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Indian aggression on LOC: Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

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You started again. PA has golden crown of Raping millions of women in BD. Don't go on rape. Don't derail.

dats what happened in LOC...When failed to get terrorists into India, started claiming India attacked them.

I say we ought to do this more often...they should not cross into India in the first place.
Still no pictures of the weapon. With this much media coverage I was hoping for a wallpaper size picture of that weapon with serial number and everything. Come on!
post # 655 is yr answer.
:rofl: Now you are hiding by obvious facts I stated from your own link.

India already said, there was exchange of fire. We didn't cross LOC> And if your soldier got killed and wounded, may be he was the aggressor, not on defensive position. This is also a possibility.

Casualties happen even if the forces are on defense. So, check your logic first.

International media states so many things. Why you believe this and not others ?

Rule of thumb, never trust the aggressor, in this case india is the aggressor and has quite a record running aggression and terrorism against Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and inside SriLankan territory. Besides, most major world news organization already reported india crossed the LoC and was the aggressor. No amount of indian propaganda can outdo that.
SO Pakistan Army also has record of crossing LOC at Kargil. It uses terrorist organizations too. Links of senior official with OBL was also said by International media.

Considering Past, may be Pakistanis were giving cover fire to terrorists to enter India.

When you go by past records, two can play the game.
There is NOT iota of truth in what india says, india is the aggressor and directing terrorism.
Now you don't have anything new to say rather than old rhetoric. Seems like you are out of arguments. Go back, have a cup of coffee, think of many points then come. :D
Now you don't have anything new to say rather than old rhetoric. Seems like you are out of arguments. Go back, have a cup of coffee, think of many points then come. :D

Good that you recognize what indian propaganda says has no value or truth what so ever.Real fact - India is occupying Kashmir and india is the aggressor and india is interfering and directing terrorism.
Good that you recognize what indian propaganda says has no value or truth what so ever.
Its you who is using old rhetoric. :lol:

I believe IA. You believe PA. Its all on each other's discretion.

Come up with good arguments.
Its you who is using old rhetoric. :lol:

I believe IA. You believe PA. Its all on each other's discretion.

Come up with good arguments.

CORRECTION! I read the report and see how india has been directing aggression and terrorism against its neighbors. In case of Kashmir, india has been occupying force there. indian brutality and indian aggression are well recorded by independent and int'l organizations.
Crossing Loc?????? When we didnt cross LOC during Kargil... You expect IA to cross during peace time???? Both army gonna accuse each other and no one will come to know the truth.... All we can do is fight each other.....

what worries me this is not gonna end here as 1 life is lost... this is gonna continue..... I hope im wrong here...
So don't be crying on west shoulder and complaining, Pakistan did that to me....
:lol: We never asked West even on Kargil. Go read what Clinton said to NS when he got running to him and what Condelizza Rice said when 26/11 happened. Pakistani minsiters were frantic that India is going to attack and they tried to contact everyone. :lol:
I already told about why Delhi Rape got so much coverage and created mass protest. BTW, look at Youth Protest. If you guys are going to keep bringing rape everywhere, then keep on doing. It shows lack of arguments. :D

And that nick was given by your own Pakistani poster. FYI. :D

:rofl: Okies. Whatever you say.

Mate, i know what you are saying....my reply was to the poster who was ridiculing the death of the Pakistani soldier.
As one victim gets the attention due to sheer brutality....likewise, the death of a Pakistani soldier is no less for us due to India's misadventure....otherwise two Indian soldiers who died yesterday in an accident went unnoticed as a routine.
BTW the term Rapistan, i actually first read in one of your posts.
Mate, i know what you are saying....my reply was to the poster who was ridiculing the death of the Pakistani soldier.
As one victim gets the attention due to sheer brutality....likewise, the death of a Pakistani soldier is no less for us due to India's misadventure....otherwise two Indian soldiers who died yesterday in an accident went unnoticed as a routine.
BTW the term Rapistan, i actually read first read in one of your posts.
First, as for disrespecting soldiers, people were pointing out your post when you said PA killed Indian soldier in celebratory fire after win in Cricket Match. Remember that post ?

People were waiting to get back at you and hence this mess created.

I don't use words like Rapistan or anything. I may thank people but I won't post them.

I said it multiple times that this incident is unfortunate but if someone is posting wrong information or selective information, I have to post the entire news.
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