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Indian AF to Buy 64 Indigenous Combat Helos

Late ??? they were buying 114 of them and not to mention they are also paying for the development of armed version of Dhruv which will be around 50-60 out of that order of 165 dhruvs.

ALH is around since a decade. IA woke up suddenly after Arjun MBT scandal and threw a few bucks for "modified" version of ALH, to save their embarrassed faces. And, still majority of ALH development was funded by HAL, not Army. So, Army has benefited heavily and in undue manner from tax-money funded R&D.
happens everywhere - who are thee army or iaf or drdo people.

they Are just few random people out of ordinary indians. corrupt , lazy and careless.

but - not all are same , there are army people who want indian products but some times the quality is not matched. Reason being they take Indian market for granted .

That's a silly and pathetic argument.

Indian Army is not some NGO or Social-corporate bank run by local corrupt political leaders. So, this is absolutely ridiculous on your part to say, "we all are corrupt. So why make such big fuss about it if Army is corrupt too?"

Ironically, this "take it easy" attitude is what has made Indians a puppet of foreign weapon suppliers and Indian public is realising it now. It can be seen from the way Arjun MBT scandal came out in media.

These arguments are not acceptable anymore. Corruption is corruption and corruption in IA is unacceptable under any excuse.
can some one explain the bold part....i taught it derived from alh

Hi bhagat, to put too much in that sentece, it's just playing with words to make LCH more different, but the fact is, it is a derivated from Dhruv!
LCH is not a complete new development, but based on Dhruv. It not only uses the same engine, transmission, but also all weapons and most avionics / electronics that are used in the Dhruv WSI as well. The difference is, that the WSI is a Dhruv with additional combat capability, while LCH was completely developed for combats only.
One could say LCH is a re-designed Dhruv WSI:




P.S. 3 Pages of talk and nobody thanked the thread starter?
Now, I rest my case here, before trolls jump in.

Coming back to the topic, its a great news!

Its a vindication of Indian combat helicopter designers and engineers. Congrats to them!
Yeh...certain systems are common....But that does not indicate LCH is an ALH derivative.

1. Structure completely different,
2. Landing Gear completely different,
3. Hovering, maneuvering added

Its a complete attack helicopter....whereas ALH is not....

Hovering and manoeuvring added? come on man, i think u dint get the words right.

an Attack helicopter will always have better manoeuvrability as it is a prime requirment of attack helicopter.
as far as hovering is concerned i m not sure on wat basis u have stated that sentence.
That mean a single LCH gonna cost 25million dollar including RnD cost,spare parts,training ,servicing and maintenance
How did you manage to reach this calculation ?? Its never said that spare, servicing, training and maintenance is included in this 1.4 billion $ deal.
Also that 22 choppers deal is worth 600 million dollars but we are purchasing many missiles and other parts along with that and thats why the deal is 1.4 billion $.
Now if spares, training, servicing and maintenance is not included in that 1.4 billion dollar LCH deal then its not a fair assessment.

the benefits are not in cost. Think of future buddy, how this $1.4 Billion funding will help HAL improve its own infrastructure and recruit better talent.

I can tell you, future is bright if IAF shows a little more trust(AND $$) in domestic products, R&D.

LCH is just beginning. It is first combat helicopter HAL has attempted to design and they succeeded. That's marvelous! Comparatively, other foreign players had to go through many rough patches.

Why take away credit for no reason?
he benefits are not in cost. Think of future buddy, how this $1.4 Billion funding will help HAL improve its own infrastructure and recruit better talent.
I didn't meant that....what i am trying to ask is whether LCH cost is somewhat close to Apache ?? Which is far more superior to LCH. I would really hope that this project doesnot stop over here and HAL goes for Heavy attack chopper also.
Also this is not funding....Its a normal deal but yeah good for HAL.

ALH is around since a decade. IA woke up suddenly after Arjun MBT scandal and threw a few bucks for "modified" version of ALH, to save their embarrassed faces. And, still majority of ALH development was funded by HAL, not Army. So, Army has benefited heavily and in undue manner from tax-money funded R&D.
I think he was talking about LCH. Everybody knows that IA was purchasing 114 ans IAF 64 of them so how come its a delay. After this deal IA will be operating maximum number of attack choppers in Asia (atleast thats what a report said although i am not sure).
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