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Indian Army can take out 26/11 Conspirators in Pakistan : VK Singh

What US selling is not the question. But the question is why is Pakistan always taken for granted? Saudis have included your name in the list of countries that fight for Saudis in Yemen and forget to inform you.:lol:
An arabs got a middle finger in return, after doing bak bak, sheikhs started requesting and finally got their big No from pak

Let me tell you, all your bravado is only against India because you made clear that your nukes are India specific. I bet you guys cannot take even on Afghanistan.
Yes all our weapons are India centric and rightly so. Any problem.

Have you forget how Hamid Karzai treated Pakistan?
Karzai was easily thrown in dust bin by pak. And now we have much better men in Afghanistan. Both ashraf ghani and old days Indian fan boy abdullah abdullah are in Pakistan's pocket.
This is Indian army.


Their bark is surely worse than their bite.

Indian army gave you two pieces of Pakistan. How many more you want ?? ;)

In Modi five year term , any thing can happen. Modi is just waiting for Pakistan to give him an good excuse. :)
Glad to be of service, since my purpose in visiting this site is to laugh and enjoy posts from your side of the border.

I didn't bring in '71, neither do I care much for '02, others who are happy to live in the past are welcome to do so. World evolves and situations change, a repeat of past events is thus unlikely, one needs to consider the current scenario to have any meaningful discussion, though I hardly expect that here.

Everyone understands that those missiles can be armed with conventional weapons, the point is to laugh at your countrymen who keep crying nuclear this and nuclear that at every little hick-up.

Its not about seeking permission, its about those countries letting your generals proceed, if in fact your generals are mad enough to seek death rather than the comfortable lives they have made for themselves with the specter of India.

If war breaks out and China is foolish enough to involve themselves, a lot more will transpire than just Moscow, so you only need worry about yourself, as you'd be pretty inconsequential to the escalated situation in such a scenario.
Despite what the internet warriors from both side may indulge in, from self proclaiming super power to magic mushroom clouds, the fact remains that unlike those Indian frivolous characters occupying the power corridors, no Pakistani general has initiated the rants like, cold start, surgical strikes, hot pursuits and even taking on two neighbours simultaneously. Some where to the effect, empty vessels make more noise.
Despite what the internet warriors from both side may indulge in, from self proclaiming super power to magic mushroom clouds, the fact remains that unlike those Indian frivolous characters occupying the power corridors, no Pakistani general has initiated the rants like, cold start, surgical strikes, hot pursuits and even taking on two neighbours simultaneously. Some where to the effect, empty vessels make more noise.

Are you arguing that none of your senior military professional retired or otherwise or someone in your security establishment has cried about nuclear war? o_O

Didn't your foreign secretary or whatever that Sartaj fellow is cry about how India should not escalate border conflict due to both being nuclear powers just a few months back?

Empty vessels do make more noise, as is evident by your countrymen crying 'aatami' hatiyaar'. This is just another reason not to take that threat seriously for those not in the security establishment. :lol:
Despite what the internet warriors from both side may indulge in, from self proclaiming super power to magic mushroom clouds, the fact remains that unlike those Indian frivolous characters occupying the power corridors, no Pakistani general has initiated the rants like, cold start, surgical strikes, hot pursuits and even taking on two neighbours simultaneously. Some where to the effect, empty vessels make more noise.

:D ..... If things continues as such . Soon PA will be firing Nuclear Armed bullets with their Machine guns and pistol .

What's is your : Nuke

Stop breading terrorism : Nuke

Will have take serious action : Nuke .

:cheesy: Nuke

Better each soldiers to carry Nuclear bullets in their pistols :D
Why not do it then? Shakkal dekh or baatein dekh, sala maindak! :D

In the early 60's,i still remember on the way to peshawar with my dad from Bannu.The driver told my dad that 50 years from now,the most timid nation on earth will speak of bravery,when my father asked him which country?he didn't responded.

