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The driving simulator for the Arjun tank developed by CVRDE Chennai
Does anyone know why there wasn't a Yudh Abhays 2011? The yearly Indo-US army ex held in both countries in a rotational basis. There was a Yudh Abhays in 2010 in Alaska but AFAIK no such ex in 2011 in India (logically where it should have been). I am aware there was a joint US/India SOFs ex in 2011 held in the US with members of 4PARA (SF) participating I dont believe this had anythig to do with the Yudh Abhays series.

राजौरी जिले के कंडी गाँव में शनिवार को जब गर्भवती महिला नसीम अख्तर को प्रसव पीड़ा हुई तो सेना के जवान मसीहा बनकर आए। जवानों ने महिला को चारपाई पर लिटाकर सात कि० मी० बर्फ पर चलकर उसे एंबुलेंस तक पहुंचाया। महिला ने स्वस्थ बच्ची को जन्म दिया।

भारतीय सेना के जवानों की जय हो ! भारतीय सेना की जय हो !!


in rajori district,pregnant women called naseem akhtar was about to deliver the baby but due to heavy snow fall,there were no options left to carry her to hospital.Here comes the army men who carried her to ambulance while walking on snow for about 7 km.
and naseem gave birth to healthy baby girl in hospital.
‘Guns procurement caught in snakes, ladders game’
New Delhi: Bogged down by delays in procurement of guns to bridge critical gaps in its artillery, Indian Army chief General VK Singh on Thursday said the purchase of these weapon systems is caught in "a snakes and ladders game" in which there are "no ladders".

Gen Singh, who was addressing his annual press conference here ahead of the Army Day to be celebrated on Sunday, was asked about his optimism exactly a year ago of procuring at least one type of artillery guns in 2011, but it did not materialize.

"The procurement game is a version of snakes and ladders where there is no ladder but only snakes, and if the snakes bite you somewhere, the whole thing comes back to zero," Singh said.

In the last 25 years, India has not bought even a single gun after the then government of Rajiv Gandhi was hit by a pay-off scandal over procurement of the Bofors guns.

All efforts by the army to procure four types of guns in the last few years have met with failures and the latest effort to buy 145 ultra light howitzers M777 from the BAE Systems stable through the foreign military sales route from the US too is caught up in red tape.

Asked about his assurance last year on inducting artillery guns, Gen Singh said, "this time it is not the snake which has bitten us, but there is certain problem area that came up, certain committee was made and certain things were referred to the law ministry."

He also expressed the hope that the guns planned for induction would come through soon.

"We have put in place a very comprehensive and a very well thought out plan by which both indigenous development, certain amount of acquisition and certain amount of joint ventures have been meshed together. So that in years to come we get out of this type of the problem," he added.

The Indian Army has expressed its intention of buying four types of artillery guns, but has failed to procure even one of them, including the 145 ultralight howitzers of 155mm 39 calibre guns from the US for which efforts were initiated two years ago.

Among the guns required by the Indian Army are 155mm 53 calibre towed guns numbering 1,180, another 180 155mm 52 calibre wheeled self propelled guns, 100 of 155mm 52 calibre tracked self propelled guns, apart from the 145 ultra light howitzers.

These guns are required by the army to replace its 1970s vintage guns of 105mm, 122mm and 130mm calibre.
Video tribute to Major Mohit Sharma.Formerly of 1 PARA (SF) (not my own).

Incredible transiton throughout the vid as he was posted in J&K and given the nature of SF work in J&K.

Sad video indeed.

check out his remberence website (many of the pics of SOFs and his time in them have been taken down from the site but still well worth a visit):

Major Mohit Sharma | [url]www.majormohitsharma.org
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^^Notice his attire & facial hair ?

Looks like he might have been undercover among the militants.
^^Notice his attire & facial hair ?

Looks like he might have been undercover among the militants.

Yeah that's what it looks like. IA SF are notorious for conducting such missions (along with MARCOs in some cases). I can only imagine what this guy went through and experienced- truly bone chilling.
Indian Special Forces soldiers march during the Army Day parade in New Delhi on January 15, 2012. The Indian army celebrated the 64rd anniversary of the formation of its national army with soldiers from various regiments and artillery taking part in a parade.


