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Indian army will never carry out coup, ex-Army chief

(1) Maybe, maybe not. Look at how Ashoka united India.

(2) Military can and should step in to correct Democracy when its gone awry. Systemic problems cannot be corrected .....60yrs have shown an incompetence not seen elsewhere in a civilization that has great potential. The military stepping in can help to reinforce our democratic values and take correct measures to root out the corrupt .criminal elements in our govt

1.) Ahoka??? Dude that happened over 2300 years ago with brute force! The Indian population has changed TOTALLY, our mind has changed TOTALLY, its utter nonsense to compare these two situations.

2.) You obviously dont know what democracy and divide of power is..... This wont happen, as I said, the military wont dare to do it, the people are to democratized and way too different to accept a single authority of power , the military never did anything like it, it cant do anything like it because the military itself is too diverse, etc etc your are talking rubbish.
1.) Ahoka??? Dude that happened over 2300 years ago with brute force! The Indian population has changed TOTALLY, our mind has changed TOTALLY, its utter nonsense to compare these two situations.

2.) You obviously dont know what democracy and divide of power is..... This wont happen, as I said, the military wont dare to do it, the people are to democratized and way too different to accept a single authority of power , the military never did anything like it, it cant do anything like it because the military itself is too diverse, etc etc your are talking rubbish.

So what. The only person here spewing nonsense is you. Kings have been around in the past to the present. As for vioence, we can see that in many types of government for example, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, Communism, etc. Even in India, we had 1857 mutiny, Netaji Bose, etc. Wake up. Speak for yourself. Maybe your mind has changed but Im not so sure. The way I see it, a just King has done more for India than our democractic gov't's. Democracy has the ability to work but in India its not working well due to a variety of reasons.

Who said the Indian military has ever did such? I never did. STOP TALKING RUBBISH. The ppl are getting fed up. You know the majority.....the poor ....maybe not the entire middle and rich class. People are willing to accept a temp sole power of authority in order to correct the wrongs of a insititutionalized corrupt system. Its not just India. Many democracies can be corrupted by those with the right resouces and manpower. You obviously are not open minded and need to accept that there are better methods of goverance. Even in Democracy, there are better ways of doing things. Our officials don;t go to such places to learn and bring that knowledge and incorporate it. They leave bureaucracy a mess so that they can mint a bank with all the BS. Stop defending this bullshit.

You have a lot to read. I suggest you read up the American Constitution. At least the Americans resisted the British and made their won style of goverance. Instead we bent over backwards and licked the British arse.
So what. Theonly person here spewing nonsense is you. Kings have been aroudn in the past to the present. Wake up. Speak for yourself. Maybe your mind has changed but im not so sure. The way I see it, a just King has done more for India than our democractic gov;ts. Democracy has the ability to work but in India its not working well due to a variety of reasons.
You probably have no idea how mindboggingly diverse India actually is!! For such a society, Democracy is the ONLY method of governance which actually works.

You obviously are not open minded and need to accept that there are better methods of goverance.
Pray, do enlighten us to the "other" methods of governance which can keep happy such a diverse population as that of India?
You probably have no idea how mindboggingly diverse India actually is!! For such a society, Democracy is the ONLY method of governance which actually works.

Pray, do enlighten us to the "other" methods of governance which can keep happy such a diverse population as that of India?

Listen...again typical desi attitude you want everything handed it to you on a silver platter. Maybe we should plan and think of the possibilities of a better government. Maybe we should incorporate the best features all over the world? Maybe we should do everything in our power to conintually update and enhance democracy in India. Sure India is deverse but it doesn;t have to be negative but a positive issue. Ashoke my friend also ruled a land bigger than present day India and just as or even more diverse. Are you enlightened enough?
Listen...again typical desi attitude you want everything handed it to you on a silver platter. Maybe we should plan and think of the possibilities of a better government. Maybe we should incorporate the best features all over the world? Maybe we should do everything in our power to conintually update and enhance democracy in India. Sure India is deverse but it doesn;t have to be negative but a positive issue. Ashoke my friend also ruled a land bigger than present day India and just as or even more diverse. Are you enlightened enough?
Funny you, of all people, should mention this.

Please to be enlightening us with your profound knowledge of governance, what better means to govern such diversity that is India. Oh, yes, in the times of Ashoka (please to be rechecking you sphellings), even though India was diverse (not religion-wise but ethnically) people had more pressing matters to attend to than check upon and realize what other communities are doing. In this present day and time of people being connected so closely, pray do tell us, what "other forms of governance" predominate Democracy?

