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Indian Air Base at Pathankot under attack by gunmen.

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NIA mandate is very clear
Seems SP abduction is now officially under investigation although word used is "alleged
Logically speaking would you(as a terrorist) spare a SP and kill his driver?? That's too dumb.
This definitely needs to be investigated.

Indian security forces always try to hit the terrorists on legs so that they can be captured.
Costed us too many lives this time.
For people of both sides, can some one logically explain to me what benefit one derives from

1. Assuming ISI really did this going against GoP and PA (both Nawaz Sharif and Raheel Sharif) especially when India Pakistan talks is about everything (including terror and Kashmir)?
There is a talk about India entry into NSG,which Pakistan is opposing if this attack has been success Pakistan or any other country(eg china) could have been talked about safety of strategic weapon for opposing India entry into NSG.
What exactly will be gleaned from this loser? What would be the net result even if his information was damning to specific parties I shall not name?

Ajmal Kasab was caught literally red handed, confessed on camera and his identity confirmed but he is still reffered to as "Ajmal Singh" by many in Pakistan and 26/11 is stated to be an inside job by these brain trusts.

Do you care about the Intel that we can gain or what someone calls it something else ?
I disagree, when there is an emergency you do what you can do asap. Just taking help from army at that time would have saved us those 7 lives. There were 3 garrisons, QRTs would have taken no time. This is a failure on civil administration part. NSGs are generally the last option, they are not security guards.
hey, it was an airbase, for even quicker reaction, we could have just deployed PGM's?
Boss, did the garrison have a qrt, were they equipped to do so, were all team leads on location Sending a unit that is not prepared for CT ops can result in horrendous results, ask the russians who sent a hammers to tacke a hostage crises, ended up killing half of the hostages. Right tool for the right job, if the NS team deems NSG was the right tool, I will have to agree to them, as this is their Rozi Roti, we are just amateurs.
So its finally over? Why its still going on after 3 days?
Im telling you what i have heard

Well 2nd debate on Times Now was
Very good and informative

And i will credit Arnab even if he behave like a psychopath some times:D:D . he nailed factual error and security lapses that led to this attack

The advisory already issued to Punjab police that attack was going to happen on 31st December

NSG reached 25 hrs later after notifications already reached to delhi on the basis of Kidnapped SP prior to attack

Do you know how many intel hits we get daily? Do you know how much disinformation ISI ends out on radio chatter?
For all those asking "why the NSG?", "why not the Army?", I'll ask turn this around on you- why not the NSG?

-Unappreciated,recognised and unknown is the fact that 365 days a year, 24 hours a day the NSG maintains a COUNTER TERROR (yes, Counter Terror- not CQB/urban fighting) taskforce in Delhi
- This "main" (all NSG hubs have similar ready teams but not of this scale) CT taskforce is mandated to be mobile within 20 minuets of "greenlight" from the MHA
-Post 26/11 they have the authority to commender any aircraft in Indian skies for their use along with having dedicated IAF transports specifically readied for their transport.
-This taskforce is a self contained fighting unit that carries everything it would need to conduct a CT operation anywhere in India independatly for 48 hours (including weapons,associated ammo, bomb disposal equipment, specialised assualt vehicles, medical kits, communications equipment etc etc).
- This taskforce consists not just of "shooters" ie assualters but an EOD/Bomb disposal team, Snipers, support (signals/medical) staff etc
- The unit is specifically equipped to deal with Counter Terrorism missions and everything about the NSG is geared towards that.

Does anyone think that there is any other unit/force, with this kind of capability, ready to go anytime of the day or night for whatever mission in India?

And should I add that these are not just a bunch of amatuers but some of the finest CT operators you will find anywhere in the world who not only go through an enourmously harsh selection process but are then imparted with some of the finest CT training found anywhere and perhaps the most intensive training/re-training program of any specialist force in India.

I am yet to hear a valid critique of employing the NSG in this mission, these are some of the most able operators in the world- not just India, and not just that but their entire ethos, capabilities, mandate and purpose is for exactly this role- Counter Terrorism. Why are many so quick to ask that the NSG remain sat idle in Delhi whilst other assets are commited to the one thing the NSG was raised and is funded to do? The patronising of the NSG going on right now is pretty absurd especially from many who should know better.

The NSG are not a bunch of aliens or foriegners plucked up from afar and transported to do this mission so why such an outcry of "let the military handle it" (excusing the fact that all SAG operators are in fact from the ARMY and will reuturn to the ARMY once their deputations are up) ? The last time I checked India was a federal democracy, not a military dicatorship- it is ony right a federal police (NSG is offically under MHA) unit handles incidents of Internal Security such as this.

@Levina @ranjeet @PARIKRAMA @Echo_419 @Koovie @Unknowncommando @Water Car Engineer @nair @MilSpec @Vauban @Hindustani78 @anant_s @SpArK @AUSTERLITZ
Why would they support NSG? After all NSG watered down their "efforts". Lol
Yup this discussion will go nowhere once its started.
The rate of population of minorities in Pakistan and India will prove how desperately wrong you are.
Yeah, don't read your history books no one believes in them.
What you can read are UN reports or the International Religious Freedom Report and the Global Terrorism Index and cure your lopsided thoughts about which country persecutes its minorities more or which country uses terrorism as a proxy and involves itself in their neighbor's matters. These are collected studies not single links to feel good about yourself, these show the collective situation in Pakistan, yup read them & feel your ego evaporate.
Read Sachel committee report 2005 before giving lecture here...rest of your post is simply non-stop nonsense. At least listen to your own few sane media voices about pathetic situation in India before whining about minority situation in pakistan...
There is a talk about India entry into NSG,which Pakistan is opposing if this attack has been success Pakistan or any other country(eg china) could have been talked about safety of strategic weapon for opposing India entry into NSG.

Come on, you are giving very wrong example.

There have been incidents in Britian, France, Russia and Germany who are already members of Nuclear Supplier Group.

Indian security forces such as CISF,CRPF and BSF are well trained and professional force.
Advance warning of a "spectacular attack" came from Punjab Police as early as 31st dec. Well before SP carjacking by terrorists.

@Abingdonboy @Levina @Parul @ranjeet @MilSpec @PARIKRAMA @rockstarIN @Hindustani78 @third eye @Water Car Engineer
How was this followed up?
Not all the Intel reports are correct, some can be misleading.
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hey, it was an airbase, for even quicker reaction, we could have just deployed PGM's?
Boss, did the garrison have a qrt, were they equipped to do so, were all team leads on location Sending a unit that is not prepared for CT ops can result in horrendous results, ask the russians who sent a hammers to tacke a hostage crises, ended up killing half of the hostages. Right tool for the right job, if the NS team deems NSG was the right tool, I will have to agree to them, as this is their Rozi Roti, we are just amateurs.
Sir even if this right but op commander might have used the human resources of the army 50 thousand sir you see 4 infantry divisions it cut the op time short

You will shocked to know only hundred army official are there at place of attack

The joint op mainly constitute NSG and Grunda commandos

Only 150 army personal used for combing op shocking
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Do you know how many intel hits we get daily? Do you know how much disinformation ISI ends out on radio chatter?

IB knows how to handle disinformation.

Cant understand why many people underestimate IB and Indian Intelligence agencies ?
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