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Indian Army to build air base in Dooars

LOL . Are u Indian ? or SK or Japnese ? Its looks like u want to make fun on China ! If CPC tell 7% its 5% in real . Not 8% . What is there to downplay with GDP ? lolzzz .

Do you know china's economic bubble ? Ur economy wont grow anymore for the next 50 years . It can maintain at 6% or 7% if CPC cuts many public reforms . But it will leads to death of CPC . Ur population will be ur trouble for next 70% . With good medi care u chinese live longer than before . Ur 1 child policy is ur Cancer . China will have less work force with more wage . And selective of jobs ur economy is going down . U know nothing about what u r talking buddy . CPC Troll . . Happy that atleast u get paid to troll of pdf ! lolzzz Take Tat

bro China is technically a command economy ( whatever the economic reformist tells in media, dnt believe that). They sort of like fix their GDP in advance among many things. If they want to maintain 7% for next 50 years, they can. Their type of social policy have their perks as well as some disadvantages as well.
1. provide security to the region and China itself.
2. to force india to spend beyond its capacity so less can be put on education and R&D. we two nations are in a competition.

you mean until the last rapist, the last imported Israeli bullet and last Russian missile?

well done.

but sorry, we don't want to have war with india, nothing to gain from doing that. we just want to force you to feel insecure and keep you spending on foreign weapons, the purpose is simple: to keep your nation and people poor.

if you look, it worked so well so far.
mate seriously how old are you!if this is an example of the level of low I.Q. within the chini people then china is bound to be doomed in the near future:coffee:.btw did you get your stipulated honorium of 50 cents from the CCP this morning:laughcry:!
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