Oh, btw, just FYI, Democracy does NOT hand over everything to you on a silver platter. Its a compromise, a consensus where everyone walks away happy for the sole reason that their rivals/competitors/enemies did not get what they WANTED. Go figure!
Funny you, of all people, should mention this.

Please to be enlightening us with your profound knowledge of governance, what better means to govern such diversity that is India. Oh, yes, in the times of Ashoka (please to be rechecking you sphellings), even though India was diverse (not religion-wise but ethnically) people had more pressing matters to attend to than check upon and realize what other communities are doing. In this present day and time of people being connected so closely, pray do tell us, what "other forms of governance" predominate Democracy?

Oh, btw, just FYI, Democracy does NOT hand over everything to you on a silver platter. Its a compromise, a consensus where everyone walks away happy for the sole reason that their rivals/competitors/enemies did not get what they WANTED. Go figure!

Im not the one exhibiting a desi attitude. As for the spelling, tough deal with it. Im sure its not difficult to decipher what I stated. And for someone with an issue with spelling perhaps you should re check your post. Again, another joker asking for a better solution. Do you have difficulity in comprehending english. Where did I state Democracy handed anything over on a silver platter? Plz highlight that. You won;t be able to because I didn;t. I know what Democracy is "oh enlightend one". You and your butt buddies take one point and stretch it to make yours yet your fail to realize what was the original issue. How about this....you and your friends pay me a fortune and I will come up with a better system? Deal or no deal? Democracy in India is a joke. Its an illusion. Dynasty politics is a joke. How can you defend that. Where was the compromise for that "oh enlightend one"? Do you when the British left, they left their indian cronies with wealth and power to continue to influence our land, our ppl? We followed a system based on theirs. We allowed oursleves to blindly follow their mistakes. Even for country, the American version is better. Again, if you could comprehend English better....you would realize Im stating make it better, let the military come in to rid the insitutionalized corruption within the system, or as a last resort "elect" a KING. Democracy is only as good as the quality of the ppl that utlize it properly. When you don;t educate the massess, allow corruption to seep in, fail at law and order, etc....you create a sham.

please to be rechecking you sphellings....Buddy it's "spellings" and you may want to check your usage of grammar

Sure we can debate for yrs about religion vs ethnicity but the reality is that Ashoka did it with the limited resources he had, in a far less technological period. Sure there was Islam and Christianity. But there was Hinduism, Buddhism, Tribal beliefs, Jainism, and the many different cultural and linguistic differences.
Im not the one exhibiting a desi attitude. As for the spelling, tough deal with it. Im sure its not difficult to decipher what I stated. And for someone with an issue with spelling perhaps you should re check your post. Again, another joker asking for a better solution. Do you have difficulity in comprehending english. Where did I state Democracy handed anything over on a silver platter? Plz highlight that. You won;t be able to because I didn;t. I know what Democracy is "oh enlightend one". You and your butt buddies take one point and stretch it to make yours yet your fail to realize what was the original issue. How about this....you and your friends pay me a fortune and I will come up with a better system? Deal or no deal? Democracy in India is a joke. Its an illusion. Dynasty politics is a joke. How can you defend that. Where was the compromise for that "oh enlightend one"? Do you when the British left, they left their indian cronies with wealth and power to continue to influence our land, our ppl? We followed a system based on theirs. We allowed oursleves to blindly follow their mistakes. Even for country, the American version is better. Again, if you could comprehend English better....you would realize Im stating make it better, let the military come in to rid the insitutionalized corruption within the system, or as a last resort "elect" a KING. Democracy is only as good as the quality of the ppl that utlize it properly. When you don;t educate the massess, allow corruption to seep in, fail at law and order, etc....you create a sham.

please to be rechecking you sphellings....Buddy it's "spellings" and you may want to check your usage of grammar

Sure we can debate for yrs about religion vs ethnicity but the reality is that Ashoka did it with the limited resources he had, in a far less technological period. Sure there was Islam and Christianity. But there was Hinduism, Buddhism, Tribal beliefs, Jainism, and the many different cultural and linguistic differences.

You amuse me.
I do accept that my English is not that good. I am still learning.

