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Indian Brahmos missle crashes in Mian Channo

That armed or unarmed aspect keeps bothering me.
Would the impact debris dispersion be this way if it was unarmed as well due to the high velocity and remaining fuel on board??

In that case the failed launch does come into play but doing a launch without NOTAMs seems utter unprofessional on part of the India armed forces.
Could there be a less than 250Kg payload? For say a smaller target?
What's your fetish with shooting the Brahmos? DGISPR clearly mentioned, it was not shot down, It fell down on its own

ISPR is also Pakistan militaty's propoganda tool. Its not a script from holly book to be taken as is. Lying, misinformation or false information is a part of military tactics. India officially has been lying through out. They were very silent and very late to give any official explanation as well after 27 Feb.

Those stating if intercepted the missile should have shattered and fallen down in pieces must have been runing trials every day? They absolutely know how a missle looks like if intercepted vs crashed?

A shrapnel or 2 from Air defence system's missle hiting the engine are enough to bring down a missle or a jet. I also would assum incase of crashing, all the metal should have folded towards the nose. We see that the missle more seems like to be flattened? What can cause a missle to become flattened like that?

I won't discount both possibilities however people loosing their brains and going nuts is beyond me! A few of the profiles spewing hatred and trying create chaos should be banned permanently from PDF. PDF is no place for immature jumping kids. @The Eagle please cleanup the thread kindly.

Australia cricket team is in Pk. This act could have been deliberate to send them back and destroy Pakistani cricket. I am very sure PAF & PA is capable enough. Our intelligence is also focussed enough to exactly know what our enemy is upto. Response shall come if needed.

Only non debatable information present at hand is:
1. Pakistan has India's latest missle in hand, relatively intact, to reverse engineer/ analyse.

Debatable information:

1. Pakistan's air defence failed/ was slow/ response not optimal.

2. Pakistan did intercept the missile but didn't announce. To keep confusion in enemy about which system was used to intercept? Its capability etc. Plus let indians make their own guesses if it really crashed down on its own or was brought down? Should we celebrate or be pissed?

3. Pakistan might already have solid intelligence from ISI that India is trying to send a dud missile into Pakistan. Pakistan chose to not destroy it, reverse engineer it instead. At the same time, not giving our Air defence capabilities away.

4. Pakistan might be playing it down to not damage return of cricket and Australian team tour. We might respond later and unleash all surprises later.

5. It was really a case of missle going rouge. It fell when fuel ran out. PAF response still questionable.

Nothing can be said with conviction. People should stop jumping like rabbits and focus on gathering more info.

Also, wasn't J10C i duction ceremony was planned today at 11th March? Maybe a few days gap in our response is need of the hour. Lets watch, we weren't let down by our forces before and InShaAllah we will never be!

Those talking shot should be ashamed of their frustrated selfs. Get mental checkuo done.
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I have seen some new videos in detail. The crater created by this missile looks absolutely huge. I have seen a video in which a fuel tank can be seen in a house. Both videos surfaced today. Are they connected? Who dropped fuel tank? Was there an aerial engagement before missile strike? i just don't understand it at all. I want response at all cost.
Security forces doesn't allowed us to go close so I can't say anything. (Ya fighter jet lg to ni raha pr ajj kafi jets guzry hn which is not common in Mian channu)
If you can gather some pictures/videos from locals it will be a lot of help bahi.
IDF 1.png



To all PDF members who are asking why the supersonic missile wasn't shot down, what exactly do you demand from Pakistan's air defence? As far as fighter Jets are concerned, their movements and speeds are relatively slow, with their flight paths predictable, and they can be countered through various means you all know. But expecting Pakistani forces to destroy supersonic missiles in the middle of no where is going to be too much expectation from any air defence. Let me explain:

Most supersonic missile systems are countered through point defence systems, which are only installed at strategic locations. Such point defence systems not only counter supersonic missiles, but sub-sonic cruise missiles, drones, artillery, fighter aircraft etc. The rest of the area of the country (civilian) is covered by long range air defence such as HQ-9 which can PRACTICALLY only work against fighter jets in such a dense environment where Pakistan's thin profile only gives 20 seconds to make a decision. The remaining work HAS to be done by point defence systems like SPADA, or some new Chinese point defence.

If you demand that a supersonic missile should be shot down in a city like Mian Channu, you all should pay for a point defence system for every village near the Eastern border, so that every drone, and supersonic missile can be shot down under 10 seconds after entering airspace automatically without any input, alleviating us from the "Sir Kya karain" concern.

