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Indian Air Force Aerobatics team

So many coutries have aerobic teams, pakistan also do have.....but one thing i cant understand which is, whats a point of having an aerobic team doing these kinds of displays.

And whats their main purpose, may be to provide training to learn different maneouvers to the pilots???
My sincere efforts to answer your question

In the early days of flying, pilots realised that their aircraft could be used as part of a flying circus to entertain people or impress others by performing aerobatics. Maneuvers that had no practical purpose were flown for artistic reasons or to draw gasps from onlookers. In due course some of these maneuvers were found to allow aircraft to gain tactical advantage during aerial combat or "dog fights" between fighter aircraft. The word presumably derives from the term used by human gymnasts - acrobatics - to describe exercises designed to impress or build muscle strength.
Many aerobatic maneuvers involve rotation of the aircraft about its longtitudinal axis - rolling - or the pitch axis - looping. Some complex maneuvers - such as a spin - also require that the aircraft be displaced around a vertical axis, known as yawing. Maneuvers are often combined which demands a higher level of skill from the pilot, but greatly increases the spectacle of an aerobatic flight sequence.

Formation aerobatics are flown by teams of up to sixteen aircraft, although most teams fly between four and ten aircraft. Some are state funded to reflect pride in the armed forces whilst others are commercially sponsored. Coloured smoke trails may be emitted to emphasise the patterns flown and/or the colours of a national flag. Usually each team will use aircraft similar to one another finished in a special and dramatic colour scheme, thus emphasising their entertainment function.

Famous teams include the Southern Cross (Cruz del Sur -- Argentine Air Force), Turkish Stars (Türk Yıldızları) (Turkey), Brazilian Air Force Demonstration Squadron (Esquadrilha da Fumaça), Black Arrows (South Korea), Blue Angels (United States Navy), Diables Rouges (Belgian Air Force), Frecce Tricolori (Italian Air Force), Halcones (Chilean Air Force), Midnight Hawks (Finnish Air Force), Patrouille de France (French Air Force), Patrouille Suisse (Swiss Air Force), Red Arrows (Royal Air Force -- United Kingdom), Red Pelicans, Rothmans, Silver Falcons (South African Air Force), Roulettes (Australian Air Force), Royal Jordanian Falcons (Royal Jordanian Air Force), the USAFThunderbirds (United States Air Force), Snowbirds (Royal Canadian Armed Forces), the Patrulla Aguila (Eagle Patrol -- Spanish Air Force), Saudi Hawks (Royal Saudi Air Force), and the Yellowjacks.

Teams often fly V-formations - they will not fly directly behind another aircraft because of danger from wake vortices or engine exhaust. Aircraft will always fly slightly below the aircraft in front, if they have to follow in line.
Aerobatic aircraft usually fall into two categories - specialist aerobatic, and aerobatic capable. Specialist designs such as the Pitts Special, the Extra 200 and 300, and the Sukhoi Su-29 aim for ultimate aerobatic performance. This comes at the expense of general purpose use such as touring, or ease of non aerobatic handling such as landing. At a more basic level, aerobatic capable aircraft can be dual purpose - equipped to carrying passengers and luggage, easy to land, as well as being capable of basic aerobatic figures.
Aerobatics are taught to military fighter pilots as a means of developing precise flying skills and for tactical use in combat.
Aerobatics are also practiced as a sport. Some pilots fly solely for recreation, whilst a smaller number (about 600-800 in the USA) choose to compete in aerobatic competitions. US Competitions start at 'Primary ' level and proceed in complexity through Sportsman, Intermediate and Advanced, with 'Unlimited' being the top competition level. Unlimited pilots perform much more complex figures and sustain higher g levels (+/- 10g's).

Aerobatic maneuvers flown in a jet powered aircraft are limited in scope as they cannot take advantage of the gyroscopic forces that a propeller driven aircraft can exploit. Jet powered aircraft also tend to fly much faster which increases the size of the figures and the length of time which the pilot has to withstand increased g-forces. Jet aerobatic teams often fly in formations which further restricts the maneuvers that can be safely flown.

Aerobatics and formation flying is not limited solely to fixed wing aircraft, helicopters are also used - the British Army and Royal Navy both have a helicopter display team as well as the Indian Air Force have one.

So that means their purpose is just to entertain the people.

Good one:what:
melb4aust said:
So that means their purpose is just to entertain the people.

Good one:what:
The purpose is not only to entertain but it is also a good tool for recruitment . Blue Angles fly 34 weeks out of 52. That there soul purpose is to entertain and recruit.
Here is a segment on indian su-30 MKI for

fun watching fighter pilots flying their planes. though I hope they crash and burn when they engage Pakistani fighters, it's nonetheless educational.

"every fighter pilot's dream machine"

"she may have the ruggidness of the russian airframe, and the finess of western avianics, but she belongs only to the indian air force, modernised and customized to serve as a strategic deterrent."

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:
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Averröes said:
Here is a segment on indian su-30 MKI for

fun watching fighter pilots flying their planes. though I hope they crash and burn when they engage Pakistani fighters, it's nonetheless educational.

"every fighter pilot's dream machine"

"she may have the ruggidness of the russian airframe, and the finess of western avianics, but she belongs only to the indian air force, modernised and customized to serve as a strategic deterrent."

Part 1: [URL="

Part 2: [URL="

Part 3: [URL="

Thanks, this has been wonderfull viewing
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In this Video the saber getting shot is my old friend Retd Air Chief Marshal PQ Medhi.
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