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Indian Army engineers fare better than Chinese: Experts

Chinese pla too is better trained in terms of hiding casualties and singing propaganda songs.
LOL.. I thought its India army are well trained to be bragging and make up fake story to hide their humiliations? Tell me, why IA keep quiet after we release video of mass armed India soldiers attacking unarmed Chinese negotiator?

Liar still got the cheek to accuse others. No wonder, Indian are well know as scammer as snake charmer. :enjoy:
LOL.. I thought its India army are well trained to be bragging and make up fake story to hide their humiliations? Tell me, why IA keep quiet after we release video of mass armed India soldiers attacking unarmed Chinese negotiator?

Liar still got the cheek to accuse others. No wonder, Indian are well know as scammer as snake charmer. :enjoy:

all the fun is lost when we saw you packing faster than expected and showing your backs .... come on guys you need to show some bravery ..... you shall win at least on pdf.....
all the fun is lost when we saw you packing faster than expected and showing your backs .... come on guys you need to show some bravery ..... you shall win at least on pdf.....
Supapowa IA never withdraw while PLA withdraw only? You feel good with such delusion? How many lies snake charmer like you going to spew to make yourself few good? Indian worst liar in the world. Totally shameless with thick skin , thicker than elephant. :enjoy:
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Supapowa IA never withdraw while PLA withdraw only? You feel good with such delusion? How many lies snake charmer like you going to spew to make yourself few good? Indian worst liar in the world. Totally shameless with thick skin , thicker than elephant. :enjoy:

all the world knows following
chinese had problem with Indian road building and they tried to stop it...
the road building never stopped...
lots of chinese lost their loves, chinese leaders had no courage of showing the true numbers...
chinese leaders were counting dead bodies of 5 soldiers (RIP) for 10 months to declare? after everyone in world media reported it?
chinese leaders then detail and arrest local chiese people who questions on the deaths of chinese soldiers?
then finally chinese leaders decided to pack the bags and show the backside?

come on only supapowa? if this was America they would have started 100 wars by now.... and you cant even do one?
still licking wounds of 1967? 1975? 1985? lick ..lick and lick more... we will give you more

chinese army will never get back on their feet after this, lot more chinese crying soldiers next time...

special mention (no soldier should die.... they come from families too)
Funny thing is even Indian Army is hiding these PLA casualties, given that Indian Army is the other party in the conflict, and they should know how many PLA troops they killed in the hand to hand battle.

In a democracy while we appreciate the openness in disclosing own casualties (well India kind of had to as PLA released pictures of injured Indian soldiers receiving aid ), they should have no issues disclosing how many PLA soldiers died at the hands of Indian soldiers.

Their own general in charge of the operation came out and said recently that they have no idea how many people died but spotted a bunch of stretchers so maybe 60. He quoted the TASS report, which is based off an unverified Indian report as the accurate number.

What kind of incompetent military commander needs to get casualty numbers from a foreign media outlet?
Their own general in charge of the operation came out and said recently that they have no idea how many people died but spotted a bunch of stretchers so maybe 60. He quoted the TASS report, which is based off an unverified Indian report as the accurate number.

What kind of incompetent military commander needs to get casualty numbers from a foreign media outlet?

what kind of incompetent military takes 10 months to count 5 dead bodies?
what kind of incompetent military arrests local news reporter who questions on number of chinese soldier died?
what kind of incompetent military packs faster than they arrived and show their backs?
what kind of military cant attack but only show chocolate boys in videos?

all of above has only one answer- china. LOL
India has done research on India and has found that India is the bestest country in the world.

These are probably the same buffoons that falsely claimed China suffered 50 casualties against India.

This entire situation seems like its out of a monty python sketch.

How can you have incompetent planning AND kanjoosi budget at the same time? I guess in Indian case, they complement each other. Seems like a comedy showing blind andhbhakt Sanghis going around patting each other's backs....saab thik hai!

Lack of protein and a fried vegetable diet full of cholesterol will do that to you....seriously cloud your brains.
what kind of incompetent military takes 10 months to count 5 dead bodies?
what kind of incompetent military arrests local news reporter who questions on number of chinese soldier died?
what kind of incompetent military packs faster than they arrived and show their backs?
what kind of military cant attack but only show chocolate boys in videos?

all of above has only one answer- china. LOL

Take a flight one of these days to any 2nd or 3rd tier city in China and see for yourself where your country stands in comparison. Or look on YouTube even. Andh people should open their eyes.

Posting comments on PDF is useless unless backed by facts.
Take a flight one of these days to any 2nd or 3rd tier city in China and see for yourself where your country stands in comparison. Or look on YouTube even. Andh people should open their eyes.

Posting comments on PDF is useless unless backed by facts.

dont be a cheerleader and waste my time here.... bootlicking will come to end one day for you.

my questions were not for proxies like you, but to chinese posters... take your agony to some other place not here.
dont be a cheerleader and waste my time here.... bootlicking will come to end one day for you.

my questions were not for proxies like you, but to chinese posters... take your agony to some other place not here.

Spoken like a true bhakt, your handle should have been some indication.

You are now ignored.

I don't want to waste my time with uneducated people.

I suggest other people 'ignore' this schmuck as well....have him wave his "Hindutva Jhanda" somewhere else.
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