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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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Someone would be blamed if intended action is wrong. Is it wrong to support the government if military is backing for peace talks. Yes we had the intelligence, we have still not neutralized the threats and our casualties are high. MMS was different. Modi is different. What he does is fully supported by his colleagues. And yes prestitues are already hell bent on showing bad face of country.

You are living in fool's paradise if you think the Indian Army has any say in India's foreign policy towards Pakistan. Had the Army been so powerful, there had never been shortfalls of Arms and Ammunitions. Unfortunately, the foreign policy of India vis a vis Pakistan is the sole ownership of Babus sitting in their AC rooms.

We had intelligence, yet we had so many casulties. The only difference I found between Modi and MMS is that the former atleast talks. See the history, whether its BJP or Congress, the foreign policy has remained the same.

I hate the presstitutes as much as you do yet that is actually not the point. Modi came to power talking about a tough stance towards Pak but what we are seeing is nothing different from MMS.
So after telling the whole world the operation was over the air base was clear by Modi, we have learnt today that they were 2 more people hiding in the base and it hasn't been cleared different to what modi was saying.

Very unprofessional.
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Government is being forced to give sound bytes
Not forced really!!!
This news conference was expected.
During 2015, Indian members could not stop beating their chests claiming that Modi has given a "befitting " response to Pakistanis who are now begging for peace/won't dare to attack and so on....Now it is funny to see the same members saying that Pakistanis planned and conducted that sophisticated attack deep inside India.

i doubt any Indian would have claimed, Pakistan is incapable of launching terrorist attacks, since there is a strong government in India.

What they would have said, Pakistan would be made to pay dearly, for every terror attack it launches into India..
As rightly said:

The terrorist attacks always start at allahu akbar but end at jo bole soh nihal !
So after telling the whole world the operation was over the air base was clear by Modi, we have learnt today that they were 2 more people hiding in the base and it hasn't been cleared different to what modi was saying.

Very unprofessional of indian army, taking them 2 days to take out 5 or 6 gunmen

Unprofessional? Lol.. Atleast no army man is held as hostage unlike a few other Army's we have seen. Airforce Assets are safe unlike a few other operations we've witnessed. Time is least important than loss of life.
So after telling the whole world the operation was over the air base was clear by Modi, we have learnt today that they were 2 more people hiding in the base and it hasn't been cleared different to what modi was saying.

Very unprofessional of indian army, taking them 2 days to take out 5 or 6 gunmen
Get your facts right.
The operation had not finished- combing operation was going on last night.
I do not think IA made any official statement regarding this.
Get your facts right.
The operation had not finished- combing operation was going on last night.
I do not think IA made any official statement regarding this.

But the president of the country was briefed saying ALL terrorists had been neutralised.

I think this was a very big failure on IA to tell Modi this
You are living in fool's paradise if you think the Indian Army has any say in India's foreign policy towards Pakistan. Had the Army been so powerful, there had never been shortfalls of Arms and Ammunitions. Unfortunately, the foreign policy of India vis a vis Pakistan is the sole ownership of Babus sitting in their AC rooms.

We had intelligence, yet we had so many casulties. The only difference I found between Modi and MMS is that the former atleast talks. See the history, whether its BJP or Congress, the foreign policy has remained the same.

I hate the presstitutes as much as you do yet that is actually not the point. Modi came to power talking about a tough stance towards Pak but what we are seeing is nothing different from MMS.

Not the time for politics my friend.

PS: Modi is way way more capable than what Congress could produce in its 10 years. Whatever it is, be rest assured, there has been way lesser casualties under terrorism since Modi was elected. BTW, you expect him to go and catch the infiltrators at the LOC??
I am not liking this...
Another grenade goes off

View attachment 284573

my intuition tells me the situation is still not in control regardless of what the media says as they may not be getting the correct version themselves.
Could somebody tell me if the airbase had any security cameras???
now you have started to ask the right question

Read on a news agency's page that the mastermind is hiding in Rawalpindi.
let me go out and see kahein mera neighbour tu nhn tha ----i live in a cantt area too -----you guys are poiting finers towards it ---- no?? :o:
Their is serious miss communication between Media-GOI-Army. Too many conflicting reports comming.
At last a press conference on this issue....
Not the time for politics my friend.

PS: Modi is way way more capable than what Congress could produce in its 10 years. Whatever it is, be rest assured, there has been way lesser casualties under terrorism since Modi was elected. BTW, you expect him to go and catch the infiltrators at the LOC??

I understand the point, I also think he is the best bet for the country yet his talks with Pakistan miffed me. Either he should walk the talk or tread the Vajpayee/MMS path.
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