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Indian Army fears China attack by 2017

nonsense there is threat but war is out of window communist country attacking democratic country in itself has a larger picture than u can think off:astagh:
The Indian military fears a ‘Chinese aggression’ in less than a decade. A secret exercise, called ‘Divine Matrix’, by the army’s military operations directorate has visualised a war scenario with the nuclear-armed neighbour before 2017.

“A misadventure by China is very much within the realm of possibility with Beijing trying to position itself as the only power in the region. There will be no nuclear warfare but a short, swift war that could have menacing consequences for India,” said an army officer, who was part of the three-day war games that ended on Wednesday.

In the military’s assessment, based on a six-month study of various scenarios before the war games, China would rely on information warfare (IW) to bring India down on its knees before launching an offensive.

The war games saw generals raising concerns about the IW battalions of the People’s Liberation Army carrying out hacker attacks for military espionage, intelligence collection, paralysing communication systems, compromising airport security, inflicting damage on the banking system and disabling power grids. “We need to spend more on developing information warfare capability,” he said.

The war games dispelled the notion that China would take at least one season (one year) for a substantial military build-up across India’s northeastern frontiers. “The Tibetan infrastructure has been improved considerably. The PLA can now launch an assault very quickly, without any warning, the officer said.

The military believes that China would have swamped Tibet with sweeping demographic changes in the medium term. For the purposes of Divine Matrix, China would call Dalai Lama for rapprochement and neutralise him. The top brass also brainstormed over India’s options in case Pakistan joined the war to. Another apprehension was that Myanmar and Bangladesh would align with China in the future geostrategic environment.

:: Bharat-Rakshak.com - Indian Military News Headlines ::

Steps are being taken, though it seems not much since most of it in indigenous route.

Dhanush howitzer
Dhruv Wsi
Bhramos mk3

That I can think of in the most neglected army itself.
Whilst navy is most invested branch .

Key procurements that are pending
Super Sukhoi
China has a long history though shorter than India's. But all Chinese know every united country will break apart and every fractioned country will unite. Therefore we have all patience we can get. Somehow, Indian people with longer history don't seem have such patience.
They were never a thoughtful race in the sense they only look for short term gains... food, clothes... ease of life... war is not their forte and neither is geopolitics... i don't want to come across as all knowing but watching two minutes of indian media and their movies will tell you that..
You say why i am using something as stupid as media or movies... simple answer... that's what represents the masses.
There is now high probability that China would attack India in the next two years


1) India's arms procurement plans has been greatly delayed

2) West and Russia are busy in middle east wars

3) India's recent procurement plans would start seeing some results in 3-5 years

4) Maoist party rule in Nepal

5) Favorable government in Myanmar

6) Western investments under MII and DTTI may start in the next 2 years

Signs of China's war Preparation:

1) Obtained naval bases/ports in Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Myanmar

2) Military build up of Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Myanmar

3) Boosted it's defensive and offensive capabilities with S-400 and SU-35 procurements while denying the same to India


India would be thoroughly defeated and balkanized into 30 countries.
Counter Arguements -
1. Indian military power is still rated at number 4 after US, Russia and China. The gap between Russia and China is more than the gap between China and India (vide global fire power ranking points).
2. At least for West controlling chinese aggression, be it in SCS or South Asia, will get precedence over middle east.
3. same as pt 1
4. Just few months ago even Sri Lanka had a pro-china govt.
5. Military regime in Myanmar was considered pro china and yet their air force bombarded chinese village and allowed Indian Army to carry out operation against insurgents on their territory.
6. A war takes toll on the economies of both participating countries. FDI is more affected by our lack lustre policies than any other reason.

Regarding defence preparedness -
1. There is still no substantial threat to Indian Navy's dominance of Straight of Malacca.
2. Indian military preparations will be meaningless if it does not consider all her neighbours to play hostile during any war in south asia.
3. China's military preparedness is not India centric. S400 and other procurements are in pipeline.

Result -
Any military misadventure with India will make China militarily and economically weak enough to resist any insurgency from her autonomous regions. Whosoever be militarily victorious but both nations will suffer huge economic and political defeat.

So, I think there will be no war.
There is now high probability that China would attack India in the next two years


1) India's arms procurement plans has been greatly delayed

2) West and Russia are busy in middle east wars

3) India's recent procurement plans would start seeing some results in 3-5 years

4) Maoist party rule in Nepal

5) Favorable government in Myanmar

6) Western investments under MII and DTTI may start in the next 2 years

Signs of China's war Preparation:

1) Obtained naval bases/ports in Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Myanmar

2) Military build up of Pakistan, Sri Lanka & Myanmar

3) Boosted it's defensive and offensive capabilities with S-400 and SU-35 procurements while denying the same to India


India would be thoroughly defeated and balkanized into 30 countries.
congrats for opening a 7 year old thread and just one question do you really think if ever china attacks india in response india wont use nuclear option against china so point is why will china for very little gain or to help its buddy pakistan will take risk of MAD for entire populations of south east and south aisa and china ?
China doesn't need to attack India for anything. Indians fear China a lot.

China will however keep hurting Indian interests by investing in Indian neighboring countries and isolating India.
congrats for opening a 7 year old thread and just one question do you really think if ever china attacks india in response india wont use nuclear option against china so point is why will china for very little gain or to help its buddy pakistan will take risk of MAD for entire populations of south east and south aisa and china ?

7 year or 70 year old who cares. What is important is if the topic is still relevant or not.

The fact of the matter is India had failed miserably to build up defenses against the threat. Saint has sat on the files and did nothing for 5 years and now MP is scrambling to induct decent amount of fighters in a short span to at least give a fighting chance.

In the same period since the OP, China has selected a 5th gen fighter , completed it's development & testing and moving into production phase while all India could do as a counter was to announce the winner of MMRCA.

With regards to MAD, I have full confidence that the powers running the country would raise a white flag not only in case of a conventional attack but also a nuclear attack. Peace is a natural trait of Indians and they would not go out of this comfort zone.

Why would China pick a direct fight with Japan, Korea or India when they have Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, North Korea being armed to the teeth to fight the wars for them. They would most likely join the victory parade and to enforce the post war agreements.
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