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Indian Arihant a rip off Russian sub?

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Why dont you frustrated Pakistanis even try to 'copy' anything if it was so damn easy?

Talk when you even make a 5,000–6,000 tonne nuclear sub..... Let along a sub it self..:lol:

And why dont you show as much passion and bring back a dead topic about hq-9 or j-10 and troll how its a copy because they look similar to Russian or Israeli products??
infested? lol arihants are merely a freakin test bed at the moment... and its not really a smart idea to "infest" other naval territorial waters with nuclear powered subs.. IMO IN frigates and conventional subs are much more appropiate for this task rather send a mamth which is going to be a target for type-214 and P-3s. mind you russian nuclear subs acoustic signature are much much bigger then todays modern conventional subs like Type-212/14, Scorpene, lada class etc... so good luck "infesting" waters.. P-8 "orion"? cool... no problem.. type-214 is smart enough to stay undetected underwater and on seabed its almost undetectable and when it knows "indian" P-8 is circeling above.. that bird is history with IDAS!

dude your talking out of your nose, can you even prove one point that you have stated, Surprised that you are already going after the P-8 when almost nothing about it is known to the general public. Please dont waste our time with this junk.
indians are builoding nuclear subs in india.


NO BODY CARES where or whom they copied
I am sure a few days from now there will be a thread about indian indigenious submarine hit by problems and IN eventually begging to take it away from them..Like LCA and ALH and not to forget ArJunk!
After showing the evidence of Russian rip off submarine, let me show some startling news from another article published on strategypage.com web site;

August 18, 2009: Last month, India launched its first nuclear submarine, the INS Arihant (Destroyer of Enemies). This came after over a decade of planning and construction. But now it's been revealed that the Arihant was launched without its nuclear reactor, which will not be ready for another year, or so. No one is saying for sure when the reactor will be ready. At that point, Arihant will have to go back into dry dock, be torn open, and have the reactor installed. Or parts of it, or just the fuel cores. It's unclear exactly what state the Arihants reactor is in. What is known is that the Arihant cannot move under its own power (as it has none), and apparently is not equipped with weapons. Other major systems may also be missing. So why was the Arihant launched at all? Probably because work on the sub had been going on for more than a decade, and it was becoming embarrassing to have nothing to show for all that effort.

As I thought for Indian to do anything successfully or make it work without wasting decades is almost neigh impossible. They couldn’t make it work despite all the help they had from the Russians. To fool people they decided to launch the Submarine without its nuclear reactor, weapons and other important components are missing too.
It is getting better and better, but whatever it may be it is still “indigenous”.

Once the Arihant has a working reactor and weapons systems, it will undergo up to two years of testing and sea trials before being accepted for service. The Arihant is based on the Russian Charlie II sub, which it resembles. A leased Russian Akula II nuclear sub will basically serve as a training boat for India's new nuclear submarine force. Russia retired all its Charlie class subs in the early 1990s. India leased one from 1988-91, and gained a great deal of familiarity with it.
Source: Murphy's Law: Indian Nuclear Sub Running On Empty

This article confirmed what was written in Google article, it is indeed based on Russian Charlie II submarine, retired by the Russians in early 1990’s.

Before the Indians complain let me produce excerpts from an article on Indian Samachar.com

Bangalore: India's nuclear submarine INS Arihant, launched on July 26, does not have a "working nuclear reactor" yet, says a nuclear scientist familiar with the project almost since its start.

"If any of you are under the impression that it made contact with water with an actual reactor fitted inside its hull you are mistaken," the scientist told a media service.
The scientist echoes a report in Defence Professionals Daily, a German online publication, which says Arihant "currently is little more than a floating hull" without nuclear propulsion or weapons systems. The scientist, who did not want to be named as he was not authorised to speak to the media, was clarifying media reports implying that Arihant is propelled by nuclear power and that India has become the sixth nation to operate nuclear subs.

"I think the media did not correctly report what was told to them by the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC), or the officials deliberately did not want to be explicit beyond a point," he said.

Ok, Ok, you launched it as a “nuclear” submarine, but it is media’s fault not to understand you, fine. But when the actual “nuclear” submarine would be ready exactly?

"However, to say a duplicate of this land-based reactor is already inside Arihant and working is not correct," he said. He pointed out that the official statement that Arihant's reactor will take at least a year to go critical is another way of saying there is no reactor core right now inside the hull since making a reactor critical only takes days, not months.

The scientist said several steps are involved after achieving criticality and the reactor must be fully tested before it is sent to the sea. Integrating the ballistic or cruise missiles will take time and a few more years are needed to prove the platform and its systems, first in harbour, then at sea and lastly, under water, at increasing depths.

"Therefore, announcement of India's entry into the nuclear submarine club with a half-baked product without the nuclear reactor -- let alone the weapons systems -- is perhaps premature," the scientist said.
Indias nuclear sub doesnt have working reactor yet!

