The difference is in standardization, this is the 10% of the Indian army. A lot of them still use Bren guns, WW2 LMGs, don’t have proper food, helmets and vests, faulty ammo. The list goes on, you can easily find news sources from India that show all of this.
on the Pakistani side, that is standard between every single soldier. Standardized Optics (unlike in india where they are using whatever they can get), standardized radios, ear pieces and mouthpieces (rarely seen on the Indian side), standardized NVGS, standardized thermals, list goes on and on.
Not to mention the INSAS is the worst rifle ever made, and that India is paying 1000$ per rifle for An AK203 with it’s best features removed. Ordering like 4 different rifles to replace what you have.
You look at pictures meant for the consumption of common man, look into the details and you see how far you fall behind. Even our paramilitaries are equipped better than standard Indian soldiers, while Indian paramilitaries are dying on the border without proper food. These pictures mean nothing, they just sent them with the best to show off. While on the Pakistani side such equipment is seen 24/7.
India started sending better equipped soldiers for photo shoots when they realized how outdated their soldiers looked in these pictures in 2017-18, goes to show how long it’s been since such stuff was standardized on the Pakistani side, and how india still hasn’t done it fully. Where exactly is this equipment when Maoist rebels armed with ancient rifles easily take out 50 Indian “commandos” and get away with it scot free.