The fact that Pakistan was tracking the supersonic missile 100Kms inside Indian territory, and Pakistan Air Defence was in red alert in Multan, Bahawalpur, Karachi, and Kashmir, 10 seconds after the missile violated our airspace, is good news for me. We must realize that supersonic missiles will ALWAYS be a problem for Pakistan, because we cannot line the 3300Km border with quick reaction autonomous air defence systems.

The solution to this whole scenario is to make sure we have the best possible point defence system from China for our strategic locations and air bases, so that supersonic missiles cannot initiate a decapitation strike, and give Pakistani forces enough time to retaliate with their own strategic assets. If supersonic missiles are used to harass civilian populations along the border, they are a wasted resource. The penetration of Brahmos missile into Pakistan airspace has proven nothing. The credibility of Pakistan Air defence has not been compromised in my opinion. I completely believe that Pakistan has the capability to protect its strategic assets from supersonic missiles.
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They went from, Pakistan hiding j-10/j-16 crash to omg it’s brahmos how much can they deduce from this. Just shows how deluded they are 😂 they have no shame it seems. The irony in their comments, calling us deluded when 12 hours before they were confirming that a plane had been shot down, agaga
They went from, Pakistan hiding j-10/j-16 crash to omg it’s brahmos how much can they deduce from this. Just shows how deluded they are 😂 they have no shame it seems. The irony in their comments, calling us deluded when 12 hours before they were confirming that a plane had been shot down, agaga

I swear these clowns calling us deluded pathological liars... the word "shame" doesn't even exist for them!
People doubting Pakistan's AD capabilities should keep in mind the last Israeli/Palestine conflict, despite being fully alert and deploying Iron Dome and other latest gadgets, the Israelis couldn't detect or intercept all the incoming projectiles... Which at best can be described as rudimentary.
Also the recent statement by the PM that he has ordered to shoot down any Drones entering Pakistan is let's say ironic.
To all PDF members who are asking why the supersonic missile wasn't shot down, what exactly do you demand from Pakistan's air defence? As far as fighter Jets are concerned, their movements and speeds are relatively slow, with their flight paths predictable, and they can be countered through various means you all know. But expecting Pakistani forces to destroy supersonic missiles in the middle of no where is going to be too much expectation from any air defence. Let me explain:

Most supersonic missile systems are countered through point defence systems, which are only installed at strategic locations. Such point defence systems not only counter supersonic missiles, but sub-sonic cruise missiles, drones, artillery, fighter aircraft etc. The rest of the area of the country (civilian) is covered by long range air defence such as HQ-9 which can PRACTICALLY only work against fighter jets in such a dense environment where Pakistan's thin profile only gives 20 seconds to make a decision. The remaining work HAS to be done by point defence systems like SPADA, or some new Chinese point defence.

If you demand that a supersonic missile should be shot down in a city like Mian Channu, you all should pay for a point defence system for every village near the Eastern border, so that every drone, and supersonic missile can be shot down under 10 seconds after entering airspace automatically without any input, alleviating us from the "Sir Kya karain" concern.

The fact that Pakistan was tracking the supersonic missile 100Kms inside Indian territory, and Pakistan Air Defence was in red alert in Multan, Bahawalpur, Karachi, and Kashmir, 10 seconds after the missile violated our airspace, is good news for me. We must realize that supersonic missiles will ALWAYS be a problem for Pakistan, because we cannot line the 3300Km border with quick reaction autonomous air defence systems.

The solution to this whole scenario is to make sure we have the best possible point defence system from China for our strategic locations and air bases, so that supersonic missiles cannot initiate a decapitation strike, and give Pakistani forces enough time to retaliate with their own strategic assets. If supersonic missiles are used to harass civilian populations along the border, they are a wasted resource. The penetration of Brahmos missile into Pakistan airspace has proven nothing. The credibility of Pakistan Air defence has not been compromised in my opinion. I completely believe that Pakistan has the capability to protect its strategic assets from supersonic missiles.

Very good post. More people need to appreciate this.
I swear these clowns calling us deluded pathological liars... the word "shame" doesn't even exist for them!
Just checked their 1iq forum, they still believe that it’s a j-10c or it’s a falseflag 😂😂 mr dev/mist from IDF, you are reposting old clips and claiming it as j-10c, have some shame you immature rat. I know he’s reading this, they are getting butterfly’s in their stomachs and can’t control coming to PDF as guests.
I remember many members criticizing PAF for not responding after attack on the 26th of feb 2019.

What did the military command do? They analyzed and gave a response the Indian will never forget.

The same will happen here... There will be a response. Just wait and see
It doesn't seem like that from the presser lingo

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