---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:11 PM ----------

Indian Special Forces soldiers march during the Army Day parade in New Delhi on January 15, 2012. The Indian army celebrated the 64rd anniversary of the formation of its national army with soldiers from various regiments and artillery taking part in a parade.

Does anyone know why there wasn't a Yudh Abhays 2011? The yearly Indo-US army ex held in both countries in a rotational basis. There was a Yudh Abhays in 2010 in Alaska but AFAIK no such ex in 2011 in India (logically where it should have been). I am aware there was a joint US/India SOFs ex in 2011 held in the US with members of 4PARA (SF) participating I dont believe this had anythig to do with the Yudh Abhays series.

They were Busy Preparing for much Bigger one for 2012 ;)

For the first time, American tanks will roll
on Indian soil in wargames codenamed
'Exercise Yudh Abhyas', which will mark
the beginning of the series of military
engagements scheduled between the
two countries for this year.

Exercise Yudh Abhyas: US tanks to roll on Indian soil - Hindustan Times
DNA profiling plan to cover 1.13 million army personnel

PUNE: The Armed Forces Medical Services (AFMS) will soon undertake a project for the DNA sequencing of nearly 1.13 million soldiers of the Indian Army.

Director General of AMFS Lt. Gen. HL Kakria told reporters here on Wednesday, "We are starting with a pilot project involving collection of blood samples of 1,000 soldiers and analysis and confirmation of their tests. The project will be implemented on a national scale thereafter."

Deoxyribonucleic acid, commonly known as DNA, is a nucleic acid containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of living organisms. DNA profiling is accepted as the most advanced and reliable method of establishing identity of living individuals as well as dead bodies and body remnants.

Kakria, along with top officials from the AFMS' three wings, is in the city to attend the 60th Armed Forces Medical Confrence and the golden jubilee celebration of the Armed Forces Medical Research Committee (AFMRC), which is the apex body that plans health policies and commissions research for improving health of the troops.

"This year, 167 research projects of periods ranging from two to three years will be given to different officers," he said. The topics vary from the health of the soldiers in high altitude, on land, in aviation, in different climatic dispersion or underwater. From 2009 to 2011, the AFMRC commissioned 125, 134 and 177 research proposals, respectively.

Kakria inaugurated a state-of-the-art DNA profiling centre and repository, set up at a cost of Rs 2.5 crore, at the department of forensic sciences of the Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC). "As of now, the armed forces in the United States and Israel are known to have such facilities," he said.

"The centre was a long-felt need because we want to know the identity of our each and every soldier, especially those deployed in the forward areas," he said. "At times when something unfortunate like death in the battlefield or in action happens, we find it difficult to establish identity of the body. With the DNA profiling it will be easier to know the identity," he added.

Kakria said, "Post-pilot study, blood samples of all soldiers will be collected by doctors working at their respective field units. These samples can be stored up to 21 years at the repository of the profiling centre here. The samples will be tested at the centre by using modern equipment and machines."

"Over the time, the project will be extended to the air force and navy personnel," he said. "There is no time-frame set for completing the project considering that it's a long-drawn process of collecting samples from various formations and units... The project is important for everybody and certainly for the vulnerable groups deployed in the forward areas," he added.

As of now, the AFMS has no plans to get into other medico-legal aspects involving the DNA profiling centre. "We are restricting ourselves to identification, although in future the facility may be used for genomic profile and AFMRC research projects," Kakria said.

Referring to the prevailing thrust of research under AFMRC, Kakria said, "Lifestyle diseases like hypertension and diabetes, and cancer are taking greater attention compared to Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) instances, which have gone down drastically in the armed forces."

Asked to comment on the problems faced by the ex-servicemen comprehensive health scheme (ECHS) beneficiaries due to inadequate health staff, Kakria said, "There is no deficiency of officers, nursing officers and jawans in the AFMS. While the ECHS is not for the armed forces, we are helping them in handling the rush, which the authorities may not have anticipated when the scheme was launched."

He said that the ECHS network was being enhanced with 199 more ECHS polyclinics being commissioned. The AFMS also has chalked out a plan for medical examination of all personnel below officer rank, he added.

DNA profiling plan to cover 1.13 million army personnel - The Times of India

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