I must admit that,i wish i could meet the person again if he was alive so that i could confirm whether he meant the country to be our eastern neighbor?
In the early 60's,i still remember on the way to peshawar with my dad from Bannu.The driver told my dad that 50 years from now,the most timid nation on earth will speak of bravery,when my father asked him which country?he didn't responded.

I must admit that,i wish i could meet the person again if he was alive so that i could confirm whether he meant the country to be our eastern neighbor?

Like those words !

They will drive our will to become a strong nation.
If you are referring to JuD leader, better equip your CBI with lots of gadgets and stuff before they actually try to take him out. Otherwise I am afraid that leader's "Dashkaras" will kill each of your CBI covert op agent with their bare hands well before these agents can reach that leader's house gate.

I have seen them they are well built and well armed. And if you are talking about taking me out well then its okay :enjoy:

Please give it a try and than just see our reaction

What were you part of what? Yes, we know that we are not US or Somalia, but India. But my question is why allow US, Saudi and other countries to impinge on your sovereignty and not India?

If you are incapable of taking on terrorists, why not allow India to do it for you as you allowed US to take on Taliban and Osama inside Pakistan.
Osama was different case and we are ally of USA and Pakistani didn't want to take credit of taking out Osama ever. But if you try the moment you enter border your forces will face hell
In the early 60's,i still remember on the way to peshawar with my dad from Bannu.The driver told my dad that 50 years from now,the most timid nation on earth will speak of bravery,when my father asked him which country?he didn't responded.

I must admit that,i wish i could meet the person again if he was alive so that i could confirm whether he meant the country to be our eastern neighbor?

Since the other dude brought up '71, so a timid country cut your nation in half?

All you weaponry and aatami hatiyar are for a timid nation.

Your leaders keep crying in the UN about the aggression of a timid nation.

Your army is fighting in the west due to fighter sponsored by a timid nation.

I could go on but this should be enough. Anyway, thanks man, this is why this forum is so entertaining. :lol:
Since the other dude brought up '71, so a timid country cut your nation in half?

All you weaponry and aatami hatiyar are for a timid nation.

Your leaders keep crying in the UN about the aggression of a timid nation.

Your army is fighting in the west due to fighter sponsored by a timid nation.

I could go on but this should be enough. Anyway, thanks man, this is why this forum is so entertaining. :lol:

Lol,keep struck in 71 without looking at the difference in 71 and now.

we had only deployed 55k troops in east pakistan against millions of bengali people,terrorist org mukhri bahini and india.

this is the reason i said,the next possible war will be between the people of Pakistan.
Lol,keep struck in 71 without looking at the difference in 71 and now.

we had only deployed 55k troops in east pakistan against millions of bengali people,terrorist org mukhri bahini and india.

this is the reason i said,the next possible war will be between the people of Pakistan.

Irony is lost on you it seems. You mention an anecdote from 60's in your post and when I bring up '71 you quip about being stuck in the past. :disagree:

Excuses, excuses, no one cares apart from the one making them. All that matters is the result.

Next war involving Pak will be over its survival, civil war that'll likely break it up.:coffee:

Anyway, do continue about the timid nation, it has the same entertainment value as 'dehati aurat' who we all saw running away to the UN to stop the aggression from a 'timid nation'. :lol:
Irony is lost on you or is it entirely beyond you. You mention an anecdote from 60's in your post and when I bring in '71 you quip about being stuck in the past. :rofl:

Excuses, excuses, no one cares apart from the one making them. All that matters is the result.

Next war involving Pak will be over its survival, civil war that'll likely break it up.:coffee:

Anyway, do continue about the timid nation, it has the same entertainment value as 'dehati aurat' who we all saw running away to the UN to stop the aggression from a 'timid nation'. :lol:

Whether Pakistan might survive or not but even with conventional capability,the destruction we will bring upon you will leave you stranded for the next hundred years.

No offence but the war might lead to the genocide of indian armed forces and people at the hand of civilian pakistanis.
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