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Indian aggression at LOC

More than 30 killed in clashes on India-Pakistan border - Telegraph

British newspaper Telegraph is quoting Pakistani military sources that 20 Pakistanis have been killed this month.

Anyways BSF spokesperson Vinod Yadav said at 9:00AM that no BSF or Army personnel have lost their lives in Pakistani ceasefire violations/cross border firing this month. Severe damage has been inflicted on both personnel and infrastructure of Pakistan Rangers.

I think this article clearly states who started what -- notwithstanding the Chinese cheerleading on the matter!!
“The enemy has realised that times have changed and their old habits will not be tolerated,” Mr Modi was quoted as saying.

Like I said, he is clearly trying to show he will be more tough on border issues than the Congress party was.

And let's be honest, that's what people here were expecting of him. Check the forum posts over the past year or so, that was one of the major expectations for him, maybe second only to economic growth.

So I don't think it's wrong to speculate that the recent border events (the so-called "Chinese incursion" and the India-Pakistan border fire) may have been triggered by his administration. Deliberately or accidentally.

Since there is no hard data being released from any of the sides, what we can do is speculate. And this is something I agree with @Horus about.

Regarding the rest of the rhetoric, why shouldn't he use the occasion (that presented itself to him) for an election rally? Would you rather that he kept mum in a public rally about the whole thing?

He is a politician, and like all other politicians in the world, he will seek to use opportunities to gain political capital. That's not a surprise, I would be more surprised if there was any politician in the world that didn't do that.
Like I said, he is clearly trying to show he will be more tough on border issues than the Congress party was.

And so he should. This is a manufactured conflict by the Pakistan govt to save their asses from the domestic crisis by diverting attention from those protests to the eternal boogeyman India. The only way they would think twice about doing it again is if they get a disproportionately large response to any such adventure. India should be ready for that. The loss of innocent lives is very sad but unavoidable if we are forced to it.
Like I said, he is clearly trying to show he will be more tough on border issues than the Congress party was.

And let's be honest, that's what people here were expecting of him. Check the forum posts over the past year or so, that was one of the major expectations for him, maybe second only to economic growth.

So I don't think it's wrong to speculate that the recent border events (the so-called "Chinese incursion" and the India-Pakistan border fire) may have been triggered by his administration. Deliberately or accidentally.

Since there is no hard data being released from any of the sides, what we can do is speculate. And this is something I agree with Horus about.

I couldn't care less who agrees with you!!! By now, we on this side all know, which side you are on!

But knowing Modi's popularity in India right now, I am only saying that he doesn't need to start anything on the border.

Would he retaliate to any provocation on the border? Sure as hell, he would! In fact, that is what he is thumping his chest about -- not for starting it!
I couldn't care less who agrees with you!!! By now, we on this side all know, which side you are on!

But knowing Modi's popularity in India right now, I am only saying that he doesn't need to start anything on the border.

Would he retaliate to any provocation on the border? Sure as hell, he would! In fact, that is what he is thumping his chest about -- not for starting it!

Relax man, you asked for a reason, I came up with a theory which is shared by the other members here.

Since none of the sides are releasing the hard facts on what actually happened on the border, that's all we can do, right? Or maybe next time one of these three governments should release the data so we'll all see what really happened.
Like I said, he is clearly trying to show he will be more tough on border issues than the Congress party was.

And let's be honest, that's what people here were expecting of him. Check the forum posts over the past year or so, that was one of the major expectations for him, maybe second only to economic growth.

So I don't think it's wrong to speculate that the recent border events (the so-called "Chinese incursion" and the India-Pakistan border fire) may have been triggered by his administration. Deliberately or accidentally.

Since there is no hard data being released from any of the sides, what we can do is speculate. And this is something I agree with @Horus about.

He is a politician, and like all other politicians in the world, he will seek to use opportunities to gain political capital. That's not a surprise, I would be more surprised if there was any politician in the world that didn't do that.
Dude like we give a fukk if you're not convinced about our toughness or whatever it is.I would take my PM's words more seriously than a random Chinese keyboard warrior who has no value for us,pls continue your rhetoric like we care and lastly we don't have to prove anything to you or your honey mountain deep ocean friend or whatever you call them,Brave or not only time will tell,till then pay more focus or help your locust honkongers,who are fighting for democracy .
Relax man, you asked for a reason, I came up with a theory which is shared by the other members here.

Since none of the sides are releasing the hard facts on what actually happened on the border, that's all we can do, right? Or maybe next time one of these three governments should release the data so we'll all see what really happened.