So, you have an issue with democracy, the particular version that is being followed in India. I have heard many people complain about the status. What I would love to hear is a better alternative to the democratic system being followed in India. If you do have one, please do tell us about it. Have you ever voted in any elections in India?

I agree with you saying that "Democracy is only as good as the quality of the ppl that utlize it properly". That "ppl" includes you too. So you mean to confess that you are wanting in some aspects? Also, please explain how the "American system" is better than what is practiced in India. And you want to "elect" a King? How would you know that the "King" would NOT abuse his/her powers and resort to 'dynastic' rule that YOU so despise? Do you know about the checks and balances in a democratic system?

Ashoka's reign was between 304-232 BC. Before Christ. Before Christianity or even Islam. And an Emperor of India had very limited resources at his disposal? You sir, do really amuse me.

ps: Sphelling is what you say when you are intoxicated! And unless you are using your cell phone to post replies, I suggest you stick to proper full English words and complete sentences or else no one is going to take you seriously. You might even be mistaken for a sms crazy teenager!!
@axisofevil , give specific suggestion about where british system fails in India, and whether we have any alternative. Also we need to discuss whether alternative will leave us worse or better or almost at same place...
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So what. The only person here spewing nonsense is you. Kings have been around in the past to the present. As for vioence, we can see that in many types of government for example, the American Revolution, the French Revolution, Communism, etc. Even in India, we had 1857 mutiny, Netaji Bose, etc. Wake up. Speak for yourself. Maybe your mind has changed but Im not so sure. The way I see it, a just King has done more for India than our democractic gov't's. Democracy has the ability to work but in India its not working well due to a variety of reasons.

Who said the Indian military has ever did such? I never did. STOP TALKING RUBBISH. The ppl are getting fed up. You know the majority.....the poor ....maybe not the entire middle and rich class. People are willing to accept a temp sole power of authority in order to correct the wrongs of a insititutionalized corrupt system. Its not just India. Many democracies can be corrupted by those with the right resouces and manpower. You obviously are not open minded and need to accept that there are better methods of goverance. Even in Democracy, there are better ways of doing things. Our officials don;t go to such places to learn and bring that knowledge and incorporate it. They leave bureaucracy a mess so that they can mint a bank with all the BS. Stop defending this bullshit.

You have a lot to read. I suggest you read up the American Constitution. At least the Americans resisted the British and made their won style of goverance. Instead we bent over backwards and licked the British arse.

The only people talking about this BS are internet fascists like you, so better STFU. It wont happen, keep dreaming. The military isnt made up of dumb wetdreamers as you.

I am out.
The only people talking about this BS are internet fascists like you, so better STFU. It wont happen, keep dreaming. The military isnt made up of dumb wetdreamers as you.

I am out.

Yeah you better leave and STFU. I guess you love India being corrupt. Don;t worry keep it up and the situation will change overnight
Yeah you better leave and STFU. I guess you love India being corrupt. Don;t worry keep it up and the situation will change overnight

zhhhh typical internet NRI... sitting somewhere else and ranting about politicians on the internet to show o their balls and suggesting all kinds of mega nonsense (i.e. military intervention :woot:)....
Is shiv sena not a political branch of hindu army of india?

col. prohit was a humble worker.
You guys amuse us by dragging non-consequential parties in your arguments...if the shiv sena was really an hindu extension of the indian army then you guys would be facing more mayhem then what you are facing now from BLA & TTP and all your other **** groups
Indian army and top generals are scared of running a country and performing a coup. That the reality.

Coups are the forte of the Pakistani generals.....the Indian army doesn't like to burn its hands like your generals who perform coups and then bring international condemnation on themselves
zhhhh typical internet NRI... sitting somewhere else and ranting about politicians on the internet to show o their balls and suggesting all kinds of mega nonsense (i.e. military intervention :woot:)....

I know you don;t care and thats the core problem. Dont worry a re-education at a camp will change you for the better comarde. You really need to re read all my posts. You and others see one point and make a big stink out of it. I don;t care either. I got bigger fish to fry
Countries with STRONG CIVILLIAN well orgnised institutions DO NOT HAVE military coups.


Countries like USA EUROPE JAPAN & INDIA are too well managed to HAVE COUPS.

OUR military is FULL;Y FOCUSED ON FIGHTING AND WINNING WARS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MILITARY COUPS are for small uil managed nations where caos wrecks HAVOC like africa * parts of mid east

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