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Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

@Pridet !
India {:rofl: cow} already separated in 1947!
Ur akhand bharat BS has sunk in the indian ocean!
I am already smelling beaf BarBQ made by 35 separatist orgs! :sniper:
Save your these intence moments for your lady.

They need 3 witnesses to prove that it actually happened.

They need 4 and mms also.
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Yes nice !

You lost more than us , we were the aggressors then , dear ... If you had crossed the LOC and cut off the supply lines that would reduced your causalities in half according to your own defense experts/analysts ... What stopped you then ?

Do not tell me you were naive enough not to realize it afterwards ... Yeah that is the point , kid ... The nukes ! You were telling us how nukes didn't stop Indians from retaking their land , forgetting that no one dared cross the LOC to Northern Areas because of ! :D

Oh , I wont ... Check the Kargil thread ...

After 1947, most attacks on the Northern Border have been about 'capturing Kashmir or wresting it out of Indian control, as you may like to call it'. None of the attacks have achieved that Goal. Militancy was used as a strategic tool and it backfired and you're losing kith and kin on daily basis. No doubt, we lost 20 years of peace and peace is still not completely there in valley, but it has come up a long way from the days of late 90's and early 2000's.

Kargil peaks were captured to control the Leh highway - Though I could never understand what the hell were your planners thinking. Your administration ended up disowning the bodies of your fallen as not their own ad you still don't control the highway. Other than being disgraceful, it was an avoidable loss.

So, fact is, after Indian intervention in the "erstwhile" princely state of J&K, Pakistan hasn't been able to take anything more from J&K (Except taking the peace away; if you want credit for something). Yes, it has succeeded in spreading terrorism in the valley, though you suffer more from it today than us. You give it any twist, the facts remain there.

Having said that, I must also have the gumption to admit that our Politicians have been rather weak at being aggressive. Our administration has been super poor at managing our soldiers at times and that led to us losing men for avoidable reasons. We lost soldiers in Kargil and we did lose some to poor planning of our planners, some to the 'hitting from the hills-busting the ground' challenge of Kargil hills and some simply because attrition and losses are a part of any battle. Fact also is that we were attacked, we were found 'un-prepared' and then 'under-prepared' when we were faced with the reality of the infiltration. So, personally, I see that India 'letting something like Kargil happen' itself as very shameful. We paid heavy price for it, recovered the area and painted Pakistan as the aggressor'. Net result - Stupid mistakes, big losses and consolitory victory (as letting it happen itself was a big lapse, as I see it). But what did you guys gain? Anyways those discussions will never end, I guess.

Any updates on the ALC from the other side's press? Is it generally peaceful with small skirmishes or too frequent firing being reported?
Troller of Blastistan get a life.You guys rape and harass your womenfolk more than us but you keep that under cover.

ooo i see ! Enlighten us the citizen of the country whos capital is also the rape capital of the world! :rofl::rofl: @Icewolf , @Zarvan im having fun!
India rejects Pakistan proposal for UN probe into LoC incident - TOI Mobile | The Times of India Mobile Site

For the first time, securitymen kill more civilians than terrorists in J&K - Times Of India
And go lick cyanide now i mean my dust! Sweet dreams!
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But what did you guys gain? Anyways those discussions will never end, I guess.

Any updates on the ALC from the other side's press? Is it generally peaceful with small skirmishes or too frequent firing being reported?

I was quoting a troll post which is turn quoted another and now you quoted me :D ... Why do you think Pakistan was able to rally support , mate ? ... Well , Pakistan hasn't achieved anything after capturing 37% of Kashmir from India ( since Maharaja signed the instrument and we fought for one whole year with Indian Army ) , that is a fact ... There's no denying ... About Kargil , I was answering him on the role " nuclear weapons " played , not letting India cross the LOC or IB ... Yes , these discussion will continue to ad infinitum ...

Firing is going on still , I am quite sure the ceasefire is over now ...

Did you forgot Mukhtar bibi ??In between why are you posting these irrelevant stupid link time and again??
I think you need to read my signature , (you Pakistani raped 400000 yes 4 lakh girls during 1971 )to know in whose blood lines does DNA of rape is hardwired.
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I was quoting a troll post which is turn quoted another and now you quoted me :D ... Why do you think Pakistan was able to rally support , mate ? ... Well , Pakistan hasn't achieved anything after capturing 37% of Kashmir from India ( since Maharaja signed the instrument and we fought for one whole year with Indian Army ) , that is a fact ... There's no denying ... About Kargil , I was answering him on the role " nuclear weapons " played , not letting India cross the LOC or IB ... Yes , these discussion will continue to ad infinitum ...
Firing is going on still , I am quite sure the ceasefire is over now ...
What have you got on fighting for Kashmir ?
I was quoting a troll post which is turn quoted another and now you quoted me :D ... Well , Pakistan hasn't achieved anything after capturing 37% of Kashmir from India ( since Maharaja signed the instrument and we fought for one whole year ) , that is a fact ... There's no denying ... About Kargil , I was answering him on the role " nuclear weapons " played , not letting India cross the LOC or IB ... Yes , these discussion will continue to ad infinitum ...

