I think it is a worrying aspect for all Pakistanis, even the ones who agree that currently nothing needs ro be done. The ISPR press conference has raised more questions than it has answered.
If you advocate no action then how can you justify 27/02, when again we lost nothing more than 4 trees and a crow became Shaheed? By the same token if those were weapons this was also a weapon. So how is this any different to 27/02. If this was a malfunction why is the Indoan councila harrangued about it.
Another question is how did the Pakistani AD people know it was unarmed. If they did not know did they knowingly put people into danger? Did they try to take it down and fail. If they could track it did they not have weapons in the area to bring it down?
I think it is beyond belief that the current Indian establishment would be so humane that they will ring the PA on hotline and say "rogue missile. No ammo carried". Even if by some miracle they did, why is Pakistan not relating this? Do they want to get polotical mileage out of it, why are tgey not making any poliyical noise in various international fora about it?
I think(purely conjecture on my part). the time period was too short for them to take decisions and some Sahab was rung up who might not have responded, or responded late. By that time the package had already crash landed. Or they got info from the other side but why is India not countering it? So, is there an SOP for such a situation. If so was it not foĺlowed? If followed what if any was PA/PAF response?
Where do we go from here and what do we do? Do we retaliate and risk a Nuke exchange which is what this is going to turn into. If we dont, are we leaving ourselves open to another misadventure?
So in short there are more questions than there are answers. If we do not have answers should we just have left it at we are investigatimg and will respond in 2-3 weeks when we have all the information. At least then you are investigating. But now it seems you have a lot of facts at hand, which would again bring us to"what are you doing about it "?