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Indian Army Barbarity in Kashmir

Coz Kashmir is the state of Pakistan not Indias.....
We already have 35% of Kashmir in our hands called "Azad Kashmir"

Precisely this is the reason no one in the world gives a deaf ear to Pakistan on Kashmir.

On one hand Pakistanis claim that they are helping Kashmiris towards freedom and in the same breath they say Kashmir is a Part of Pakistan.

Kashmir has become a Gale Ki Girgit for Pakistan. Can't control it legally because they claim its a free country.....cant live without it.
Precisely this is the reason no one in the world gives a deaf ear to Pakistan on Kashmir.

On one hand Pakistanis claim that they are helping Kashmiris towards freedom and in the same breath they say Kashmir is a Part of Pakistan.

Kashmir has become a Gale Ki Girgit for Pakistan. Can't control it legally because they claim its a free country.....cant live without it.

Thats wt people of Kashmir demanding

Pak Flag Hoisted, Tricolour Burnt in Srinagar



Really: A recent survey shows that less than 2% of Kashmiris want to Join Pakistan.

98% Kashmiris do not want to join Pakistan | TwoCircles.net

98% Don`t Want To Join Pakistan - Kashmir Survey - Sri Lanka

And less Than 50% want what Pakistan call Azadi:
Less than 50% Kashmiris want independence: Survey

And Just to add some taste :

And now don't cry for source....you threw a blog at me ...I am at least providing you relevant links.
Why cant the Indian government recruit all the youth in the valley into army and send them to Maoist affected areas??????

Maoists seriously needs some stone pelting and stones are plenty in forests.

Thats wt people of Kashmir demanding

Pak Flag Hoisted, Tricolour Burnt in Srinagar



Separatists and terrorists don't constitute of our Kashmiri population. They're just your agents infiltrated form across the border. And they normally get the favour in return in very calm manner as you know.

Now go ahead that we "oppress, kill massacre" lies because any country who faces such terrorists and separatists does the same including yours and your master's.
indian jatt bhe khush ho gya inki maa chodne ke naam per
gud gud keep it up

For India's sake at least, there's no WAR going on here! Its a defense forum where people talk it out. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND to talk like this!?

Look we understand your anger but this is not acceptable!:flame: :tdown:
This is not Indian army but J&K police and they are also Kashmiri, I can only laugh at you for trying to spread false news. I know a lot of people are involved in spreading rumors about Kashmir. And I doubt you are Neha (Indian name to me). So keep spreading rumors

In the video I clearly heard the person being beaten apologize. I have a feeling that he might have thrown a stone or something on the police and they responded that way.
What else police can do when someone people want to hurl stones for no reason related to that policeman. I want to see Neha how will you react if someone throws stone at you for no reason related to you. There are so many incidence in Kashmir where people have seriously injured a policemen in stone pelting. If this is wrong then that is not right either. If you hurl stone better be prepared for few batons. I do not think Pakistan police will give him sweats either.

How does it matter whether these are cops or army men . Both are used by GOI to suppress the People . It may not show how barbaric Indian army is but it shows how GOI uses barbarity to deny kashmiris their unalienable right of freedom
How does it matter whether these are cops or army men . Both are used by GOI to suppress the People . It may not show how barbaric Indian army is but it shows how GOI uses barbarity to deny kashmiris their unalienable right of freedom

i cant understand y dont u understand the reality.which is kashmir will never be given freedom ,leave that it will be given to pak.india have arranged enough to make it integral part.pak have a lot of soft issues.
India's Heritage-Acceptance And Harmony

In the 16th century, the great Mughal Akbar, by marrying Jodhabai, proved to the world that India is a country of common traditions and composite culture. Prior to this, his father emperor Humayun also gave the same message to the world when he used to get the rakhi tied (wrist band) on his wrist by Karmavati as a symbol of Raksha Bandhan between brother and sister. Later, famous poets like Rahim, Jayasi and Raskhan etc. also demonstrated India's communal harmony by dedicating poems to the Hindu deities. But the colonial powers couldn't digest this golden legacy of our country. Notwithstanding the attempts of these colonial powers to divide us on religious lines so as to strengthen their rule, sgreat brave Indians like Haider Ali, Tipu Sultan and later upto Ashfaqullah by openly challenging the British rule, proved that we are one and will remain one.

