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Indian Army chief admits to killing of 10 Pak soldiers

I agree, they are idiotic and foolish. I disagree though when you suggest that there is undue criticism towards state institutions coming from Geo. If anything, there should be extreme scrutiny from media organizations on a wide scale on these institutions, because these institutions have proven they cannot be trusted to tell the truth. Politicians should be harassed about their work, military officials should be put under the microscope if they're even remotely rumored to be ignoring civilian government oversight. Most of all, the judiciary should have an independent watchdog to oversee it's handling of cases, and to make sure it doesn't overstep it's authority.

I don't know why people start screaming foul when same thing also happen to media, or media is some holy cow that nobody should do their scrutiny? or they are put under microscope to check that they are not blackmailing people? or they are destroying reputation of people and institution with false news and propaganda?
If I am not mistaken Pak Army hid this news of 10 soldiers killed from the public to save face.

Pakistanis should tune into aajtak news to hear the truth about their army rather than ispr.
I don't know why people start screaming foul when same thing also happen to media, or media is some holy cow that nobody should do their scrutiny? or they are put under microscope to check that they are not blackmailing people? or they are destroying reputation of people and institution with false news and propaganda?

That's why defamation laws exist. It's to stop people and news organizations from making false statements and claims about peoples and groups.

No one screams afoul when people say that the media should be scrutinized. What I hate is when people say that news organisations should be shut down because they reported something that you don't agree with. Why do you think the ban geo thread exists?
What Indian army chief said and what they projected....
Broadsword: Despite army chief’s restraint, Pakistan gets hard-line message

Army chief General Bikram Singh's unmistakably optimistic assessment of the situation on the borders, in Afghanistan, and in Jammu & Kashmir has ironically evoked a sharp rejoinder from the Pakistani military's public relations wing. The reason - with the Indian media reporting only hard line statements, cherry-picked from the army chief's overall positive appraisal, the sense conveyed was of hawkish posturing, rather than the positive mood that Gen Singh tried to strike.

Speaking at his annual Army Day press conference on Monday, the army chief had made an important statement on ceasefire violations. Insisting the army would not be easily provoked, he stated: "Our country wants to move head. These (ceasefire violations) are issues at the tactical level. And, tactical level operations should not impinge on the strategic initiatives of the nation, which are for growth of the nation in a regional context. They are part of the grand strategy of the nation. My job is to ensure that I engage the adversary where necessary to the quantum of force that is required and do not escalate the situation into one that will impinge on the strategic initiatives."

He said after the two armies' operational chiefs, the director generals of military operations (DGMOs), held talks last month, relative calm had been restored on the Line of Control (LoC). He stated: "I think it is a move in the right direction to ensure that the ceasefire holds and the environment over there is conducive for development on both sides and the aspirations of the locals. A large number of locals in those areas suffer (in firing incidents) and the ceasefire looks after their aspirations."

The army chief added, "At the moment I am quite positive… We are having the meeting of two brigade commanders the dates for which have not been fixed. The DGMOs are speaking to each other on the hotline on a regular basis. We are hopeful that this will result in ensuring ceasefire along the LoC."

At the same time, Gen Singh revealed the Indian Army was responding to firing with firing. "Let me assure you that action has been taken. If you see the Pakistani media, I was watching Geo TV on 23rd December, they were talking of one (Pakistani) officer and nine jawans being killed, and 12 or 13 being wounded. This has happened due to the firing of your soldiers on the ground," he asserted.

The army chief was upbeat about the Line of Actual Control (LAC) between China and India, stating the Border Defence Cooperation Agreement the two countries signed last October would ensure "better understanding and bonhomie and peace and tranquillity on the borders."

Taking a broader strategic view of patrol violations on the ground, he said, "This agreement is going to further strengthen the understanding at the LAC level and even at the army headquarters level and also at the national level. Our endeavour is to move ahead in right earnest to ensure that we maintain peace and tranquillity to enable the strategic and national initiatives to fructify and consolidate."

In contrast to the foreign ministry's pessimistic assessments about Pakistani influence growing in Afghanistan after the NATO troop drawdown this year, the army chief believes the Afghan National Army (ANA) would hold its own against any challenges. "Given the capacity that has been given by the international community, along with our contribution, the ANA and police forces should be able to deal with the situation."

While Indian intelligence agencies have sounded dire warnings about jihadi fighters from Afghanistan being funnelled into J&K after NATO leaves, the army chief was far less pessimistic, conveying this was no more than a possibility. "A good army man hopes for the best but caters for the worst. From that point of view, it is axiomatic, it is imperative that we see that there might be a certain spillover from Afghanistan into Jammu & Kashmir. There are certain inputs alluding to this already. And therefore we need to be on our guard," he said.

Asked about the possibility of withdrawing the Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) from J&K, the army chief did not reject the idea as flatly as the army has done in the past. He said, "We need to look at what happens in Afghanistan in 2014 before we can (consider revoking AFSPA). Perhaps it may be prudent to watch and wait for a while."
What Indian army chief said and what they projected....
Broadsword: Despite army chief’s restraint, Pakistan gets hard-line message
In contrast to the foreign ministry's pessimistic assessments about Pakistani influence growing in Afghanistan after the NATO troop drawdown this year, the army chief believes the Afghan National Army (ANA) would hold its own against any challenges. "Given the capacity that has been given by the international community, along with our contribution, the ANA and police forces should be able to deal with the situation."

Hmm! NATO could not finish the taliban and are withdrawing after 13 years and USA spending around US $ 1trillion. But the Indian army chief believes that the ragtag Afghan army is ready for any challenges.

I smell BS.
That's why defamation laws exist. It's to stop people and news organizations from making false statements and claims about peoples and groups.

No one screams afoul when people say that the media should be scrutinized. What I hate is when people say that news organisations should be shut down because they reported something that you don't agree with. Why do you think the ban geo thread exists?

Law is piece of paper - actual thing is implementation & enforcement of these laws which doesn't exist in Pakistan, anyway door of courts are open for Geo and their sympathizers to utilize these laws.

Geo is not going to be banned because of a thread on PDF or some people asking for it, but it surely is unmasking hypocrites who on one hand preach freedom and but in same breath want to shut opponents from expressing their views.
Law is piece of paper - actual thing is implementation & enforcement of these laws which doesn't exist in Pakistan, anyway door of courts are open for Geo and their sympathizers to utilize these laws.

Geo is not going to be banned because of a thread on PDF or some people asking for it, but it surely is unmasking hypocrites who on one hand preach freedom and but in same breath want to shut opponents from expressing their views.

Laws are a set of rules created to govern a state, province, territory; they're not just a piece of paper. Having said that, I understand what you're saying, but I disagree when you say that there is no enforcement of these laws (because, as you claim, they don't exist) when it comes to Pakistan. They exist, but defamation lawsuits come down to the individual and their decision to actually enact these laws. It's not something the police can do themselves, because it's a civil suit, not criminal.

I do agree though, the thread is just exposing hypocrites.
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