Listen, Mr. Think Tank! Let me break it to you, this is not some Laboratory controlled experiment that we can give you "hard facts" with irrefutable evidence! The ceasefire violations and infiltrations have gone on for so long that all the predecessors of Modi chose to ignore them. You are hearing about it only now, because Modi decided to hit back!

In your eagerness to put India down (as you always do when it is about India), you keep peddling your "theory" even when confronted with "circumstantial evidence"! Here it is again: Status quo suits us much more than Pakistan on Kashmir related matters -- not the other way round. Modi certainly knows better not to open an wound which we want fast-healed!

But... but knowing where you stand on matters related to Pakistani sponsored terrorism/infiltration/ceasefire violations on Indian soil, it is hardly surprising who you agree with! :-)
No am not! But you clearly cannot bear it, after your loss, just like Indian media stunned with 31-35 Indian soldiers loss...am just asking y the blackout / cover up.

Times have changed....Indians cannot hide and get away with lies every time.
well you wont get it through your thick skull that there is no media blackout in india? thats that, we can't report ISPR bunkum fairytales, can we now?
Relax man, you asked for a reason, I came up with a theory which is shared by the other members here.

Since none of the sides are releasing the hard facts on what actually happened on the border, that's all we can do, right? Or maybe next time one of these three governments should release the data so we'll all see what really happened.
1.We all know which certain countries share these theories:lol:

2.Our govt. never hesitate in releasing our causalities or never put any restriction on free media when it comes to covering these situations live which we can't say the same for other two countries.For instance, two day ago when our forces retaliated to paksitani side then our intelligence report told the media that casualties on their side crossed 13 but the same day their media didn't uttered a single word about the casualties and at the same time Pakistani members kept on saying that its a fake story and all but now after couple of days actual reports keep on coming out and their death toll keep on increasing(For which i feel sad because most of them were civilians).

3.Finally want to state that we surely don't care if you or your alike think our leadership is brave or not,As long as we are getting justice or getting revenge
1.We all know which certain countries share these theories:lol:

2.Our govt. never hesitate in releasing our causalities or never put any restriction on free media when it comes to covering these situations live which we can't say the same for other two countries.For instance, two day ago when our forces retaliated to paksitani side then our intelligence report told the media that casualties on their side crossed 13 but the same day their media didn't uttered a single word about the casualties and at the same time Pakistani members kept on saying that its a fake story and all but now after couple of days actual reports keep on coming out and their death toll keep on increasing(For which i feel sad because most of them were civilians).

3.Finally want to state that we surely don't care if you or your alike think our leadership is brave or not,As long as we are getting justice or getting revenge

Your free Media not allowed to go inside Kashmir LOL @ this f****ing Free Media whom anchor person Barka Datt once exposed beheading of Pakistani Soldier, his head hanged with the tree by Indian forces (unprofessional-ism Act by the Military) in Kargil War and She was banned LOL this is what your so called Free Media ?

and we know the credibility of your INTELLIGENCE and their reports when your Intel officially admitted their failures hundreds of time from Kargil War to 26/11 attacks.....

I will post a screenshot of your countrymen ... He was posted yesterday on his Facebok status, criticizing your media reporting. He was mentioned that your media completely spread non-sense and fake reports regarding the causalities of both sides... LOL he has family relatives in BSF (Father and maybe brother too in Indian BSF) who are stationed @ Working boundary knw the reality betta than you and me....
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well you wont get it through your thick skull that there is no media blackout in india? thats that, we can't report ISPR bunkum fairytales, can we now?
Sir,that guy lost his mental balance long ago,so i suggest you to avoid him and participate in healthy debates,Caus he will keep on coming with his fantasies,old pics,off-topics and what not.:tup:
Sir,that guy lost his mental balance long ago,so i suggest you to avoid him and participate in healthy debates,Caus he will keep on coming with his fantasies,old pics,off-topics and what not.:tup:

My bad sir, You are absolutely correct...
Lol at Indian claims of destroying Pakistani posts. These horny men really need to get some orgasms. Go on lads, get a picture of your man Modi and spend some time alone in washroom.

Stupid Indians believing anything that shit pack Modi is telling them :lol:
Lol at Indian claims of destroying Pakistani posts. These horny men really need to get some orgasms. Go on lads, get a picture of your man Modi and spend some time alone in washroom.

Stupid Indians believing anything that shit pack Modi is telling them :lol:
asi sooch aur jahilana demaag hain tabhe to murderer PM bana hey dunya ke pehli nation ka jahan eek murdersts PM banta hey :rofl:
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