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India, your name could be Bangladesh

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Why do Bangladeshis call their restaurants Indian?

Should they be allowed to?

india shouldnt be allowed to call itself india as pakistan and bd are also part of indian subcontinent! change your name to central india.
india shouldnt be allowed to call itself india as pakistan and bd are also part of indian subcontinent! change your name to central india.

From 1947, we have distinct names for our countries.

Do you not believe in the finality of partition?

They are not calling them the "Indian subcontinental" restaurants, are they?
india shouldnt be allowed to call itself india as pakistan and bd are also part of indian subcontinent! change your name to central india.

There is no such thing as Indian sub continent, according to Pakistanis that term is a RAW conspiracy :laughcry:
the people of West Bengal should join their brothers/sisters across the border.

the 1971 Peoples Revolution isnt complete yet. Hopefully it will be one day :D
the people of Bengal will always remain loyal to their motherland which is India and if someone want to show their solidarity with Bangladesh we'll simply kick them out of Bengal!and lastly Kolkata has always been the epicentre of Bengali culture and intellect and Kolkatans are proud Indians because there will be no Bengal and Bengali culture without India(this is from a Bengali himself who is also a proud Indian)!

BD have nothing to do with India, an entity that was not there before 1947. Though we won't mind if our W.bengali brothers decide to affirm their Bangladeshi identity and join us. Afterall they live in land that was historically part of muslim Bengal.

If citizens in India affirm their identity as per this geopolitical set up I believe it would be then both politically and culturally correct. It will propel S.asia to a era of harmony and prosperity:

maqte iwould recommend you to participate in the Laughter Challenge contest coz you are quite an entertainer(btw is every Bangaldeshi this much entertainer like you):woot:
the people of West Bengal should join their brothers/sisters across the border.

the 1971 Peoples Revolution isnt complete yet. Hopefully it will be one day :D

Guess which revolution is all set to complete very soon. ;)

Yes, you got it. A united Pakhtoonistan. You will be reunited with the Bar Pakhtoons and live happily ever after under the Talibs.

I know some of you may not relish the prospect. ;)
well, arabic origin is technically incorrect . many of us have Afghan origin, who migrated around 1400-1600 after muslim conquest . 99% of east bengal was jungle area, it had very small hindu population .new settlers converted jungle into farm land and quickly outnumbered local hindus as the land of plenty attracted new settlers from rough afghan terrain. muslim community grew stronger and formed jamindaris outmuscling local hindu community. the religion islam attracted darker low caste hindus and a mass conversion of lower caste took place . we present day bengalis are a peculiar mixture of these two groups.

Interesting. I however have not seen any Bangladeshis that look/belong to the former group (of Afghans) in my life...

Question: Why do so many of you Bangladeshis still practice Hindu culture even after converting? I mean things like wearing the Sari (which many Islamic scholars call unislamic as it shows skin), putting the tilak on forehead, wearing bangles, and still using a language derived from Sanskrit (a holy Hindu language).

DO you see a day when finally you Bangladeshis will stop stealing our Hindu culture and heritage? Will I finally see a day when BD (known as descendants of Afghans) wears Burkhas (without bangles) and stops doing tilak on forehead like Afghans do (and stop pretending to be Indians/Hindus)? Or are we stuck with you identity-confused entities for a long time?
BD have nothing to do with India, an entity that was not there before 1947. Though we won't mind if our W.bengali brothers decide to affirm their Bangladeshi identity and join us. Afterall they live in land that was historically part of muslim Bengal.

If citizens in India affirm their identity as per this geopolitical set up I believe it would be then both politically and culturally correct. It will propel S.asia to a era of harmony and prosperity:

What history? For most of the period of Indian civilization, Islam didn't even exist, let alone a Muslim Bengal. Or is it that your history only 8 centuries old?!
Turkic is 100% Bengali? dumbest statement made ever.

Islamic is. We still follow the rich Bengal culture. Just not the hindu parts. Anyway, West Bengal lost all its credibility as Bengali once it went under Delhi
Question: Why do so many of you Bangladeshis still practice Hindu culture even after converting? I mean things like wearing the Sari (which many Islamic scholars call unislamic as it shows skin), putting the tilak on forehead, still using a language derived from Sanskrit (a holy Hindu language).

What do you want them to do? Wear burkhas and sing al-habibi.. al-habibi in desert? Their ancestors may have been forced to convert but one cannot convert ones sense of ethnic identity.
"Bangladeshis have ancestral roots back to Arabia" :hitwall:
I had respect for Bengali education system. Don't tell me you learnt this in school.
wtf,you had respect for the bangaldeshi education system!man you must have been smoking something weird these days!their education system is such f**ked up that many of them cross the border and come to Bengal for higher studies,after all Bengali education system has an enormous reputation of producing scores of world famous Bengali scientists and intellects like Jagadish Chandra Bose(F.R.S. and one of the fathers of radio science),Satyendra Bose(theory of Bose-Einstein condensate and A Fellow of Royal Society),R.N.Tagore(Nobel Laureate),Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy(eminent chemist,first non-European to receive the Chemical Landmark Plaque),Prasanta Mahalanobish(discoverer of Mahalanobish Distance) etc.when it comes to the Art stream we have produced Academy award winning direxctor like Satyajit Roy,eminent bengali directors Mrinal Sen,Ritwick Ghatak etc.then we have the Nobel Laureate in Economic Dr.Amartya Sen.so i think you can clearly pick the difference here:cheers:(btw i am a Bengali myself)!
I agree with passage of time, we have become more similar to pure Indic Bengalis and we proudly say we are Bengalis but I was trying to refute your compatriots statement who said we are part of Indian civilization which we are not.

As I said we came at 12th century and frankly speaking the fragile Indic Bengalis couldn't even put up a fight. Are you interested in knowing how we conquered the entire Bengal in the first place...???:rofl: :rofl: That old Indic fool Ballal Sen didn't even dare to fight and escaped on a donkey's back while trying to fix his dhuti after he heard about the approaching Arab General Bakhtiar Khilji. :lol: :lol:
Such is our legacy. Okay let me put it this way, we came, we saw and we conquered!!! :sniper:
I think our ancestors expected a better show from the Indic Bengalis... but they proved to be a disappointment. :hitwall:

BD have nothing to do with India, an entity that was not there before 1947. Though we won't mind if our W.bengali brothers decide to affirm their Bangladeshi identity and join us. Afterall they live in land that was historically part of muslim Bengal.

If citizens in India affirm their identity as per this geopolitical set up I believe it would be then both politically and culturally correct. It will propel S.asia to a era of harmony and prosperity:

Don't know what they teach you in history but we look at you guys as cowardly converts who sold their souls and are trying desperately to get a new identity, history and even genealogy.

None of that changes the facts.

It is a common issue with Muslim converts everywhere. You are just a bit more pathetic.

Yes, that's a compliment and you can take heart from it.

And yes, you weakling "sell your soul" converts can keep up your wet dreams. None of us wants to touch you with a sharp edged barge pole.
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