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Indian Aggression at LOC: Another Pakistan Army Soldier Martyred

Watching and reading the whole episode, the beheading etc. particularly, some times I wonder that if Pakistan actually is psychologically stronger than India. I mean for how long can India tolerate the threat to it that emanate from Pakistan: terrorism, insurgency, violations at LoC and the general aggression from Pakistan etc.? I don't know if I am wrong, but if we (Afghanistan) had one tenth of the military strength India has one would be wondering to think if Pakistan would actually eff around with us the way it does with India.

By the way, it is sad enough to see a young person loosing his life and the anguish his family has to through. RIP to the soldier.

India uses covert means to take revenge. India does not feel the need to glorify itself but rather gives the message to those it matters.
Watching and reading the whole episode, the beheading etc. particularly, some times I wonder that if Pakistan actually is psychologically stronger than India. I mean for how long can India tolerate the threat to it that emanate from Pakistan: terrorism, insurgency, violations at LoC and the general aggression from Pakistan etc.? I don't know if I am wrong, but if we (Afghanistan) had one tenth of the military strength India has one would be wondering to think if Pakistan would actually eff around with us the way it does with India.

Dude, its all about how much are you willing to lose. Pakistan today has pretty much nothing so it can saber rattle all it wants.. India on the other hand has aspirations other that effing around with Pakistan. Hence tries to avoid a street fight.

One of my mates in the army once answered this very eloquently.. He quoted a famous saying " When you wrestle with a pig, both of your get dirty.. but the pig was dirty to begin with"
BTW I think it can be a false news...BSF @ LOC...sounds fishy..
If it happened congrats to IA, kill as much as you can. All the best.
Watching and reading the whole episode, the beheading etc. particularly, some times I wonder that if Pakistan actually is psychologically stronger than India. I mean for how long can India tolerate the threat to it that emanate from Pakistan: terrorism, insurgency, violations at LoC and the general aggression from Pakistan etc.? I don't know if I am wrong, but if we (Afghanistan) had one tenth of the military strength India has one would be wondering to think if Pakistan would actually eff around with us the way it does with India.
By the way, it is sad enough to see a young person loosing his life and the anguish his family has to through. RIP to the soldier.
Answers lie in 450 million poor people. 1.2 billions to feed. Economic progress is must to save people from dying of hunger, diseases, due to contaminated water, unhygenic conditions.

Even if we go for war, first we will loss thousands and may be millions if nukes are used. Economic downfall after tha will kill more.

What would you chose, skirmishes at border and saving people from death by hunger or going out for all out war and being responsible for millions of life ?
I have no links for 700+ Indian soldiers , you mean ? :azn: I am talking about facts , not some made up story reported by a certain unnamed commander killing a battalion strength soldiers of Pakistan Army , I am sure these were inspired by some Bollywood story :D ... Military sources like Xeric ? @Xeric ... Talking about naive , its about time you learn what is meant by battalion strength ...

You are being naive to think that one has to kill the whole battalion to destroy it's command center.
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Watching and reading the whole episode, the beheading etc. particularly, some times I wonder that if Pakistan actually is psychologically stronger than India. I mean for how long can India tolerate the threat to it that emanate from Pakistan: terrorism, insurgency, violations at LoC and the general aggression from Pakistan etc.? I don't know if I am wrong, but if we (Afghanistan) had one tenth of the military strength India has one would be wondering to think if Pakistan would actually eff around with us the way it does with India.

By the way, it is sad enough to see a young person loosing his life and the anguish his family has to through. RIP to the soldier.

Who cares about A'stan You better focus on fighting Talibans and take ur refugees back.
Watching and reading the whole episode, the beheading etc. particularly, some times I wonder that if Pakistan actually is psychologically stronger and atop of India in this whole tit for tat thing and posturing.

Beheadings happen on both sides..just they dont make the news..but this time it made it.

Also Pakistan is ratcheting up the pressure in order to rally the nation behind the army using the time tested Indian bogeyman threat. Nothing else.

What the hell is going on. Another family bereaved because two artificial entities can not stop playing games.

Im not sure how India became an artificial entity..:)
You are being naive to think that one has to kill the whole battalion to destroy it's command center.

Actually you are naive to think that it ever happened since it was never reported by either IA/PA or any other sources :D ... Except your fantasy daily of course ... You still do not understand how much soldiers does a battalion has !
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