Firing is going on still , I am quite sure the ceasefire is over now ...

I will pass the first part, because we are measuring it from different points (as I find it peaceful to my mind to pardon the stupidity of our first PM - on not allowing an earlier intervention). Till then, you count your km2 and I stay at my peace that my town was the first one where IA landed in 1948 :) And let's leave it for a day you and I feel the need to really slug it out or are badly bruised by work frustrations ;)

On ceasefire... I hope and am reasonably sure, the tensions will de-escalate... firing is a reality. i don't understand why people believed that there was no firing since 2003. I am sure peace will find a way back. In the long term, peace has to find a way... Amen!
@Secur: the talks were back-channel talks so neither side has divulged exact details but there would have been compromises on both sides...Mush spoke about it in a 2011 interview, you can find more links on the Web:

This sort of bold deal making is not possible unless Pak Army directly talks to GoI w/o middlemen

Of course ... Still I liked to know if anything was leaked to the public , if it was done in agreement why did it take so long to implement ? What sort of compromises , bro ? I know Musharraf's speech but they were always murky and ambiguous regarding this plan whatever it was , I do not know ...

Astonishes me , that person was generally considered very hostile to India , right ? Yet he was the first to initiate any meaningful peace talks with India , any civilian Govt hasn't done that ... You are making some very wild speculations , something is cooking up true ... But the reason is too early to guess ...
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I will pass the first part, because we are measuring it from different points (as I find it peaceful to my mind to pardon the stupidity of our first PM - on not allowing an earlier intervention). Till then, you count your km2 and I stay at my peace that my town was the first one where IA landed in 1948 :) And let's leave it for a day you and I feel the need to really slug it out or are badly bruised by work frustrations ;)

On ceasefire... I hope and am reasonably sure, the tensions will de-escalate... firing is a reality. i don't understand why people believed that there was no firing since 2003. I am sure peace will find a way back. In the long term, peace has to find a way... Amen!

Well , we haven't pardoned our first Army Chief who disobeyed orders from Jinnah :D ... We like to blame people , someone has to be the fall guy , sometimes the causes are genuine , I agree but putting the blame on people needlessly even is in our nature ... But mostly these are blunders done by the leaders ... Anyways , let us leave it there ...

Well , they sure will de-escalate over time ... Not that sort of " routine " firing to make your presence known to other ( not literally ) but continuous firing aimed at army posts ... Yes , it has to find a way , otherwise the subcontinent's condition wont improve , never ... R.I.P to the dead ...
No PR6/2013-ISPR Dated: January 15, 2013

Rawalpindi - January 15, 2013:

Indian troops again resorted to cease fire violation and carried out unprovoked
firing this evening at Line of Control in Hot Spring and Jandrot sectors from
2200 to 2300 Hours. Resultantly Naik Ashraf embraced Shahadat at Kundi Post
due to unprovoked Indian firing. Naik Ashraf is survived by a wife and 3 daughters.

Last Updated: 16/01/2013

Welcome to ISPR


RIP soldier.
Of course ... Still I liked to know if anything was leaked to the public , if it was done in agreement why did it take so long to implement ? What sort of compromises , bro ? I know Musharraf's speech but they were always murky and ambiguous regarding this plan whatever it was , I do not know ...

Astonishes me , that person was generally considered very hostile to India , right ? Yet he was the first to initiate any meaningful peace talks with India , any civilian Govt hasn't done that ... You are making some very wild speculations , something is cooking up true ... But the reason is too early to guess ...

Well, Musharraf was thought (in India) to be a mad maverick when he was COAS and masterminded Kargil which was a senseless plan....but when he took over the country and started meaningful discussions, GoI realized they could do business with him...

Why did the deal not happen? Musharraf got booted out so no deal happened. What did happen was the incompetent "democratic" PPP got elected to power which could neither influence nor control actions happening in their own country....direct result was LeT planning and executing the Nov 2008 Mumbai attack.

If Musharraf had continued, would the 2008 Mumbai attacks still have happened? Maybe...but maybe not.

All I'm saying is your current civilian government does not benefit India at all...it cannot act boldly on issues like Kashmir nor can it prevent terror attacks against India from being planned on its soil. It is frankly useless to India....
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