These foreign powers albeit succeeded in 1947 by dividing us on religious lines. Undoubtedly, there were such communal powers during this period which in a way helped the British to divide the nation. But this so called communal division also taught us many such lessons based on which we have successfully thwarted all those attempts and conspiracies in the last 6 decades which tried to attack our communal harmony. Certainly, India is a victim of terrorism since last three decades. In fact, this terrorism is the legacy of our independence. While the communal ideology took away from us the greatest saint Mahatma Gandhi, during the same period millions of Hindus and Muslims were killed by each other in the name of religion.

The trend of growth and strengthening of communal powers is still continuing. On the lines of formation of Pakistan, a new demand for Khalistan raised. In this movement too, communal powers were very active. The terrorists related to the Sikh community killed thousands of non-Sikhs during 1980s. During this period too, whichever Sikh leader spoke against the demand of Khalistan and in favour of united India, he had to face the wrath of terrorists and ultimately the end of this violent movement witnessed Operation Blue star, assassinations of the Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, Harcharan Singh Longewal and the then Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh etc. But despite this huge tremor, our Unity and the feeling of being Indians is still intact.

Kashmir is an integral part of our country. It is popularly termed as 'paradise' on Earth. But anti-Indians don't like the peace and composite culture of Kashmir. Consequently, sometimes in the name of independence of Kashmir and sometimes in the name of its merger with Pakistan, continuous attempts are made to create disturbance there. While Kashmiri Pundits were forced to leave their homeland, many Kashmiri Muslim leaders were also killed who followed the line of Indian constitution. Pakistan has always supported the secessionism in Kashmir in the name of religion. At international stage too, Pakistan has repeatedly asserted that it will continue its 'moral' and 'political' support to the Kashmir movement. Despite the support Pakistan is getting from inside Kashmir as well as from outside, it is still an integral part of our country and Kashmiriyat is a part of our great Indian culture.

In 1999, the Pakistan army tried to enter and capture the strategic areas of Kargil and Dras in Kashmir. This infiltration was also supported by the Kashmir-based terrorist organisations. But our Indian army, which is composed of the people of all religions, swiftly crushed the infiltration attempt. By feeling defeated by the weapon of our Unity, Tolerance and Communal Harmony, these terrorists started targeting the religious places of India. They attacked Raghunath Temple in Jammu, Akshardham Temple in Gujarat, Sankatmochan Temple in Varanasi & also many religious festivities. We Indians very well understood the aims and objectives of these terrorists and repeatedly responded them by our unity, tolerance and brotherhood.

Being jealous of the power of our unity, terrorists attacked the temple of our democracy, the Parliament. It was a direct challenge to our honour and self-respect. The nation was shocked once again. Indian army once again came out of its barracks so as to give a befitting reply to the activities being conducted from across the border. But our government refrained from attacking as it would have fulfilled the wishes of the terrorists. After that, many such terrorist strikes were carried out as in Malegaon, Mecca Masjid, Samjhauta Express, Ajmer Sharif and Jaipur which allegedly had the involvement of internal forces.

On the height of it, many officers of Indian army and so called 'saints', their followers and some so called 'Indian cultural nationalist organisations' were involved in these attacks. These are the same powers which can't see us Indians united. Despite the presence of some such negative forces in every religion, we can proudly say that majority of our society has never let them succeed in their unholy objectives. Rather, with every such attempt on our unity, history tells us, we have become more united and organised.

Our unity and integrity was once again demonstrated clearly when after 26/11 attack on Mumbai, the Muslims of Mumbai refused to bury the bodies of the terrorists in any graveyard in Mumbai. While a large number of obituaries were held in the memory of the martyrs of 26/11, the Muslims of Mumbai organised a long peace march which went through the places of attacks. Even though the terrorists use the name of religion to legitimise their activities, but the majority of Indian society has understood that terrorism is neither Hindu, nor Muslim, Sikh & Christian. Terrorism is terrorism.

Any person involved in terrorist activities, degrades and maligns his own religion and also humanity. While terrorism makes us aware of their purposes, it also teaches us that our unity, tolerance, brotherhood and communal harmony are the only effective response to it. This is our legacy and will remain our identity in future. Any inhuman force in the world can't challenge our Indianness, forget about terrorism.