Here you have it, the truth about the “indigenous” nature of the submarine and its real worth. No nuclear reactor, no weapons, no testing, but it is launched as a floating hull.

Barges do similar work don’t they? They are floating hulls too.
I am sure a few days from now there will be a thread about indian indigenious submarine hit by problems and IN eventually begging to take it away from them..Like LCA and ALH and not to forget ArJunk!

This is so typical Pakistani reaction. Whenever you are attacked you become even more introvert, patriotic and lash out at its supposed "enemies". Tired of heading about PNS attack so you drag up THREE YEAR OLD thread? Just like after OBL take-down when PDF was down for 4 days because of Pakistani attackers.

It's as pathetic as it's transparent.
Aapko kya lagta hai jo pakistanme hai wahi sabhi ,baki sab bekar hai, apne aap ko sabse superior samajhna apni hi peeth thapthapana hai bas aur kuchh nahi.......
This is so typical Pakistani reaction. Whenever you are attacked you become even more introvert, patriotic and lash out at its supposed "enemies". Tired of heading about PNS attack so you drag up THREE YEAR OLD thread? Just like after OBL take-down when PDF was down for 4 days because of Pakistani attackers.

It's as pathetic as it's transparent.

Now who is draging irrelevant topic in to the thread which is opened for this purpose. Questions, questions, on another "Indigenous" project by Indian. Answer the questions, or keep your peace.:bunny:
Aapko kya lagta hai jo pakistanme hai wahi sabhi ,baki sab bekar hai, apne aap ko sabse superior samajhna apni hi peeth thapthapana hai bas aur kuchh nahi.......

Na, we only pointing out the truth, where did I say or boosted anywhere about Pakistan? Not a word my friends. So let's talk truth about your "Indigenous" projects.:woot:

We don't boost, we at least tell how it is, if it is joint venture, or bought from somewhere. If you have not produced it, then tell it honestly and it is end of the matter. Why give indigenous status to every junk you have produced in last 40+ years.:no:

The fact is the first Charlie II K245 was commissioned in 1974 by Russia. And last in this class K209 was commissioned in 1982.

This submarine is almost 40 years old. And it has been decommissioned since 1994. Therefore it is an obsolete technology. But it does not stop Indian to present it as "Technology demonstrator" and cutting edge.
Indians have been trying to succeed for over 25 years on this borrowed obsolete technology, but still no joy, despite taking help from the Russian, it is not in service yet.:agree:

I like what one of your own TV commentator said on his duds report, the weapon which work in pristine conditions in other's hands become useless in Indian hands.:lol:

I tell you another secret, You see you are here and on many Pakistani forums, given chances to put your point of view freely. I have tried posting my comments on your web sites, forums, newspaper websites, they never publish my comments.

Says it all about your "democracy", you are one of the worst, when it comes to hearing the truth. No wonder, your websites never ever publish my comments. Reason! I am brutally honest, and Indians don't like to listen to the facts. You are ridiculous and suffering from false sense of superiority.:mod:
I am sure a few days from now there will be a thread about indian indigenious submarine hit by problems and IN eventually begging to take it away from them..Like LCA and ALH and not to forget ArJunk!

lol why not you try and build sumthing !!?? Al kali - a chinese with ukrainian powerplant
Junk fighter 17 - chinese maal proclaimed to be indigenious but khuda gavha hai ki except ATF nothing more and less .
Atleast indians are humble to claim what is indigenious and what is not , Did indian claimed Su 30mki or T 90 as their maal ??
After showing the evidence of Russian rip off submarine, let me show some startling news from another article published on strategypage.com web site;

As I thought for Indian to do anything successfully or make it work without wasting decades is almost neigh impossible. They couldn’t make it work despite all the help they had from the Russians. To fool people they decided to launch the Submarine without its nuclear reactor, weapons and other important components are missing too.
It is getting better and better, but whatever it may be it is still “indigenous”.

This article confirmed what was written in Google article, it is indeed based on Russian Charlie II submarine, retired by the Russians in early 1990’s.

Before the Indians complain let me produce excerpts from an article on Indian Samachar.com

Ok, Ok, you launched it as a “nuclear” submarine, but it is media’s fault not to understand you, fine. But when the actual “nuclear” submarine would be ready exactly?

Here you have it, the truth about the “indigenous” nature of the submarine and its real worth. No nuclear reactor, no weapons, no testing, but it is launched as a floating hull.

Barges do similar work don’t they? They are floating hulls too.

It was our part of honesty that we accepted 'Thanks Russia For Help' ,does that make any difference when it fires K15 and K4 to get your a** fried up ??
So how does the story end?? Is it still a floating hull?? I checked wikipedia and it had the same unclear, half-truths.
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