to united India as his dream.
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