India's Heritage-Acceptance And Harmony
Indian Army in Kashmir


The martyrdom of Shabir Ahmad Malik and young paratrooper in Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry has touched hearts of millions of people in Kashmir. Shabir’s determination to serve his motherland landed him the job of a Para trooper of highest caliber. At a time when a fierce encounter started in the jungles of Kupwara, Shabir was chosen among number of personnel to be flown in to neutralize the terrorists. He accepted the challenge without blinking, even as he was to return home for the holidays the very next day.

“He was supposed to come home on Nauroz first day of Islamic New Year but he called that morning saying that he could not come as he was busy. I also recharged his mobile and soon found it switched off and got worried. In the evening we were told by the Army about Shabir’s death,” his brother Ghulam Mohammad Malik said. “He was among the first paratroopers to have died in the encounter,” he added.

He died on the fourth day of the encounter. Shabir had joined as sepoy in the Jammu Kashmir Light Infantry in March 2007 during an Army recruitment rally. He was posted to Bangalore and then to the border district of Kupwara in the Valley. The five day operation succeeded in eliminating the terrorists who had sneaked into Kashmir and were planning to disrupt the peace in Kashmir. Shabir along with eight of his colleagues including a major were also martyred in the gun fight. A pale of gloom spread all over the area when the news of his death reached his home in Dab Wakoora Ganderbal. People of all ages and from all walks of life came out on streets when Shabir’s body reached his native village.

In a show of emotion usually reserved for slain militants, Shabir’s death was mourned with the slogans of Nari-e-Takbeer and Allah-u-Akbar, usually heard during the funerals of militants in the Valley. Some mourners even shouted slogans of azad Hindustan zindabad.
Shabir has become the harbinger of a change that has swept entire Kashmir. People are now coming out inopen for the support of their motherland and for those who fight against them. The threat of terrorists is long gone and now people are open to express their desire and emotions without any fear.
When Shabir Ahmad Malik expressed his desire join Indian army, it was a big step for not him but also for the entire locality.
His desire to serve the motherland got him accolades and appreciation from not only his near and dear ones but from distant people whom he had never known. The youths of Kashmir are having a changed outlook towards the life. They see the merits of democracy and freedom of expression which is guaranteed to them in fullest terms in India. They can excel in every field and opt for any career of their choice.

Shabir came from a humble background and he had world full of opportunities before him but he selected armed forces. “Shabir was a humble human being,” said Malik, who is himself a school teacher. “The way people wailed at his funeral today showed that he died a heroic death. He was a loving man.” Malik says that he was informed by the Army about his brother’s death on March 20.

Shabir is the part of a huge revolution that has silently swept Kashmir. Youth are opting for career in armed forces in droves. Despite the continued propaganda by separatists and anti-national elements against the Indian Army in Kashmir, accusing it for human rights violations, a record 15,000 applicants turned out for the recent Army recruitment drive in Kashmir.
The youth of Kashmir have decided to defend their country from foreign mercenaries responsible for the bloodshed in the Valley in the last two decades, instead of being coerced to join terrorist outfits.

The youths see terrorism as the biggest problem threatening their future. They want to eliminate this menace come what may. Terrorism in the name of freedom has not only ruined Kashmir, but has brought the life of its people to a standstill. ‘Terrorism elimination’ is one of the main reasons that youths are going for the jobs in armed forces. The mindset of Kashmir people has not changed overnight.
The Army has done a commendable job in the Valley by working for people night and day. The result is the goodwill it has generated. By halting the spread of terrorism in Jammu and Kashmir, it has brought peace to the homes of people. By undertaking development programmes under Operation Sadbhavana in the state, it has also brought about prosperity.

mourning-a-mrtyrThis year’s turnout for enlisting in the Army can be seen as evidence of normalcy returning to the Valley.
In recent army recruitment drive, hopefuls turned up days before the camp held from February 16 to 19 and spent nights at local mosques.
The minimum qualification was matriculation and the upper-age limit was 21 years, but among applicants there were post-graduates as well as 25 year-olds.

The emergence of people like Shabir is a sign peace returning to the state, demonstrating that not only has the government’s policy of winning hearts worked, so has the Army’s efforts, which has spent sleepless nights in fighting terrorism and bringing development to the state.
The impact of its work can be found in the fact that 15,000 youths have chosen the path of upholding the safety of the Indian borders, instead of going across and returning to kill their own brethren.


As the funeral procession in Dab Wakura made way for the final journey, there was a constant agreement on every face that for every Shabir, thousands more will join the armed forces to defend their motherland.

Shabir?s martyrdom touches hearts in Kashmir | vazeerm.com

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