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Indian army using rape as weapon in ***, Manipur: Arundhati Roy

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Dec 27, 2012
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Indian army using rape as weapon in Kashmir, Manipur: Arundhati Roy
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New Delhi, December 24 (KMS): Prominent Indian writer and human rights activist, Arundhati Roy has said that Indian army and police are using rape as a weapon against people in Kashmir and parts of India like Manipur.

Speaking on the issue of Delhi rape incident during a media interview in New Delhi, she said, “When rape is used as means of domination by the Upper Caste, army and police, it is not even punished.”

She said that rape was ‘legitimately’ being used as “there are laws which protect them when they do it.”

Arundhati Roy questioned why the Indians did not demand death punishment for the perpetrators of such crimes in occupied Kashmir.

“Rape is seen as a matter of feudal entitlement in many parts of India, and this case has come to light because the woman victim belongs to an affluent middle class,” she added.

Arundhati Roy said that attitudes towards women needed to change in India, because a change in the law only will protect middle class women, but “the violence against other women who are not entitled will continue”.

I am an Indian and support India's position on Kashmir but as this statement is by AR who is one India's most respected authors,GOI must immediately take action against the rapist soldiers who are tainting Indian Army's Image.

there is no second thoughts about taking action against soldier who has done wrong, but this arundhati roy is just attention seeker and biased social activist if I can call her so.
man, they cant even control rapes in their capital, what chance do these occupied people have?
I am an Indian and support India's position on Kashmir but as this statement is by AR who is one India's most respected authors,GOI must immediately take action against the rapist soldiers who are tainting Indian Army's Image.

Hahaha ... caught red handed ... U dont need to claim to be a Indian with a Indian Flag ... Soon to be pink ...:smitten:
there is no second thoughts about taking action against soldier who has done wrong, but this arundhati roy is just attention seeker and biased social activist if I can call her so.

I'm sorry but this is decrying the source. Sadly, it's this mindset that is used by the higher ups to get away, by discrediting the source. We all know this happens

Hahaha ... caught red handed ... U dont need to claim to be a Indian with a Indian Flag ... Soon to be pink ...:smitten:

This is PDF, not ***. We don't ban people for no reason like you guys do. We believe in freedom of speech!
hehe And hereby I declare myself as a writer and Human Right Activist too...and now I claim that Arndhati Roy has s*xually assualted tribal male children behind her home!!!! Haha would I get publicity too???please!! Now a days not even India TV give attention to that B****!!..hahahahahaha
Rape threads back in vogue ?

Oh no Human rights activists have opened the thread, so it must be ok.
Heard Mrs Roy is writing her second novel as nobody gives a hoot to her publicity stunts.

Atleast she has fans associations from across.. They should give her nationality and if possible keep her alive.
this stupid thread has been opened by a member with 5 posts and has no link . false flag anyone?
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